Chapter 149 This is an Immortal Cultivator!
Vampires are a strange species in the West, which is almost the same as zombies in China, but I didn't expect that the pair of illusioned wings on their backs is really surprising.

Xiaomei couldn't help clenching her fists, feeling the aura of Qi Hengsan's body. The aura on Qi Hengsan's body was obviously getting stronger and stronger. As long as they dared to make a slight move, Qi Hengsan would make a move without hesitation.
In particular, the red light on his body is precisely the influence of his physical skills that have reached an excellent state,
"Why do you stop us again and again, aren't we our own people?"

Wu Jianfeng suddenly appeared, stood between the two and shook his head slowly. "Don't ask any more questions, he is no longer one of us"

"And you! Get out of here quickly, the next time I see you, I will definitely kill you by any means!"

Qi Hengsan didn't care, just raised his head domineeringly, as if turning a deaf ear to what Wu Jianfeng said,
"Don't get too complacent. The reason why I chose to help you this time is because I owed him a promise before I was alive, and now I have paid it off. This body is no longer the person you knew!"

After Qi Hengsan finished speaking, his figure disappeared, leaving only bursts of red light behind.

And at the next moment, his figure flew straight towards the dark clouds in the sky, and the air under his feet made a thumping sound,

Every time you step on it, you can instantly compress the air, and then bounce your body up. The martial artist below was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.
But I didn't expect to be able to advance to such a strength as a warrior. They have always looked down on warriors before, thinking that if they have no special abilities, they are just like waste.
But the bloody fact in front of them was slapping their cheeks fiercely. Suddenly, the red light rushed directly into the black cloud at the speed of light. The next moment, Qi Hengsan was holding a broken body in his hand. Lafite!
At this time, half of his wings have been completely cut off, and his body is full of wounds, with red blood continuously flowing out.
And his face became even more horrifying. I don't know if his head was broken or what. His face became bloody, and even one of the fangs around his mouth was completely broken.
At this time, he was already in a coma, dying, with only his last breath left,

At such a critical moment, Qi Hengsan once again grabbed Lafite and fled away quickly, but the powerful coercion once again completely locked the entire space,
Xu Tian stood angrily in the air, and galloped towards behind Qi Hengsan, "Did you tell me to let you go? How dare you keep silent! Don't think I will let you go easily!"

Qi Hengsan suddenly stood still in mid-air, and suddenly punched behind him,
I saw that the red light attached to his body suddenly condensed on the fist,

With a 'bang', he broke out of his body directly, as if an air cannonball waved straight out of his fist,

This is the ultimate power of physical arts!

The radiance of the Vajra Immortal Body on Xu Tian's body instantly dimmed a bit, and his figure also took a few steps back, but even so, it did not cause much impact.

Xu Tian's figure flickered, and he stepped on the flying sword to shuttle in the air. At the same time, several golden threads wrapped around Qi Hengsan's side, and quickly began to circle,

shhhhhh! ! !
For a moment, the ear-piercing buzzing sound rang through everyone's ears, and people couldn't help but cover their ears, because the sound was too ear-piercing.
Qi Hengsan frowned. He didn't expect Xu Tian's strength to be promoted so quickly. The last time he met, he was still confident that he could beat Xu Tian back with all his strength.

But this time even he felt a hint of danger, especially since Lafite in his arms was already on the verge of death.
I didn't expect that he, who has always been arrogant, would have today
Suddenly Qi Hengsan's face did not have the slightest dignified aura, replaced by an extremely relaxed expression, slowly turning his head to his back,
Xu Tian's eyes shrank!
No, they are going to escape!

At this moment, behind Qi Hengsan, a space crack appeared across the sky, and there were stars shining in the incomparably dark space. It was the space where the demon that ran out of the space crack before existed.
But how could this space split for no reason?
Suddenly a giant hand stretched out from the vortex, Xu Tian quickly summoned all his flying swords and bombarded towards the space crack,

bang bang bang! ! !
For a moment, the explosion sounded wildly, and Xu Tian's figure could not be seen clearly in the sky, and he was completely buried by the flames.

Suddenly an arm fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Some warriors see it.
And this arm is full of rotten holes, and at the same time, the fingers are very thick, like giant trees. This huge arm is not something that ordinary people can have.
If he is a zombie, he is even thicker than a zombie, and what is even more bizarre is that green blood flows out of the severed wound.
Not only did this surprise everyone!

When the explosion sound in the sky disappeared, only Xu Tian was left standing in midair, panting slowly,

At that moment just now, he crazily vented all his skills, and the aura in his body almost disappeared in an instant.

However, fortunately, the surrounding spiritual energy can rush into his dantian madly, regardless of the emptiness in his body, it will soon recover,
But the figures of Lafite and Qi Hengsan have disappeared completely in place, without even catching a breath,
"what on earth is it?"

Xiaomei looked at the sky in disbelief, and turned towards Wu Jianfeng in surprise. At this time, Rong Nianbing and Bing Wushuang supported each other and came to Wu Jianfeng's side. Their faces were ashen,

Because Su Xiaoyu's whereabouts are unknown up to now, if time is delayed like this, will there be accidents?They are also very worried in their hearts.

"Wu Jianfeng! We must take some action, we can't just let them take Su Xiaoyu away for nothing!"

Wu Jianfeng kneaded his chin and never opened his mouth, but it was as if a huge rock was pressing on his heart, which made him unable to breathe.

"I'm going! What kind of monster is this?"

The warriors gathered around this thick arm, after all, it was the first time they had even seen a vampire, let alone such a strange creature.
The space crack just now was seen by almost everyone. Of course, they knew that the space crack was caused by too much power, which affected the surrounding space law, and would produce a crack, or even a hole.
But this is obviously in the hollow, someone opened a crack in this space, and then pulled the figures of Qi Heng and the other two into it,
"It's really strange, it seems that there are more and more strange things recently"

(End of this chapter)

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