Chapter 128 Weird Ability

And the Vajra Immortal Body in his body was running crazily. After running the Dionysus Curse, the Nine Gods Curse was running, and Xu Tian's figure was swaying in the air, as if he was drunk. fly.

Xu Tian has already reached the scene where the human sword is separated but fully able to cooperate with the attack. I saw the flying sword and the divine sword arcing in the air, cutting out lines of sword energy.

But Xu Tian's figure flashed behind Lafite in an instant, and at the same time he punched down suddenly. At this moment, Xu Tian only had eyes on Lafite's back, which was definitely the most vulnerable place.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Lafite's figure was directly smashed to the ground like a kite with a string broken, and countless rubble buried his body.

The blow just now contained the ability of the Vajra Indestructible Body Dzogchen Realm, if an ordinary person received this blow, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

But all of a sudden, the gravel in the ground began to surge, and they actually floated down out of thin air, and Lafite's face was extremely embarrassed, his originally long golden hair was also messed up, and his embarrassing skin was left behind.

And his originally bright and beautiful suit was now covered with dust, and the originally black leather shoes under his feet were already full of wrinkles.

Lafite looked at his embarrassing body, and his aura suddenly burst out.

"You actually stained my favorite clothes. Why did you do it when you said you would never fight?"

Xu Tian stood in mid-air, and his heart was calm. He just said in a very calm and cold tone, "No matter what, you can't let you take this demon's body away. If you agree, then we can stop the war."

Lafite shook his head slowly, with helplessness in his face and eyes, and then spread his hands, "It seems that we have nothing to discuss, I must take this corpse away, but you don't let me do this, you want to I know that I really don't want to fight with you, after all, I have seen your strength before."

After Lafite finished speaking, the movement of his hands didn't stop, and he saw that the rubble floating around slowly condensed together, and then formed a very huge meteorite.

The meteorite was not restricted by gravity at all, and flew straight into the air. Xu Tian stepped on the divine sword, and it was a piece of cake for Xu Tian to avoid the meteorite.

But he suddenly understood Lafite's true intentions, especially when he saw the corners of Lafite's lips curled up, and a trace of complacency flashed in his eyes, he immediately felt a trace of bad thoughts in his heart.

When he dodged this boulder, he later discovered that Lafite didn't intend to attack him directly, and this boulder paused in the air for a long time, unexpectedly sucking the broken stones on the ground into the sky, and then formed a A very large meteorite has a diameter of several tens of meters.

The meteorite suddenly began to fall continuously, with such a high distance and such a huge meteorite, Xu Tian suddenly noticed that Lafite's target was everyone present, obviously he wanted to kill everyone.

Xu Tian's murderous aura soared. He didn't expect that Lafite would actually plan to attack Bing Wushuang and the others. He was suddenly filled with anger. His dantian flew out.

Tens of thousands of flying swords stayed behind Xu Tian. At this time, the first target Xu Tian had to solve was the meteorite falling in the air. One must know that the longer the time dragged on, the more destructive the meteorite would be under the action of the acceleration of gravity. That would be unimaginable.

"咻咻咻" counted until the sword energy flew into the air, but the meteorite seemed to have an absolutely powerful defense force, and the few simple sword energy bombarded it just now.

But it could only slow down the speed, and at most there would be grooves. Xu Tian frowned suddenly. He expected that Lafite's ability was not as simple as it seemed, but he didn't expect him to be able to use it to such a level.

He was able to use his abilities so casually, and Lafite who was able to reach such a proficient level must have received special instructions, otherwise, how could it be possible to have such accomplishments at such a young age.

Suddenly a smug smile appeared on Xu Tian's face.

When he was dealing with the demon just now, he realized the latest attack. He began to try to combine his Sword Soul Divine Record with other moves, and at the same time, no matter how strong the defense was, he could easily break through it.

I saw Xu Tian closed his eyes tightly, standing in mid-air, his hair swaying like the wind, and a very powerful aura of coercion suddenly exuded from his body.

At this moment, all of his abilities at the peak of the transformation stage were displayed, and the divine sword in his hand was suddenly lifted upwards. With Xu Tian's shout, a more domineering sword energy was generated out of thin air.The sword qi slashed across the body of the sword, and the divine sword also flew out at the same time, and flew forward. At the moment the divine sword flew out, the tens of thousands of flying swords behind it followed, as if tens of thousands The army bombarded towards the meteorite.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Counting the sound of the explosion in the space, I felt that the surrounding trees were uprooted by waves of air waves and flew high into the sky, but the meteorite stopped falling in an instant.

What's even more frightening is that in an instant, the boulder was cut into pieces by tens of thousands of sword qi, and countless broken stones slowly fell in the air.

This time he didn't have any power anymore, Lafite stood on the ground, his face no longer had that kind of relaxed expression on his face, and his smile was gradually put away, looking at Xu Tian with a solemn face.

He didn't expect that he thought he could frighten everyone just now, but he never thought that Xu Tian would break through so easily, and Lafite's figure disappeared in place again.

It kept flickering in the space, and came directly to Xu Tian's side in an instant, and at the same time, a whip leg was suddenly pulled down from the sky.The shiny leather shoes shone in the air, and there was a loud bang.

Xu Tian wrapped the Vajra Immortal Body around his body, and held the foot firmly, and his figure was blasted to the rock in the distance in an instant.

A huge human-shaped crater suddenly appeared, and at this time the body of the demon was not far from Xu Tian, ​​Xu Tian said in a low voice, "I know you are not dead yet, I will open a space crack, run away quickly."

But the demon didn't move, not even a finger twitched.Xu Tian said again, "I have seen the ability of your little brother. Even if your demons have been killed, the soul in your body can generate new power again. Don't think I don't know."

Xu Tian knew that he had already said what he had to say, and now he didn't want to fight anymore. Although this Lafite's ability was a bit weird, he was not without a chance of winning. .
(End of this chapter)

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