Chapter 155 Soul Attack
As he spoke, he grabbed the bat beside him and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing contentedly.

Xu Tian didn't look back at him anymore, he knew that the strength of Zhenmen Beast could completely crush these little guys.

"Sword Soul Divine Record!" Xu Tian yelled loudly, pointed the divine sword towards the sky, and the starlight all over the sky suddenly appeared behind him, and at the same time flew out from the dantian continuously.

Xu Tian kept killing back and forth among these bat groups, but in the blink of an eye, these dozens of bats were instantly wiped out.

But Xu Tian shook his head sadly when he saw the Xiaomei who were completely unconscious and falling.

"What a bunch of dishonest guys, I told you not to follow.

If they just watched them fall to the ground like this, they would probably fall into patties directly. Whoever made them unconscious would not be able to open their parachutes at all.

Xu Tian pedaled quickly, pulling everyone's parachutes away. As for where they flew, that had nothing to do with Xu Tian.

When Xiaomei slowly woke up, she was in the depths of a dense forest, and there were no creatures around, let alone her teammates.

She looked at the sky above her very confused. There were a bunch of pale parachutes hanging on the treetops, and she couldn't help feeling curious in her heart.

"Could it be that he opened the parachute for me?"

At this time, Xu Tian had already completely stood on the land of the neighboring country, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Qi Hengsan, why are you here? Could it be that you came to welcome me?"

Qi Hengsan turned around slowly, revealing his familiar face again, but it was full of dignity.

"I don't know you well, but I'm not in the same group as them. I know the purpose of your visit this time. With your strength, you will definitely turn their lair upside down, and even wipe out their clan."

He thought that with Xu Tian's ability, it was not impossible to kill them all.

Xu Tian couldn't help frowning and asked suspiciously, "Why do you think I'll help you, and haven't you always been with that Lafite?"

Qi Hengsan suddenly became angry, clenched his fists and shouted in dissatisfaction, "Don't confuse me with that scum.

Do you know how Qi Hengsan was killed in the first place?It was this group of vampires who contaminated Qi Hengsan with the poisonous gas in their bodies. That time, Qi Hengsan's mission was to investigate the secret stronghold of this group of vampires, but it was unexpectedly exposed.
So these guys plan to turn him into the same kind, but I really can't bear to see Qi Hengsan's painful appearance. Lafite thought that she was hiding it very well, but he never thought that the truth that I have been investigating all these years has already come to light

Xu Tian didn't expect that Qi Hengsan would have such a close connection with this soul stuck in his body, and such a bloody plot would happen.

"This time, these vampires have captured Su Xiaoyu, and they will not let her go, so how about we join forces?"

This time, Qi Hengsan shook his head slowly to express his refusal, and said again, "I can't show up yet, there are more difficult tasks waiting for me, and you will need me at that time."

Xu Tian didn't know what Qi Hengsan was referring to, but he thought of the demon hidden in the space crack, and it seemed that he might really need to join forces with him in the future.

"Since that's the case, don't talk anymore, take me to their lair." Qi Heng turned around three times and walked towards the depths. At this time, he was in the outskirts of a neighboring country, and further into the deep mountains and old forests, he couldn't see anything at all. people.

Xu Tian followed behind Qi Hengsan without hesitation, and the Zhenmen Beast followed Xu Tian vigilantly, observing the surroundings from time to time.

After all, when he came to this strange environment, he also felt that it is better to be careful, not to mention the vague aura emanating from Qi Hengsan made him feel a sense of crisis, which is enough to show that Qi Hengsan's strength is at the gate of the town. over the beast.

With the continuous deepening, there is no trace of the city around, but a very old tropical rainforest.

Xu Tian had already seen a huge mountain appearing in front of him, and a hollow was dug out in the center of that mountain. The diameter seemed to be quite large from such a long distance, and it must have been more exaggerated if it got closer.

Qi Hengsan raised his hand and pointed, "That's where their lair is, so you trust me?"

Qi Hengsan couldn't help asking in surprise, because Xu Tian didn't ask any more questions from the beginning to the end, but just followed behind him quietly.

Xu Tian spread his hands and explained, "Anyway, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you. Even with your current ability, it is impossible to beat me, so you should be careful and don't lie to me. Oh 0"

After speaking, Xu Tian narrowed his eyes, releasing murderous aura continuously, and the tense atmosphere immediately made Qi Hengsan sweat on his forehead.

He didn't expect that every time he met Xu Tian, ​​his aura would become stronger. It was hard to imagine what kind of realm he would grow to in the future, but he was also more sure of the plan in his heart.

"I definitely didn't lie to you this time. Lafite has been seriously injured and is receiving their treatment, so it is absolutely the best time for you to rush in now."

Xu Tian suddenly stood still and did not leave, "Why don't you show up? Could it be that there is a conspiracy? Then I won't go."

After Xu Tian finished speaking, he turned around and walked back, Qi Hengsan quickly reached out and grabbed Xu Tian's sleeve.

"No, you can't go."

Xu Tian shook his head slowly, "Why should I listen to you?"

Only then did Qi Hengsan tell the whole story again, "It is precisely because these vampires have a strong restraint effect on me, and because the soul in my body does not really belong to this body, so their strange abilities can be against me. My soul does great harm,
By the way, you must be careful of their screams, it can shake your soul out of the altar, so you must guard your mind. "

Qi Hengsan subconsciously glanced at the Zhenmen Beast beside him, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, such a powerful monster can be willing to submit to such a man, how many secrets does this man still hide?
Standing at the entrance of this cave, Xu Tian couldn't help but frown at the smell of feces. He didn't expect them to live in such a dark and humid environment. They were either stinky rats or rotten bats. It was really enough. up.

Enduring the stench filling his nose, Xu Tian's figure directly disappeared into the darkness.

Qi Hengsan stood at the entrance of the cave and meditated nonstop. After a long time, he turned around and left slowly. However, they did not choose to go far. Instead, they found a secret place and waited hard for Xu Tian's return.

And Xu Tian has been walking with the Zhenmen beast for a long time, turning left and right along the way, but he still can't see any light, let alone any trace of monster's breath.

(End of this chapter)

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