Chapter 106 Who is the prey

But from the information they collected, they can clearly understand Xu Tian's strength, but they have also developed a unique set of tactics,

I saw 10 men in black attacking Xu Tian from various angles. At the same time, they stretched their hands into their arms together, and a white jade pendant appeared,
The energy body filled in this jade pendant is extremely powerful, and at the same time puppets are summoned out of this jade pendant,

It's all due to the knights and warriors wearing armor, but their empty helmets obviously don't have any support under them, so a set of armor appears out of thin air,
But he can control the giant sword in his hand and slash wantonly!
Xu Tian put the Excalibur across his chest, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Ding
Sparks shot out all of a sudden, and the swords in the hands of these warriors broke directly, but in the next second, countless black air surged in and restored the giant swords in the hands of the warriors to their original state. Attack Xu Tian,
Every time the body is traumatized, several clusters of black air will emerge from the ground, completely repairing its body,

Then he roared again, swung the huge sword in his hand and slashed towards Xu Tian,

Don't look at the seemingly slow movements of these armors, but the strength in their hands is not weak at all,

For a moment, dozens of warriors and knights riding gray horses emerged one after another, forming a group around Xu Tian and launching an attack into the circle.

For a moment, the golden light shone, and Xu Tian was wrapped in it.

With the complete defense of the King Kong Indestructible Body, he doesn't worry about being traumatized at all,

At the same time, the divine sword in his hand kept slashing outwards, and an extremely domineering golden light swung out directly, killing a large group of armored warriors at the same time.
But in the next second, black air poured out from the ground again, restoring these warriors to their original state.
Xu Tian couldn't help frowning, "This is really a difficult formation!
Seeing the ten black-clothed men forming an array in the distance, the jade pendants in their hands before were actually placed between their eyebrows at the moment. At the same time, the eyes of these black-clothed men turned white, and they were manipulating strange handprints on their hands. I don't know what weird spells are muttering in the middle,

It seems that we have to deal with you first!

Xu Tian's figure disappeared instantly, and at the same time, his eyes burst into light.
"Sword Soul Divine Record!"

It seemed like a slow blow, but it shot out a very domineering sword aura. The whole body of the divine sword was completely wrapped in gold, and the sword aura it slashed out was even more powerful and destructive.

At a distance of tens of meters around, no matter what kind of creature was cut off, even a century-old giant tree broke apart out of thin air, and fell to the ground with a bang.

But how could these men in black expect Xu Tian's attack range to be so far away, completely ignoring these dozens of armored warriors with powerful regenerative abilities,
Seeing that sword energy also coaxing towards his face, but these men in black have no way to avoid it,
After all, relying on the spiritual power in their bodies to maintain the operation of the jade pendant is already the maximum limit...

Puff puff! ! !
These unlucky men in black were cut in two, and in an instant there were still 20 people in the team, only the leader and the two younger brothers were left.
The leader looked at Xu Tian cautiously, and slowly stretched his hand behind him. With a 'whoosh', a broken palm appeared at the leader's feet. He looked at his arm in disbelief. The flesh and bones are even more vivid,
At the same time, bursts of blood were sprayed out, dyeing his face red. Xu Tian's bloodthirsty eyes were resting on the leader, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
It's just that this smile looks so penetrating at this moment, the hearts of the only three remaining men in black are constantly shivering, and cold sweat is already oozing from their backs.

"Leader, let's run, we are not his opponents at all!"

One of the black-clothed men fled backwards, looking so embarrassed that he even lost his shoes.

He had even forgotten that he was a martial artist, and he ran desperately on the ground with only his legs,
How could Xu Tian give up and leave so easily, summoning another flying sword again,
With a bang, the man in black fell to the ground.

And a hole was pierced in his chest by the flying sword, which was his most vulnerable place,
The flying sword returned to Xu Tian's body again, and at the same time Xu Tian also took back the divine sword in his hand, and also took back all the Vajra Immortal Body on his body, calmly facing the leader,
"How? Are you going to catch me now? If you can answer me a few questions, then I don't mind letting you go"

A trace of doubt flashed across the leader's face, he didn't expect Xu Tian to kill him,
But his purpose is very obvious, "You must want to know who sent us here..."

Seeing that the leader communicated with Xu Tian in a very neat tone, Xu Tian couldn't help nodding, "It seems that you are quite sensible, so I don't need to ask more questions, you will explain this matter in detail. Let’s explain the ins and outs clearly.”

But the leader showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and he couldn't help but spread his hands and said helplessly, "We are only following orders. After all, the bounty for this matter is as much as [-] million. I'm afraid no one can give up."

Xu Tian didn't say a word, just fixed his eyes on the leader's face, but he didn't expect that the leader didn't lie, with a very sincere expression on his face, it seemed that he really didn't know anything,
It's difficult to find him only after receiving the bounty mission, but those people are trying so hard to catch him, I'm afraid this matter will never be so simple,
"Then do you know that there are other organizations that have accepted this bounty mission?"

The leader nodded slowly and answered with certainty, "There are still 5 mercenary squads, their strength is far superior to ours, and we are well aware of our lack of strength, so we came all night and desperately searched for it, but I didn't expect it, you You are really strong, I underestimated you!"

Xu Tian didn't want to listen to these flattering words at all.

The last two men in black fell to the ground without a sound, and a gap was cut between their throats.
The bright red blood flowed from their necks, and there was a panting sound of 'hush', but they could no longer breathe the fresh air here,
As for the corpses in the barren mountains and old forests, there is no need to deal with them. I am afraid that no one will visit here for decades.
Only these guys with mysterious identities and evil intentions deserve to die. Xu Tian stayed in place for a long time, and found that there was no more breath around.

It seems that the so-called mercenaries mentioned by the leader have not come here yet

, which made Xu Tian feel bored.

(End of this chapter)

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