Chapter 139
Xu Tian yelled, and excitedly chased him away. That's a full 1 million points, which can completely allow him to upgrade his skills to another level.
I thought that my promotion speed was fast enough, and I planned to stabilize my foundation.
But I didn't expect that this zombie is still desperately improving its strength by relying on cruel means, and I don't know how many powerful warriors are needed to cultivate such a terrifying zombie.

"System! I know you have tracking means, quickly locate the zombie for me just now!"

Xu Tian remembered that the system had helped him a lot during the last tracking, so he quickly summoned him to ask,

"Ding dong! Answer the host, the positioning system is temporarily closed, because the system needs to be upgraded, so please wait patiently."

Xu Tian almost fell off the flying sword, but he didn't expect that this deceitful system would always be updated.

But thinking of the surprise brought to him after the last update, and the big gift bag still lying in the warehouse, Xu Tian suddenly had a plan.
"System, quickly open that gift bag for me, is there a new exercise in it?"

"Ding dong, may the host really want to open the big gift bag?" Xu Tian became a little impatient. In the past, the system always asked him to do whatever he wanted.
"Why is it so annoying now, open it for me quickly!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained two books on the advancement of exercises, and you can choose any exercises to upgrade~~~"

Xu Tian was dumbfounded in surprise, he didn't know what to do. He had saved so many points before, but he could barely raise one skill level by a small level.

That's great!It's really exciting to give yourself two skill upgrade rolls at once!
But right now there are more important things to do, but for the time being, I haven't figured out which skill to upgrade.
Looking at the various exercises I have comprehended, it is indeed a bit of a dilemma,

It takes 1 million points to learn the fifth level of the Immortal King Kong Body. This [-] million points is still very easy to obtain.

As long as you kill a few zombies, or the demons that lived in the cracks in the space before, you can reach it soon, but the Holy Path is already the fourth level of perfection, and the fifth level needs 10 billion points point,
This is a full 10 billion!
Putting it into the practice of Vajra Indestructible Body, I am afraid that it can directly reach the realm of Dzogchen.

Xu Tian suddenly noticed that his Excalibur Yulei Zhenjue was only completed on the third level, and it is the most cost-effective to upgrade the skills that consume the most points.

The rest of the million points, it's all about sprinkling water, no problem at all
"The *system will put it away for me first, and I will come to you when I need it later!"

Because at this time Xu Tian has already sensed that the distance of the target he is chasing in front of him is gradually shortening, and the flight of Yujian under his feet has reached the state of Dzogchen, and the speed is simply beyond anyone's ability.

Just looking at the figure in front of me, getting closer and closer to me, and now I am already outside the suburbs of the city, and there are no people around, and the dense forest reveals a gloomy and strange atmosphere under the moonlight. There is never a moment of idleness in the ears of the people who are disturbed by the cicadas.
There is not even a trace of the road here, only the intricate paths and the waste water that is still flowing next to it,
Suddenly the figure who had been running away stood in place, parked beside the big tree, turned around to look at Xu Tian,
Xu Tian could feel a strange smile on this figure, watching him fly straight away,

When the distance was directly pulled in, Xu Tian descended from the sky, and Fei Jian returned directly to his dantian, and the aura on his body exploded instantly.

No matter how you say it is [-] million points, he will never let him escape again, but at the same time, this figure shoots a more powerful coercion, it turns out to be an intermediate stage of transformation!
How is this possible?Just now, he was just at the beginning of the stage of transforming gods, but after such a short period of time, he has raised another level.
Xu Tian couldn't help frowning, these zombies seem to have an extremely strange ability to improve their cultivation in a short period of time,

Think about it, isn't this exactly similar to the demons that lived in the cracks in space before?

Suddenly Xu Tian noticed that it was a very terrifying thing, and he felt his scalp tingling, and goosebumps burst out all over his body, because at this moment, the target he had been chasing, when he showed his true self under the moonlight
Suddenly, Xu Tian discovered that it wasn't that stinky zombie! .It is not the zombie that I knew at the time, and the one fighting in front of my house is not the same person at all.
"Who are you? Why did you lure me here?"

Xu Tian suddenly felt that there must be some kind of conspiracy at home, otherwise he would have fallen for the trick so easily.
He took out the phone in his arms and called Bing Xin.


But as soon as the phone was connected, there were fierce screams and piercing explosions.
Bing Xinming's voice resounded in embarrassment, and at the same time, his panting appearance was obviously exhausted.
"Where did you go, Xu Tian? We were caught in the trap. Unexpectedly, the zombies attacked us premeditatedly. At this time, the boss and the others are calling for support. We should be able to hold on for a while!"

"Because these zombies are only in the Nascent Soul stage at this time, I can still handle it, but if there are a few more mutated guys like just now, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on!"

Weird Xu Tian couldn't help thinking about it, he didn't expect these zombies to know how to use tricks.

A strong murderous aura emanated from Xu Tian's body, enveloping the zombie in front of him. At this time, the person under the tree trunk walked out slowly. The moonlight passed through the lush bushes above his head, illuminating his cheeks.

The young man who was different from the man with gray temples before, his eyes were still full of immaturity, but his face was really ferocious smile,

Anyone can notice that there is always a violent aura about him. Xu Tian did not expect that this seemingly young guy would have such terrifying strength.

And it was only after I chased all the way just now that I realized that the guy in front had been seducing me, otherwise why didn't I hide my ability,

Thinking of this, Xu Tian suddenly felt regretful. He never thought that he, who has always been smart, would be fooled one day.
Xu Tian drew out the Divine Sword from his body, his whole body was completely wrapped in golden light, and he operated the Indestructible Vajra Body, after all, he reached the fourth level of consummation, and then the aura in his body was surging crazily,

The spiritual energy hidden in the surrounding woods was sucked into Xu Tian's body one after another,
At this time, Xu Tian is already at the peak of the ability of transforming gods, coupled with this scene completely covered by spiritual energy, he is even faintly about to break through to the next level,
But at this time, the holy way to the scriptures has not advanced to (fifth level, so he has not completely broken through,

"Hehehe, don't be so anxious, my companions still enjoy the energy of these warriors!"

Xu Tian frowned, and asked in a cold voice, "What kind of conspiracy do you guys have? Could it be that devouring warriors can provide you with pleasure?"

The young man shook his head slowly, while stretching out his index finger and swaying slightly in the air,

Vivid and flexible body, where does it look like a zombie,


But the next moment!The sharp roar directly pierced the sky!
And the young man also underwent an earth-shattering change in appearance, the skin on his body seemed to be shedding, and he fell directly to the ground.

Inside the body that split apart at the sound, another terrifying guy reappeared,

I saw that its whole body was covered with cyan resolute skin, and when it stepped on the ground, it would make a 'dang dang' sound,

There are bursts of stench coming out of his mouth, but each cloud of gas has a strange green color. It is hard to imagine what kind of terrible poisoning effect this gas will produce if it is inhaled by living things. ,

Another look at the body is nearly two meters high, with a pair of big eyes cautiously weighing the surroundings,

However, there were obviously no creatures around, and Xu Tian was the only one in front of him.
But even so, he, who has always been careful, still looked back and forth subconsciously,

Xu Tian swung the Excalibur suddenly!

"Sword Soul Divine Record!"

I saw a sword qi piercing the sky and flew directly towards the zombie, but the zombie raised his right arm and swung it forward likewise.

A cyan light flew out of his body, no!To be precise, it was the green halo attached to him!thrown from his hand
With a 'bang' sound, a violent explosion sounded, directly razing a distance of tens of meters to the ground,
Countless towering trees were directly uprooted and flew into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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