Chapter 101 Kill
"I will look for you, but before that, I must stick to this place and protect the entire Black Rock City." The enchanting woman clenched her fists and said softly.

Time passed slowly, and soon the sun set and evening came.

Demon Tower World, the area of ​​level 25 scale dogs.

Qin Tianyu's level has finally reached level 25, and his overall strength has been greatly improved.

Name: Qin Tianyu
Rating: 25
Occupation: Master of Change

Talent: change, balance enhancement, physique enhancement

Physique: 3 and a half stars + 7 stars

Mental power: 3 and a half stars
Soul power: 3 and a half stars
Soul level: white [advancement 1.33%, insufficient energy to suspend advancement]

Experience Points: 10/40000
Special ability: changing white cat, changing white tiger, God's perspective

"Finally level 25, it's not easy." Qin Tianyu thought wearily with a sigh of relief.

In order to get to level 25 as soon as possible, he tried his best to kill monsters like crazy, and he also had to use God's perspective at any time to be careful of those wandering bosses.

After so much effort, he finally reached level 25, and it was not in vain for him to fight to the death.

Dragging his tired body, Qin Tianyu changed from the white tiger form to the white cat form again and ran to An Xiaomao's side, jumped lightly into her arms again, then closed his eyes, silently recovering his strength.

An Xiaomao tightened Qin Tianyu in her arms with distress. She saw the battle today and knew how hard Qin Tianyu had put in. She had also persuaded Qin Tianyu to rest before, but after knowing the situation in Black Rock City, she Can only shake his head and sigh.

With the existence of the demon tower, the main cities can know the information of various places at the first time, not to mention that Qin Tianyu has already told her about the situation in Black Rock City.

"We're going back."

An Xiaomao rubbed her small face against Qin Tianyu's head, and then she kept stroking Qin Tianyu's back with her white and tender hands, hoping to help Qin Tianyu in this way.

Under An Xiaomao's stroking, his white cat's sleeping characteristics appeared again, and because of being too tired, he fell asleep in just a short while.

When he woke up again, An Kitten had already carried him to the teleportation array in the main city.

The two bid farewell, Qin Tianyu teleported back to Black Rock City, and then headed for the school. He had to protect his younger siblings every day and prevent them from being in danger.

Then, in time, the journey went smoothly. After he secretly sent his younger siblings home, while they were doing their homework, Qin Tianyu turned and ran towards the grain store.

Due to the rush of time yesterday, Qin Tianyu didn't deal with the owner of the grain store. Now that he has time, he just takes care of it.

The grain store, as the owner of the second brother, is in a panic today.

Because the mouse and the mourning dog he called yesterday did not come back, he was very flustered. For this reason, he wrote to his elder brother, who said he would come back in a while, but the waiting time made him very worried.

"Brother, why don't you come here?" The store owner was walking around in the grain store, his expression was full of anxiety.

"What's the matter with the second child so anxious to call me here?" A heavy voice came from a distance, and then a big bearded man walked in.

This bearded man was two meters tall, with a strong and burly figure, strong muscles, and a heavy hammer nearly two meters in his hand.

He is a rare hammer-type fighter, who pays attention to using strength to break through tricks, and he is a very powerful fighter.

"Brother, you are finally here." The shop owner ran out in a panic.

"What's wrong with the second child? Where's the tiger and the mourning dog?" The burly bearded man wondered.
"They're missing." The store owner said in a panic.

"Missing? What's going on?" The burly beard frowned, staring at the shop owner with a heavy hammer.

"That's what happened." The store owner explained the whole thing without hiding anything.

Hearing what the shop owner said, the burly man frowned, with a bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes.

"The person who dares to touch my heavy hammer really gets impatient. Don't let me know who it is, or I will kill you." The burly man said violently.

"Really?" A cold voice suddenly sounded, and then a young figure appeared not far from the grain store.

"Who are you?" The burly man grabbed his heavy hammer with his big hand, with a cold killing intent on his face, obviously he found that the other party was not kind.

"Who am I? Those who kill you, do it!"

The young man waved his right hand, and in an instant five shooting star-like arrows flew towards the burly man and the shop owner viciously.

"Looking for death!" The burly man yelled loudly, suddenly raised the sledgehammer in his hand, and killed him like a car.

"Roar!" The white tiger suddenly appeared. Just when the burly man raised the hammer and was about to smash it down, he suddenly swung its claws, and then the burly man flew upside down.

"Bang!" The burly man's mouth overflowed with bright red blood. He looked at the big white tiger that suddenly appeared in front of him, with a look of fear on his face.

"Change, mutant beast?" The burly man shouted in panic.

It's just that no one answered him at all at this moment, because the big white tiger moved again, his limbs jumped suddenly, and quickly rushed to the burly man's side, and slapped it again.

"Help, alien beasts are attacking the city." The burly man shouted in panic, eyes full of panic.

"Pfft!" A few flashes of cold light passed by, and the burly man's voice stopped abruptly. He clutched his neck and fell limply on the ground, with blood crazily oozing from his throat.

Qin Tianyu put away the tiger claws, turned his head to see that there were no more people alive in the food store, he canceled the summoning of the lizard warrior, and summoned the velociraptor again.

"Go, clean up here." Qin Tianyu turned into a cat again, and waited until everything was dealt with before canceling the summoning and leaving quickly.

Not long after he left, several passers-by passed by and were stunned when they saw the blood all over the ground.

"Express officer!" The sound of chaotic footsteps became farther and farther away.

No. 300 Xifeng Street, Qin Tianyu's quiet courtyard.

The younger brother Qin Feng drank the small black water droplets with his eyes closed, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"It's warm, like ordinary water droplets." Qin Feng frowned and thought for a while.

"This thing needs to be taken regularly to be effective. I guess it will take a hundred drops anyway. Let's take one drop for each of us now, and we will continue to take it for the elder brother tomorrow." Qin Yue thought for a while and said.

"Well, the homework is finished, let's go, I don't know how Sister Hehua and the others are doing, and whether they can take care of so many people." Qin Feng said.

"Go, go and have a look first!" Qin Yue nodded.

The two little guys quickly left home and headed towards the Happy Mansion, but when they passed the grain store, they saw a large crowd of people watching, and they walked over curiously.

"It's so miserable, there's blood everywhere, the people in this store must have been eaten."

"Yes, I didn't expect the mutated beasts to come to the city. It seems that the beast tide is not small, alas."

(End of this chapter)

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