The finishing touch system

Chapter 250 Ji Nine Sisters

Chapter 250 Ji Jiumei

Sun Yishan, who was carrying a big axe, frowned tightly when he saw the person coming.

Now there are only two families left in Black Rock City, one is the Sun family and the other is the Feng family.

Originally, the two small families did not deal with each other, but now they dislike each other even more.

The two of them had a fight two days ago, and neither side took advantage.

This time, he finally met Ji Jiumei, whom he once admired, so how could he give up?

So he said coldly to the handsome Feng Tianpeng: "Feng Tianpeng, I advise you not to get involved in my affairs, otherwise it will be ugly if something happens."

"Heh, don't let anyone tell you that you bullied the little girl. Let me tell you, I will take care of this matter today." The handsome Feng Tianpeng said loudly.

His tone of voice was very decent, his appearance of upholding justice, coupled with his handsome appearance, really made some passers-by look at him with admiration.

However, Feng Tianpeng's gaze always drifted towards the pure-looking Ji Jiumei, and there was a possessive desire hidden in those eyes, which seemed to burst out.

In his heart, he was cheering himself up even more: "I will get hurt on purpose for Ji Jiumei in a while, and maybe I will be able to hug the beauty back then."

Feng Tianpeng thought so, and then he sarcastically sarcastically directed at Sun Yishan, and directly got angry at what the other party said.

"I think you're looking for death, go for it." Sun Yishan shouted angrily with a big ax on his back.


Two groups of people fought at the gate of No. 225 Xifeng Street, and the scene really looked like a real fight.


The handsome Feng Tianpeng flew upside down, clutching his chest and screaming on the ground.

But his eyes were focused on Ji Jiumei, and when he saw Ji Jiumei looking at him, he cried out in pain.

On the other side, Sun Yishan, who was carrying a big axe, was a little dazed.

He obviously just kicked the opponent, which is very dangerous for ordinary people.

But it's nothing to deal with professionals.

But that handsome Feng Tianpeng wailed in pain, which was very strange.

However, there are masters in both families, and he didn't dare to go too far, so he told his subordinates to stop fighting.

"Now you know how powerful you are. If you dare to meddle in other people's business in the future, I won't beat you up." Sun Yishan said coldly with a big ax on his back.

"Hmph, I just can't stand you bullying weak women."

The handsome Feng Tianpeng stood up deliberately grinning.

Then he stood in front of Ji Jiumei with his back to her, looking like a hero saving the beauty.

"It's really good. I didn't expect that this ceiling is not only handsome, but also a little hero."

"Yes, if someone protects me like this, I will definitely promise it with my body."

"That's right, he's such a good boy."

The passers-by around looked at Feng Tianpeng approvingly one by one, and praised him a lot.

Feng Tianpeng, who was handsome and handsome, was also delighted to hear this.

Because he knew that Ji Jiumei behind him might marry her with her body, so he was in a very good mood.



A lark-like exclamation sounded. The voice came from Ji Jiumei, and there was joy in the voice.

When Feng Tianpeng heard this voice, he was overjoyed instantly: "Could it be that my hero saved the beauty and moved her?"

Feng Tianpeng quickly turned his head and looked at the lively and lovely Ji Jiumei.

Then he saw it.

Ji Jiumei walked towards the passers-by with her little feet, shaking her grace.

"Master Dragon Summoner, do you still remember me? I am the Ji family, Ji Jiumei. I once went to the City Lord's Mansion with Ji Bingtian before." The delicate and lovely Ji Jiumei said excitedly.

And in front of her was Qin Tianyu with purple hair and golden eyes.

When the people around saw this scene, their expressions suddenly changed.

The handsome Feng Tianpeng's face turned pale instantly.

"Nimma, I've been performing for a long time, and I've been busy for nothing."

The handsome Feng Tianpeng saw Ji Jiumei chattering in front of Qin Tianyu, and his heart felt ashamed for a moment.

Because he knows.

This delicate and cute girl will be separated from him forever, and he will never be able to pursue her again.

Even if Lord Dragon Summoner doesn't like Ji Jiumei, he doesn't dare to provoke this girl anymore.

After all, they dare not touch anything related to the dragon summoner.

Because this will bring them unimaginable horror disasters.

So this moment.

The two families, Feng Tianpeng and Sun Yishan, all hurriedly saluted in fear, not daring to be careless.

"What's going on?" Qin Tianyu glanced around and said in a cold voice.

This Black Rock City managed to regain some of its popularity, and he didn't want any more moths to appear.

"Sir, it is like this."

Sun Yishan walked out quickly and said a few words, explaining the whole process.

It turned out that Ji Jiumei seemed to need money, and then lied to Sun Yishan, which led to what happened now.

So Qin Tianyu cast his eyes on this delicate and cute girl.

"My lord is like this, two of my guards are injured and need money for treatment, but I don't have any money,"

Ji Jiumei stuck out her little pink tongue, and said with some embarrassment, her big black eyes were secretly looking at Qin Tianyu's expression.

Qin Tianyu glanced at her and didn't say much.

He felt a little guilty about the demise of the Ji family, after all, Ji Binglan had entrusted her.

But the beast tide at that time was too dangerous, Qin Tianyu was powerless.

Now that he has found a member of Ji's family, he has an answer to Ji Binglan.

So he stared at Ji Jiumei in front of him and said, "Take your guards and I go back to the City Lord's Mansion."

After Qin Tianyu finished speaking, he took out some money from the interspatial ring and threw it to Sun Yishan, paying back the money on behalf of Ji Jiumei.

His behavior made Sun Yishan turn pale in fright, he really didn't dare to take the money.

However, Qin Tianyu didn't have time to talk to them, but waved his hand to let them leave.

Seeing that Qin Tianyu had no intention of pursuing the matter, the members of the two small families fled in fright.

That posture is as embarrassing as it needs to be.

"My lord, they are seriously injured, come and take a look."

Wait until everyone leaves.

Jiumei raised her delicate white hand, grasped Qin Tianyu's big hand, and walked into the No. 225 building.

The two walked into the dilapidated house, and soon saw two pale beauties lying on a small bed.

This is a pair of twin beauties. Looking at their attire, they seem to be guards.

One of them was in a coma, and the other was covering the wound on her thigh, frowning, and remained silent.

"Xue'er, look who's here." Jiu Mei dragged Qin Tianyu into the room and said quickly.

The one named Xue'er is the younger sister of the twins. She is very beautiful, with a protruding front and back, and a hot figure.

That beautiful face, and that long black hair like satin.

Simply a natural stunner.

Especially the appearance of the other party after being injured, the pale appearance of that small face, and the posture that I feel pity for.

Absolutely instantly impress a hard-hearted person.

Qin Tianyu looked at the other party's weak appearance, and his sword eyebrows also frowned.

Then he glanced at the injured part of the opponent, and he quickly retracted his gaze.

Because that location is not suitable for viewing.

 ps: Thank you [use silence to explain helplessness] brother's 200 book coins, mighty and domineering, brother, please pay attention when you go out, two enchanting beauty thieves are starting to act against you, in order to catch you home and become their husband.

  ps: Thank you [Chen Xingyao] brother for the two monthly tickets, mighty and domineering, when I went out, I met a beautiful female anchor in the park, and was accosted by the beautiful female anchor.

(End of this chapter)

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