Chapter 5 The Last Lesson (1)

The cold wind blows wantonly on the campus, blowing up and blowing down the yellow leaves accumulated on the road.Perhaps the cold weather dispelled people's thoughts of walking outside, and everyone stayed in their dormitories, so that even though it was Tuesday, there were not many pedestrians on the path, and the whole school looked gloomy.

Luo Shan and I were hurrying towards the teaching building, even though it was only a day before Huang Cong died.But our lives have to go on.Today is the last class of investigative principles. The lecturer is the vice principal of our school, a young man in his 50s named Tan Weiguo. He likes to give us examples of his own experiences in class. I worked as a soldier for several years, and later as a policeman for more than ten years, so I have rich investigation experience.I also appreciate his lectures, the words are concise and clear, and they are practical and efficient.And others are said to be very good to students.

Walking into the classroom, he and Luo Shan found a seat neither in front nor behind.However, as soon as he sat down, he heard the people around him talking.

"Have you heard that someone in our school committed suicide last night?"

"I heard that it seems to be a member of Class 2."

"Did you know that the person who committed suicide now is in the same dormitory as the woman who committed suicide 2 years ago!"

"No way, it's so weird...can't it really be haunted?"

"Really or fake? Don't scare me, I'm most afraid of this kind of thing!"

"There, I heard that he broke up with his girlfriend and committed suicide because he couldn't think about it!"

"It's all nonsense!" Luo Shan said angrily after hearing this. 
I was curious and asked Luo Shan, "What? Is Huang Cong on good terms with his girlfriend?"

Luo Shan glanced at me before saying, "Jiangnan, it seems that you really don't care about your classmates. Huang Cong doesn't have a girlfriend at all!"

I froze for a moment, then nodded and stopped talking.Then some people came in one after another, some of them were my female classmates. From their faintly red eyes and slow and heavy steps, we could tell that they had cried before, maybe they couldn't accept a classmate who got along day and night like this for a while. Heaven and man are separated forever.

After the class bell rang, with the sound of steady and powerful footsteps, the vice principal appeared on the podium in a robust figure on time.

"Students, I just learned today that one of my students the night before yesterday, that is, one of your classmates, left us forever. According to preliminary identification by the police, he committed suicide." The voice of the vice principal was a little low, causing Some of the girls below were sobbing again.However, when I heard this, I thought about it.He went on to say: "I want to stand up and observe 3 minutes of silence for him before our last class!"

After the vice-principal finished speaking, he bowed his head and closed his eyes to mourn in silence. We also stood up to mourn Huang Cong, who is no longer alive, and wish him well in another world.

After 3 minutes, the vice-principal raised his head and opened his eyes and said to us: "Okay, students sit down."

"It's really four years in the blink of an eye, because my class is not as short as some other courses, which last only one semester or a year, but throughout the entire four years. I not only know each of you, but also know each of you. , you are like my children." The vice-principal said with emotion, "In the past four years, I have watched you go from knowing nothing to gradually becoming a police reserve talent who is proficient in professional knowledge. In the future, maybe you will all be The backbone of the police force."

Hearing this, some students below couldn't help crying, and some students smiled knowingly.Crying because no one likes parting, just as no one likes death, let alone parting with the vice principal who is regarded by some as a second father.Luo Shan next to me also had tears in his eyes.And those who smiled knowingly knew that few of those who could graduate from Jiangxi No. [-] Police Academy were mediocre.

"However, the death of that classmate gave me a great shock." The vice-principal changed the subject and said, "For a long time, your excellent written grades have made me relax my vigilance, but in the future practical work, I will not rely on The richness of theoretical knowledge lies in the strong psychological endurance, meticulous observation ability and adaptable response ability. As for theoretical knowledge, that is very important, but all theoretical knowledge is for practical needs!"

The vice-principal spoke slowly word by word, his voice was heavy with a force that struck people's hearts, and made the people below immediately abandon the complacency caused by the imminent graduation.

However, the vice-principal's words seemed to be pointed in my ears. The vice-principal has been with us day and night for four years. Basically, he knows us very well. Zeng Jin once even came to my dormitory at night. In order to enlighten Luo Shan, who broke up with the first love, sometimes he is more of a counselor than a counselor to us. Therefore, if he thinks that Huang Cong committed suicide, what he should remind us is our psychological endurance, but why? However, he mentioned several abilities in a row. In comparison, his psychological endurance does not appear to be very prominent.Could it be that I was thinking too much?From another perspective, human language is a reflection of people's inner thoughts.

"So I originally planned to make your minds a little easier in this last class, and I changed my mind to give you some blessings." At the moment of thinking, the vice principal continued: "In this class, I will take an unprecedented serious attitude. To put it bluntly, I want you all to remember that as police officers, it is our bounden duty to maintain social order, protect the people, and fight evil crimes. However, while fighting crimes, we must never have any easy thoughts, because you One negligence, it is very likely that you will die in Huangquan!"

"Strictly remember the teacher's teachings, and never relax!" The orderly voice below echoed in the huge lecture hall, not only responding to the vice principal, but also responding to himself.

The vice-principal nodded, and continued to use serious sentences: "The knowledge I should teach has been taught to you in the past four years. Today, my task is to help you initially form your own investigative method direction. In the history of investigative science Because the traditional Chinese investigation was limited by the science and technology at that time, it tended to be perceptual, that is, to pay attention to people's logical reasoning and feelings, so Song Ci, Bao Zheng, Di Renjie and other detectives appeared at that time. However, due to the rapid development of science and technology in modern Western times, such as The earliest DNA identification technology appeared in the West, so their investigative methods are more focused on scientific tools, which often appear rational. However, in today's highly developed science and technology and the improvement of human intelligence, these two investigative methods are often used in various countries. However, although correct logical reasoning can be proved by evidence, it will inevitably happen. When your logical reasoning conflicts with scientific evidence, what is your choice? The answer to this question not only determines In your investigative method, who is the dominant sensibility or rationality is more related to the truth of the case."

"Next, I'll give you half an hour to think, and I hope you will give your answers then!"

(End of this chapter)

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