Chapter 122 Me, Xu Tian
Xu Tian's figure stood upright in midair again, and the thundercloud above his head hadn't dissipated yet. He could feel that the demon had not been completely killed by him,

Especially the strong coercion and murderous aura in the air let Xu Tian know that there will be a fierce battle ahead,
Let me be good, your defense is really amazing

It's really incomparable with that little devil, but if you kill it, I'm afraid your energy value will also skyrocket for me.

"System! Show me what abilities he has, and his state. If I kill him, how much energy will I get!"

"Ding dong! The demon in front of me is in the middle of the transformation stage. If you kill it, you can get 2 million energy points. Please work hard~~~"

Hearing what the system said so clearly, Xu Tian almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood in the air, and even his body softened and almost fell down.
"It's easy to say, casually kill a demon in the transformation stage, do you really think that I am invincible? Don't even give me a big gift bag!"

Think about it, it has been a long time since I got the gift bag last time, I have not encountered a hidden mission,
"Is there any hidden mission in the system? Tell me a little bit, we are so close, don't you think so?"

After a long time, the system didn't make a sound, Xu Tian covered his forehead and said, "Forget it! I don't have any hope for you."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for triggering the hidden mission, please kill the mid-stage demon in front of you!"

I didn't expect that the demon's realm was about to catch up with me. No wonder I didn't kill him easily in the fight just now, but instead angered the demon's anger even more.

Rong Nian Bing Wushuang, who was far away from the periphery, was extremely shocked. Standing at a high altitude, she looked down,

I found that the place I was in just now has been razed to the ground, and the blackened land may no longer be able to grow any living things.

The devil suddenly stood still in place. He was completely lost in anger just now, but at this moment he was suddenly extremely calm, his eyes fixed on Xu Tian,

Xu Tian didn't know what the devil meant, but the divine sword still hadn't been withdrawn, and the Vajra Indestructible Body on his body was still running, but he didn't know that the Dao scriptures were running in his body at this moment, and it was constantly recovering what he had used before. The consumption of various sword techniques,
The devil suddenly said, "Immortal cultivator, believe that I should have the right to know your name?" "

Xu Tian didn't know what the devil's plan was, but he still replied in a cold tone,

"Xu Tian!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't say a word, but the fighting spirit on his body was still there, and the coercion of his whole body was released suddenly, locking the demon's whole body,
After all, I don't know what kind of medicine this demon is selling in the gourd, so Xu Tian also needs to be on the defensive to prevent being attacked from behind.
Just like the little devil I met before, he always likes to attack from behind,

But this time the devil suddenly raised his hand and scratched his head, then said in a positive tone, patted his chest, "If you are willing to join our team, I believe you will get more powerful training, don't you want to see your realm?" What does it look like to get to the end?"

Faced with such doubts, Xu Tian knew that this demon wanted to win him over to join him, but he was still a human being, no matter what organization he joined, he would never join forces with demons, not to mention that these guys obviously never did good things.
Xu Tian stretched out his finger and kept shaking it in the air, his face was full of sarcasm, and he said in a very disdainful tone, "Don't think that I don't know what you are planning, not to mention that your so-called organization is just some careless people who want to kill It's just a guy, not to mention that you are born from the heart, with such an ugly face, I'm afraid you don't have any good things in your heart."

Although Xu Tian said so, the devil still didn't care, as if he was very determined in his heart and wanted to persuade Xu Tian to join him,
Then he threw out the bait again, "Don't you want to know how our demon family reproduced? Aren't you surprised when you saw our family for the first time?"

The question was reminded by the devil, Xu Tian suddenly felt that there were still many questions in his heart.

I wanted to ask that little devil before but accidentally killed him directly, isn't this just a chance to solve my doubts?

Xu Tian took back the Excalibur, and the Vajra Indestructible Body on his body stayed on his body all the time, and when he fell back to the ground, he confronted the demon like this.

At the same time, he asked aloud, "I'm just curious about how Sun Qitian released you. I believe this kind of weird summoning technique will never be spread in the world. You must have used some methods to let him learn it?"


The devil suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his eyes were full of approval. He even imitated the movements of humans and pointed his thumb at Xu Tian.
"Yes, part of what you said is correct. Our family was born in the dark world, but it is extremely difficult to come to this parallel world, but there are always people who tear the space apart because of their excessive strength. The cracks created gaps, and the little guy who uttered wild words just now accidentally blasted open the cracks in space when he was practicing physical skills."

"And I happened to be around the crack, so we reached a contract. I can teach him to summon the spell of our family, and I can promise to help him kill anyone. In the past few years, the little ones I killed There are countless human beings!"

"It's just that I couldn't completely break through this boundary at that time, but I believe you also saw it just now, I stretched the gap in the space again, and I am standing in front of you now, as for the human being just now died. Nothing serious."

Xu Tian did not expect that Sun Qitian, who has always been proud, would be used by the devil. Maybe he never thought that he would eventually become someone else's pawn and lose his life plan.
He who was still yearning for the highest realm, has now turned into dust in the air,
After the demon explained, he asked again, "Why don't you consider joining us? I appreciate your method very much. If you are willing to join, I can promise you any conditions!"

Xu Tian felt bored, and even started to fiddle with the clods of soil with his feet.
He no longer wants to hear any more nonsense from the devil, because no matter how he says it is impossible for him to join the demon clan,
At the same time, how could he not understand the devil's thoughts in his heart!

"Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking. As a cultivator, you can crush any ability of your family. This is absolute attribute suppression. And if I'm not wrong, the only cultivator in the world The one who can kill your entire race is the human being, I am Lao Tzu!".
(End of this chapter)

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