Chapter 144 Fearless Sacrifice
The corner of Xu Tian's mouth was grinning, his face was full of sarcasm, the Excalibur was already on the zombie's neck,

"How is it? Do you have any last words to say?"

The zombie's lips parted slightly, "I"

One sword!Before he finished speaking, or even uttered a single word, his head fell to the ground.
You must know that a zombie at the peak of the transformation stage, the body's defense power has already reached the extreme, and it is not easy to attack completely.
But at this time, the divine sword in Xu Tian's hand cuts the iron like mud, let alone beheading these zombies,
And this zombie didn't expect Xu Tian to make a sudden attack. He thought that he would mobilize the corpse energy in his body in an instant, and then attach to his body to form a powerful barrier, and then counterattack Xu Tian.
But Xu Tian doesn't follow the rules at all.
Xu Tian shook off the corpse poison on the Excalibur, and when it landed on the ground, it made a slight noise, continuously burning the ground.
And Xu Tian stood the Excalibur behind him, with a proud expression on his face, his eyes mockingly scanned the people below, and said in a very teasing tone, "You are really too weak, didn't you agree to come and devour me? Come on, I'm standing right here!"

After Xu Tian finished speaking, he raised his middle finger and waved his hands continuously in the air. The zombies below all clenched their fists in anger, and their eyes even burst into flames.

But suddenly at the next moment, these zombies all chose to go berserk,
Their figures instantly swelled up after the berserk, and there may be terrifying energy in their bodies.

At the same time, the red light floating in their eyes became more intense, and the aura on their bodies increased again, almost approaching the realm where Xu Tian was.

But they didn't step over this threshold, Xu Tian couldn't help frowning, he was always curious about how these zombies mastered the ability to run wild, you must know that the zombies in the past only knew some simple physical skills,

Or force the corpse poison in the body out of the body, and then achieve the purpose of long-range attack,

But now they can actually enhance the energy hidden in their bodies, that is, to completely squeeze out the potential of their bodies, which is no longer something that a warrior can fight against.

"Do you know the monster in the space crack?"

As soon as Xu Tian said this, these zombies froze in place, and then looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

But they didn't admit, "I don't understand what you're talking about!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

One of the zombies flickered and jumped directly into the sky. These zombies did not have the ability to suspend in the air. After all, they were just some zombies, and their bodies were fixed in midair.
Xu Tian seemed to expect that he would turn his face suddenly, and then he held the divine sword in his hand, and the thunder above his head had already slashed down.

But this zombie is completely incomparable with those little zombies before, its figure twisted in the air strangely, and the next moment it ran in the air with its feet on the air,
And the swift and violent speed came behind Xu Tian almost instantly, stabbing his claws out suddenly,

But obviously he also expected that the pure defense of the Indestructible Vajra Body would be very difficult, so he suddenly threw out the corpse poison in his body, and it turned out to be sprayed out from his mouth, with a strong stench,

The green liquid directly landed on the golden light behind Xu Tian, ​​and there was a faint sound, and then the light began to weaken.
A hollow was corroded, and then the zombie poked its sharp claws forward again,

This is the speed of instant movement, it is impossible to see clearly at all, only a flash of cold light can be seen, and then it stabs towards Xu Tian's back quickly,
But Xu Tian's perception is keen, and he has reached the fusion stage, and his speed and skill have been improved by a level.
The figure disappeared strangely again, leaving only afterimages,
But in the blink of an eye, the zombie was already dozens of meters away, and at the same time, the fierce coercion on his body dissipated again, and the murderous aura all over the sky locked the zombie,
The zombie's heart tightened suddenly. He felt that he was so powerless, but he had already reached the stage of transformation, how could there be such a big difference?

I saw that he was extremely angry in his heart, and then he roared up to the sky, and a red light flew out of his body, and then the zombie's body fell from the sky to the ground, enveloping the rest of the zombies in the red light,
And this zombie's eyes were empty, and he fell straight to the ground. With a bang, a huge hole was smashed out, and he lost his life.

Xu Tian couldn't help wondering what kind of weird move this was, but then he noticed that on the ground, the aura of the zombies wrapped in red light became more violent, as if they had endless moves that could enhance their potential.
But the one just now was obviously this zombie, who completely split the cultivation base in his body and gave it to his teammates.

And he chose to sacrifice alone

Xu Tian couldn't help sighing
"I didn't expect that these zombies would dare to sacrifice themselves so bravely. This kind of spirit is really strong."

But Xu Tian looked at these zombies on the ground, and slowly mocked, "Don't you really feel ashamed? Relying on your own companions to improve your cultivation level, I really look down on you guys."

Xu Tian also showed a disdainful expression. These zombies tightened their shoulders and looked at Xu Tian angrily.

"As long as we kill you, his sacrifice is worth it!"

Several red glows shuttled continuously beside Xu Tian, ​​as if they were martial artists who had already reached a super high level of physical skills,
They are running in the air, their feet are only stepping on the air but they can stop directly in the air, running at high speed,

At the same time, the powerful aura locked Xu Tian at the very center, while the rest of the zombies frantically shuttled from the periphery,

That is the corpse poison hidden in the body of these zombies. If it is easily contaminated with the skin, the whole person may be turned into a zombie in an instant. This is all easy, and this is also the horror of zombies.
But at the same time, with their physical defense and keen speed, ordinary people may not have the possibility of victory when encountering them.

But Xu Tian stood proudly in the air, the dark clouds above his head were still roaring continuously, although the aura in his body was being consumed crazily, the energy produced under the moonlight was being continuously absorbed by Xu Tian,
My dantian is like an invisible vortex, which is frantically absorbing the surrounding aura,
This feeling is really like opening a plug-in!
"Wan Jian Jue!"

Xu Tian shouted loudly, and then drank all the flying swords in the space ring in his dantian, and stayed behind him,

I saw a golden wall formed behind me in an instant, which was extremely magnificent and spectacular! .
(End of this chapter)

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