Chapter 104
At this time, in a suburb next to Nanshan, Xu Tian's figure appeared instantly, just like that out of thin air,
If it is seen by passers-by, they will be surprised and speechless,
"Okay, you can come out,"

I saw the Immortal Mansion resurfaced again, but this time it turned into a very simple house, located at the foot of the mountain,
Rong Nianbing and the others jumped out from behind the door one after another, but their strengths had undergone completely different changes.

Everyone's aura became stronger, and even Bing Xin became more calm, making it difficult to see her true strength.
Xu Tian was very satisfied with his training, he couldn't help but squeezed his chin and sighed,
"I didn't expect that you guys are really talented. I'm afraid there is no one in the world who can improve so fast,"

When Rong Nianbing heard this compliment, he felt extremely sweet in his heart, but he still said softly, "Thanks to your cultivation method being effective, otherwise we wouldn't be able to achieve such a fast cultivation result no matter how hard we work,"

The previous stewardess also cautiously walked out from behind the door, clasping her hands together, not knowing what to do.
Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes. . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where are we, can we?"

Before she dared to continue, she thought that Xu Tian could serve her willingly with her beauty.
But now she noticed Xu Tian, ​​none of these women is simple,

What's more, they are warriors, how could she dare to compete with these warriors?
"If you have nothing to do, please go back. Walk 10 kilometers east from here, and you should be able to see the road. As for the rest, you can figure it out by yourself. After all, it's not like you haven't done things like exchanging your body for chips. Pass."

As soon as Xu Tian said these words, the stewardess immediately felt her face turn red. She didn't expect that Xu Tian would say everything she had done, one by one.

She really felt that she couldn't hold back, and hurriedly ran away in embarrassment, not wanting to have any more entanglements with these people. . . .

Suddenly a golden light enveloped the flight attendant's whole body, and then the flight attendant's eyes fell into chaos, and her mind was extremely heavy.

But when she regained consciousness again, she turned around and found that Xu Tian was no longer there, she couldn't help scratching her head in surprise,

"Hey, what happened to me just now? Where is this place? It's so strange,"

When the figure of the stewardess disappeared into the forest, the figures of Xu Tian and the others reappeared in the forest.
"Xu Tian, ​​what should we do next?"

Xu Tian shook his head slightly, "It's not in a hurry, I believe someone will come soon,"

Rong Nianbing couldn't help being surprised, "Our positioning systems have been destroyed, so what can I use to find us?"

Xu Tian showed a mysterious smile, and then pointed to his feet, "This is a place with very strong magnetic interference. If Wu Jianfeng really had a brain, he would definitely send someone to search for these places. After all, our satellites The phone failed at the same time, with his IQ I believe he will not let me down,"

Swish. Swish. Swish.. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Just as Xu Tian finished speaking, the surrounding bushes suddenly remembered a strange movement, and there were a few barking dogs not far away, but it seemed very far away.

"You guys are waiting here, I'll go see what's going on 11
After Xu Tian finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place.

Throwing these three people where they are, he doesn't need to worry at all, how can I say that Bing Wushuang's strength is about to break through now,
I don't know what kind of ability she will show after breaking through the peak of Jindan?
Xu Tian hid his body on a very thick tree. He noticed a few guys in night clothes below who were groping forward cautiously. At the same time, they were working hard with various strange instruments in their hands What are you searching for?
Obviously, there are many warriors mixed in, they rely on their own spiritual power to create a strong perception of the outside world,
I am afraid that in the past a mouse could easily spot it,
But Xu Tian couldn't help frowning, he found that these people had the same characteristics,
That is, they are all short in stature, and they look like monkeys when they walk.
Coupled with the fact that the two of them were talking in a foreign language just now, Xu Tian can be sure that this is definitely not from Wu Jianfeng and the others, and has nothing to do with the Monster Hunting Bureau.

"You guys don't miss any details, even if a branch is broken, don't think it's just a normal thing,"


"We understand!"

A few people bowed down to answer respectfully, and then devoted themselves to the search again,
Suddenly the path that the stewardess was walking was discovered. After all, the broken branches and the short grass proved that a person was passing by.

The figure of one of the bosses flickered instantly, and squatted down to check carefully at the place where he found it.

However, after a while, he stood up and shook his head slightly, "The smell of a woman is in the air, what we are looking for is not a woman, you bloody bastard,"

After finishing speaking, the man was very angry, clenched his fists tightly, and directly blasted his companion away with one punch,
I saw that the guy who was blown away was already dead. .

The body directly penetrates the tree trunk and hangs on the branches, floating with the wind. The people around can't help but feel chills watching this scene, but they don't say much.
After all, the identities of myself and others are here, and this man is their leader.

Xu Tian not only shook his head, "I didn't expect these people to be so cruel to their own people. It seems that these people are here to find me. If that's the case, let's play first."

Xu Tian's figure slowly disappeared, disappeared on the tree, and even his breath was completely covered up.

And this black-clothed team with 20 people, at this moment because a companion was sacrificed just now, they only have 19 people left.
These night clothes are enough to prove that they have been carrying out search missions since night, and they did not dare to relax even in the daytime.

Xu Tian carefully touched one of the guys who looked very tired and was panting loudly even when he was walking, and quietly touched behind him, he had already prepared a dagger in his hand,

Without making a sound, Xu Tian directly covered the man's mouth with his hand, and at the same time the dagger in his hand cut his throat with a little force, but the smell of blood in the air could not help but make the search dogs in front a little vigilant, but Feel the power of these men, these hunting dog roots
I didn't dare to say anything,

Just "woo woo woo" and walked forward
(End of this chapter)

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