Chapter 74 Finding Someone to Talk to (1)

The man we are looking for is Song Xiaole, Wang Tiancheng's best friend and roommate.His father runs a well-known construction company in the construction industry. His family is wealthy and he can be regarded as a rich second generation.

Song Xiaole’s dormitory is in the boys’ dormitory in Building No. 6 in the south area of ​​the school. Due to the large size of the school, there is a distance between the administration building and the south area. It took the three of us more than ten minutes to arrive at the boys’ dormitory in the south area.

"That's the only bad thing about school," Zhang Xiaoqi suddenly complained while walking on the road, "It's so big, it takes so long to walk all the way."

"You can't go this way, and you still want to go the way of the police?" Police Officer Luo seemed a little angry when he heard the complaint, and criticized with a little seriousness.

"Just kidding," Zhang Xiaoqi stuck out her tongue when she saw that Officer Luo was angry, "I dream of becoming an honorable female police officer in the future, so this is nothing."

Only then did Officer Luo smile: "It's not too bad."

But I was thinking about things in my heart, and I didn't pay attention to their conversation at all.However, on the way, Zhang Xiaoqi often looked at me as if hesitant to speak, probably because she was very curious but worried that Officer Luo was around, so she couldn't ask me directly.

When we arrived at Song Xiaole's dormitory, the auntie at the building management office refused to allow Zhang Xiaoqi to enter, and police officer Luo showed her ID to the building management office before letting her in.Then we asked the aunt which dormitory Song Xiaole lived in, but the aunt said that we were unlucky and he had just left.

"What should we do?" Zhang Xiaoqi said depressingly, "Aren't we here for nothing?"

"Auntie, please check Song Xiaole's contact information." I said to the auntie of the building manager. Generally, they have photos and contact information of the dormitory staff.Officer Luo nodded to me at this moment, he knew what to do next.

The aunt searched for a few minutes and reported his phone number to us.

"Hello, are you Song Xiaole?" Officer Luo said in a very serious and majestic tone after dialing his number.

"We are from the special case team. We are investigating Wang Tiancheng's case now. Because you are his good friend, we want to talk to you."

"Well, we're right under your dormitory. 10 minutes, okay, we'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Officer Luo said to us, "Wait for 10 minutes!"

"Are you here to investigate Wang Tiancheng's case?" While waiting, Aunt Lou Guan suddenly spoke to us.

"Auntie, how did you guess that?" Zhang Xiaoqi asked curiously.

"There's no need to guess?" Auntie immediately said disdainfully, "Several groups of people have come to investigate some time ago, just looking for Song Xiaole five or six times, isn't it because Wang Tiancheng was... "Wang Tiancheng is gone."
"Then do you remember him?" Zhang Xiaoqi pointed at Officer Luo and said.

"He?" Aunt Lou Guan looked at Police Officer Luo for a long time, "I don't know him."

Officer Luo shook his head and said, "This kind of work of talking to people and obtaining information is usually done by my subordinates." 
And when I heard this, I keenly felt that the auntie of the building manager didn't seem to like Wang Tiancheng very much. Stab such a disrespectful statement. ——
(End of this chapter)

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