Chapter 126 Cruel Means
Wu Jianfeng was mercilessly trampled to the ground like this, and Qi Hengsan's feet trampled on Qi Hengsan's cheek even more mercilessly.

His face was full of sarcasm, and he said in a very cold tone, "Don't call me brother and brother, don't we know each other very well?"

Wu Jianfeng's eyes flickered with disbelief. He never thought that his comrades-in-arms who had been with him for more than ten years would treat him like this.
At this time, Xu Tian, ​​who had been watching from the sky, suddenly said, "Wu Jianfeng!"

"He is no longer the Qi Hengsan you knew, if it's correct, what you see now is just his body, and the soul that resides in his body, this body has already belonged to someone else! "

Hearing what Xu Tian said, Rong Nianbing and the others beside him were all very shocked. Is there really such a legend in this world that sucks people's souls and seizes their bodies?
But since Xu Tian said so, it is definitely not groundless.Wu Jianfeng looked at Qi Hengsan in disbelief, "Could it be that you are really not Qi Hengsan?"

Qi Hengsan's expression was very displeased, and he even stared sideways at Xu Tian who was in the air,
"You know the most!"

Then Qi Hengsan's voice unexpectedly changed, the rough boy turned into a thin girl in an instant, but it still sounded with echoes.

It was obvious that all of this was hit by what Xu Tian said, and Lafite standing beside Xu Tian couldn't help being amazed, and applauded on the spot.

"As expected of a cultivator, your eyesight and perception have not disappointed me."

After finishing speaking, Lafite unceremoniously leaned close to Xu Tian again, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

In an instant, Xu Tian aroused the defense of the Immortal Vajra Body, trying to bounce Lafite away, but he only felt that the arm on his shoulder was extremely heavy. No wonder the demon just now was directly crushed to the ground, unable to move at all. resist.

It seems that this Lafite is a warrior of the gravity system.
Lafite's face was relaxed, and his tone was extremely brisk, and he said jokingly, "I have no ill intentions towards you, so let's not fight for a while, shall we?"

Xu Tian snorted coldly with disdain, and grinned, "Look at Wu Jianfeng's current appearance, do you think I will let you go?"

At this time, Wu Jianfeng's face was already covered with blood, and he didn't know how many ribs were broken on his body. He was in a terrible state of distress. He was seriously injured, but now his breathing became weaker, and the light in his eyes seemed a little dim.

It is very likely that after knowing the real situation of Qi Hengsan, his heart was ashamed, and the world that had a glimmer of light suddenly collapsed.

Qi Hengsan suddenly kicked Wu Jianfeng tens of meters away, then frowned again, feeling that the blood stained on his body made him very displeased,

At the same time, Yin Yang said strangely, "If this body hadn't been helpless at the beginning, I wouldn't have chosen such a big and thick man, it really annoys me to death!"

As he spoke, he even raised his orchid finger and fiddled with the hair next to his ear, but it was extremely empty with a short crew cut, and there was no extra long hair there.

It was obvious that Qi Hengsan's body was completely occupied by a woman's soul. Wu Jianfeng couldn't understand it. He exhausted his last bit of strength and asked loudly, "What did you do to Qi Hengsan? Get out of his body quickly." Get out!"

Qi Hengsan said slowly this time with a twisted voice, "If I really leave this body, I'm afraid he will turn into a puddle of stinky water in an instant. When Qi Hengsan performed the task, his life was already hanging by a thread. I didn't save him, I'm afraid you can't see this person at all now!"

"But I never thought that he wanted to kill me, and even wanted to take me as his own."

Hearing this, Wu Jianfeng shook his head again and again, his eyes were even more dim,

"'s impossible..."

"Qi Hengsan will never be such a person!"

Suddenly Qi Hengsan raised his finger and caressed his chin, his eyes were full of memories, and he couldn't help muttering to himself, "He is indeed not such a person. When I knew him, he was still a hot-blooded man full of passion. A mouthful of justice."

"But there are too many things in this world that he doesn't understand. He has completely lost his mind and lost his mind at that time, so I had no choice but to force his soul out of his body, and then I entered his body. I don’t want to be able to escape again!”

Qi Hengsan scratched his cheek in pain, and his eyes became even more painful.

He said slowly, "I can only watch my body become rotten, covered with corpse spots, and even maggots crawling all over my body. It feels like my soul is being tortured!"

Just the sound of this scene makes one's scalp tingle and goosebumps pop up all over his body.

I didn't expect Qi Hengsan to be so inextricably linked with the trace of soul in his body, but it sounds so weird.

Suddenly, Xu Tian noticed that the body of the demon in the distance was gradually shrinking. Could it be that he was preparing to escape?
Lafite, who also noticed this scene, immediately took action, disappeared in place, stepped on the demon's head again, and said very displeased, "Why, do you still want to run after falling into my hands?"

Xu Tian couldn't help being surprised, but Lafite's gaze remained on the demon all the time, but it was a real monster,

"Don't you know that he is a demon living in the cracks in space? If he is resurrected again, I am afraid it will not do any good to the world."

. . . . . . . . .

Lafite suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, as if he had heard some ridiculous joke, and then said confidently,

"Maybe he is just a demon in your eyes, but you don't know that he has endless value to me. His blood and flesh can be condensed into stronger stimulants, and can even help warriors instantly improve their realm. Qi, blood and the secrets he has mastered are extremely huge treasures, and if I tell you, you will not understand them at all.
Xu Tian couldn't help frowning, remembering that Lafite said to himself before that those hiring organizations are all his subordinates, so it seems that this guy is not a good person. If they get the demon's body, they will study it again after that. It is unknown what kind of terrifying biological and chemical weapons will emerge.

Xu Tian suddenly felt that if he let Lafite go like this today, he would be responsible for all the karma in the future. He didn't want to go all over the world to find mutated warriors, and a carefree life was more suitable for him.

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and the aura in Xu Tian's body had completely recovered to its best state. .
(End of this chapter)

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