Chapter 153 Name
Xu Tian couldn't help frowning and asked curiously, ""Could it be that you can't come and go here at will?Didn't you come out to block my hall when I entered the Immortal Mansion? "

Zhenmen Beast suddenly sat down on the ground and slowly shook its head, and said in disappointment, "I can only go out if the master of this fairy mansion agrees with me, and he must lead him personally, otherwise I don't have the ability to go out." escape.

In this Immortal Mansion, don't look at that door is so close to me, but I don't even have the strength to push him away, as if there is an invisible formation on it, sucking up all the energy in my body, I have also tried to break free from the boundary control here, but I found that I was too naive. "

The Zhenmen Beast's expression was very uncomfortable, and the sadness on his body could not be concealed.

A question arose in Xu Tian's heart, if he was really taken out like this, would he lose control of his emotions?
Seeing him looking forward to the outside world so much, if he never returns like this, it will have a very bad influence on this world, or on himself.

But Zhenmen Beast may have seen the doubts in Xu Tian's heart, and quickly patted his chest to assure, "Don't worry, I and this Immortal Mansion have been completely integrated, and I will be your pet in the future. As long as you give an order, I will be your pet." will appear anywhere, and can't disobey your orders at all, but you can try it now, if you don't believe it"

Xu Tian pointed to the puddle beside him without hesitation and said, "Jump in and do 100 push-ups."

With just a whimper, the Zhenmen Beast crossed into the water waterfall, and then did push-ups in the water.

But after doing a few exercises, he was exhausted and out of breath. After all, he hadn't exercised his bloated body for a long time, which proved that his physical fitness had dropped to the limit, but with Xu Tian's order, he couldn't resist at all, even though he was tired. So, but still dare not stop. .
Xu Tian was curious about what kind of impact it would have if the gatekeeper beast really didn't obey his orders.

With a plop, the Zhenmen Beast finally collapsed in the water due to exhaustion, and then the head was covered with dark clouds, and a thunderbolt struck down instantly, and landed on the Zhenmen Beast silently.

Even Xu Tian was shocked by such a powerful energy. Compared with the thunder cloud he summoned, it was completely insignificant.

This majestic power is the purest force of nature.I saw that the Zhenmen Beast was completely black, and even let out a painful wail.

"Master, take back your order quickly. I really can't finish it. The punishment that this Immortal Mansion has given me is beyond what ordinary people can bear."

Xu Tian waved his hand quickly and said, "Okay, okay, I believe you."

The dark clouds above his head disappeared in an instant, and it was the first time even Xu Tian saw this weird scene.

The gate of Immortal Mansion opened again, this time Xu Tian shuttled into Wu Jianfeng's office without hesitation, let alone low-key.

At this time, Wu Jianfeng was frowning, frowning all the time, and his hands were constantly hovering in front of his chest. He looked at the sky and didn't know what he was thinking about, and he was still muttering to himself, "What, Did you find anything?"

The sudden sound startled Wu Jianfeng, and he quickly jumped up from the chair. When he noticed that it was Xu Tian who appeared in front of him, he couldn't help being very surprised.

When he saw the wooden door still standing behind Xu Tian, ​​he immediately understood.

He has also heard about the Immortal Mansion, the ability to travel through space, what a strange power it is.

But at this time, there was an extra person beside Xu Tian, ​​with a low-key face, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, and the slight pressure around him couldn't be retracted freely. Even Wu Jianfeng felt his brows frown. a tight.

He hurriedly asked, "Who is this?"

"Don't worry about him, have you found anything here?"

Seeing that Xu Tian didn't want to say more, Wu Jianfeng nodded slowly, turned the computer on the table around, and projected it in front of Xu Tian and the two of them, and saw a world map on it, with two constantly flashing red lights on it. Dot, and ding ding sound from time to time.

"The coordinates of these two red dots are shown below." Wu Jianfeng pointed to one of the red dots, which is the northernmost position on the entire world map.

"From the information we got, there were traces of vampires haunting here, so the Lafite you injured that day is likely to belong to their clan, and there is another place here."

After speaking, the direction Wu Jianfeng pointed turned out to be the location of the neighboring country, which inevitably made Xu Tian frown. He didn't expect that there were vampires in the neighboring country.

"It seems that these guys are hiding deep enough, but it is true. These vampires are no different from ordinary people on weekdays. They can even walk under the sun. It seems that they have reached a certain level of cultivation or created With the magic that can avoid the sun damage, it seems that Su Xiaoyu is very likely to be here, as for the one in the north, we don't care about it for the time being."

Xu Tian got the coordinates, but he couldn't help frowning. It must be a scene he had seen in his mind before the Immortal Mansion could directly teleport him there.

Wu Jianfeng noticed Xu Tian's mood, and said quickly, "Don't worry, we have arranged the fastest plane to escort you there."

Xu Tian waved his hands and said, "No need, it's my business to rescue Su Xiaoyu, it has nothing to do with you, and if you go there, it's just a hindrance, don't arrange those young brats by my side, look at her. ..."

"Bang." With a loud noise, the door was suddenly kicked open, and Xiaomei stood at the door with an angry face.

"Who said that we are the ones who are holding back? You must know that we are the strongest force. Without our help, you will not be familiar with the place when you go there."

Xu Tian didn't expect that someone was eavesdropping outside the door, and even Wu Jianfeng was extremely embarrassed.Since Xiaomei came here, she didn't listen to any of her orders at all, but she didn't expect that she would actually lie under the door and eavesdrop.

However, Wu Jianfeng thought about what Xiaomei said was indeed reasonable, and he quickly calmed Xu Tian's emotions and said, "It is true that Xiaomei and the others have been performing missions there and are very familiar with it, so it is okay for them to go." Offer some help."

Xu Tian couldn't bear to waste time at all, and went straight to the door, he didn't even look at Xiaomei, but he knew that this time, this group of people followed him.

"Buzz, buzz," the roar of the plane sounded outside the venue, and a very advanced plane landed in front of Xu Tian.

Wu Jianfeng proudly introduced, "This is our strongest technology. It can match the transmission speed of sound waves. I believe we can reach the target in less than an hour."

Xu Tianfei jumped up, and at the same time, the Zhenmen Beast followed Xu Tian. The two of them really enjoyed sitting on the plane. They looked outside happily and fiddled around.

Zhenmen Beast looked out of the window from time to time, his face was full of fanatical excitement, Xu Tian closed his eyes and rested his mind, but he still said unhurriedly, "Sit down honestly as if you have never seen the world, and I will give you a Let’s name it, from now on I’ll call it Xu Hao.”

Zhenmen Beast was even more delighted when he heard that he had a new name, and even couldn't help jumping back and forth on the plane, but Xiaomei and the others at the side couldn't help frowning when they saw Zhenmen Beast's appearance.

"Xu Tian, ​​where did you bring this wonderful flower, is it possible that he also wants to carry out missions with us?"

Xu Tian suddenly burst out with murderous aura, locking Xiaomei completely, and at the same time said in a cold tone, "He is stronger than any of you, and you have to carry out your mission, and I will save the people I should save. There is no delay between us, there is no intersection, I don't need your help at all, if it weren't for Wu Jianfeng's face, you are still sitting at home playing in the mud."

After being yelled at like this, Xiaomei's face turned red with anger, but she didn't dare to make a sound, because at this time the saliva from the Zhenmen beast's mouth was drooling, and her eyes were full of scarlet and bloodthirsty light, which even affected Xiaomei's mind. arrive.

With this terrifying beastly murderous aura, he seemed to be staring at a fierce tiger. No, the Zhenmen beast was more terrifying than a tiger.

"Okay, sit back."

After Xu Tian finished speaking, Zhenmen Beast sat down next to Xu Tian very obediently, but his body writhing from time to time proved that he was really excited enough.

(End of this chapter)

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