The finishing touch system

Chapter 248 Rewards

Chapter 248 Rewards
Three consecutive reminders of the demon tower's will sounded in the demon tower.

Countless professionals stopped their work at this moment and chose to wait quietly.

Someone had already guessed something in their hearts, and their expressions brought out deep envy.

In the demon tower and stone house.

Qin Tianyu came to the table and chair and sat down, communicating with the will of the demon tower with his consciousness.

"Ding! Congratulations for guarding the human race, your achievements will be recorded, and your name will be passed down through the ages."

"Ding! You can choose one of the following rewards as a reward!"

The voice of the demon tower's will came, and then three options appeared in front of Qin Tianyu.

1. Complete the task scroll, and enable the attribute drop function.

2. Permanent props, cities.

3. Random soul binding stone
Qin Tianyu looked at the three options in front of him and frowned slightly, because he didn't have detailed information on these three options, so it was difficult for him to judge.

"Can you explain the general situation of the three options?" Qin Tianyu said.

"Ding! Yes." Demon Tower willed.

"1. The quest scroll allows you to complete the preamble of attribute quests immediately, and allows you to drop attributes after you fight monsters."

"2. City props, which allow you to leave the demon tower with props, and instantly build a city with a defense that is at least five times stronger than Blackstone City."

"3. Random soul binding stone, which can randomly bind one of your skills as soul ability."

After listening to the introduction, Qin Tianyu felt that the reward this time seemed a bit not very good, so he raised doubts in his heart.

"Why is the reward not as rich as last time? The hero body seems to be better than these things." Qin Tianyu said.

"Ding! Not necessarily. Of course, if you want a hero body, you can also. There are three more hero bodies, but you already have a hero body, so it's useless to ask for another hero body." Demon Tower Will said.

"That's it." Qin Tianyu suddenly understood that the hero body was still in stock in the demon tower, and the others were gone.

"It feels so poor." Qin Tianyu shook his head.

"Ding! Because you have taken away all the good things, only these things are left on this floor. If you are on the third floor of the Monster Tower, there will be colorful talent awakening stones." The Monster Tower said.

"Seven-color Talent Awakening Stone? You can give it to me now." Qin Tianyu's eyes lit up and said, this thing is a good thing, he wants as much as he has.

"Ding! You can only receive rewards from the second floor of the demon tower. If you don't choose, it will be regarded as giving up." The demon tower willed.

Qin Tianyu frowned slightly, the will of the demon tower seemed to be persecuting him.

At this time, the space was slightly rippling, and Qin Tianyu seemed to hear something.

He said quickly: "I choose a random soul binding stone."


The Demon Tower was silent for a moment.

Then a simple black stone flew out of the air and landed in Qin Tianyu's hands.

next second.

"Ding! World Announcement, World Announcement, [Heisha] has made outstanding achievements in protecting Black Rock City, and now a special reward is issued: a random soul binding stone."

"Ding! World Announcement, World Announcement, [Heisha] has made outstanding achievements in protecting Black Rock City, and now a special reward is issued: a random soul binding stone."

Three consecutive world announcements resounded throughout the world of Demon Tower.

Countless people could not help but feel envy, jealousy and hatred when they heard the crisp notification tone.

But more people sighed.

Because everyone knows that this Heisha has become stronger again, stronger and stronger.

With such strength and such gains, they have no confidence in surpassing them.

Because Heisha is the famous dragon summoner, and he is a terrifying existence that repelled the beast tide twice in a row.

So now.

People can only be jealous in their hearts, and they dare not say anything bad about the guardian of the dragon in public.

Outside the flame city.

Qin Tianyu drove the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex forward quickly, heading towards the 170-level monster area.

He must level up as soon as possible to increase his strength to prevent unpredictable events from happening in the future.


The enchanting figure with bare feet came out of the void suddenly, and then threw herself into Qin Tianyu's arms.

"Brother Stone Man, is your injury better?"

Lan Yaoluo, who has a pair of round and long legs, hugged Qin Tianyu and said with concern.

"Don't worry, it's enough to level up. By the way, why did you let me choose a random soul binding stone?" Qin Tianyu's golden eyes swept across the beautiful blue enchanting, and there was doubt on his handsome face.

"Brother Stone Man, the Demon Tower can actually be separated." Lan Yaoluo said with her cute little head tilted.

"Separate? What do you mean?" Qin Tianyu was puzzled.

"Brother Stone Man, have you found out? Even if you leave the Demon Tower, you can still communicate with the Demon Tower. This is actually because of your profession, but it is also equivalent to restraining you. This is not good." Lan Yaoluo blinked. Said the beautiful purple eyes.

"Not good? What's wrong? Isn't it just an upgrade?" Qin Tianyu frowned.

"No, after the later occupations will disappear, people will completely break away from the shackles of the demon tower, otherwise they will not be able to enter the higher-level demon tower." The blue enchanting white and soft little hand said, grabbing Qin Tianyu's big hand.

"Continue talking." Qin Tianyu said.

"In short, this is very important. After the occupation disappears, the skills will also disappear, and this stone can turn your skills into soul-bound talents, and the soul talents will not disappear." Lan Yaoluo pouted and said. .

"So that's the case, what skills will disappear?" Qin Tianyu asked in doubt, and looked at his data panel at the same time.

There are two types of skills he has mastered.

One type is ability, similar to the ability to change the stone man, ice halo, ice warrior and so on.

The other category is soul talent, such as God's perspective, materialization, soul space, and the ability to master the weather.

If what Lan Yaoluo said is true, then the ability should disappear.

But Qin Tianyu didn't know whether the soul talent would disappear.

"Brother Stone Man, as long as it is a soul talent, it will not disappear, but the ability will." Lan Yaoluo said.

"So it is." Qin Tianyu suddenly said.

"Brother Stone Man, you can make a lot of money by choosing it. Like the Dragon King, if he wants to go to a higher-level demon tower in the future, he can only give up all his abilities. He will be very, very miserable if he has no skills." Lan said enchantingly.

"So, I made money?" Qin Tianyu said.

"Of course, this is a big profit, because there is only one piece of this kind of stone in the Demon Tower." Lan Yaoluo blinked her long eyelashes and said.

"Only one piece? Is that so? I thought the seven-color talent awakening stone was the most important." Qin Tianyu said.

"No, no, the seven-color talent awakening stone is actually more advanced, but in the demon tower, there are more of them, but there is only one random soul binding stone, so it seems more precious."

"That's it, forget it, it's useful to me anyway, I'll use this thing first, and see which skill will be bound to become a soul skill." Qin Tianyu said.

(End of this chapter)

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