The finishing touch system

Chapter 255 Introducing the Beast Pill and the Saint Clan

Chapter 255 Introducing the Beast Pill and the Saint Clan
"There is only one possibility."

"You mean, the identities of those two people are"

"Shh, don't talk, don't talk."

A few people who reacted quickly thought of something, they looked at the cloak that concealed their identities, and they hurriedly shut their mouths.


Inside the Xingfu mansion, a large group of people ran out in a single file, including adults and children.

These people are all from the Happy Mansion, and the leader is obviously Mei Jie.

"See you sir!"

Sister Mei led a group of children to imitate Tie Niu, knelt on one knee and saluted respectfully.

"All right, go back, you don't need to be so ostentatious in the future." Qin Tianyu glanced at them and said.

After he finished speaking, he dragged Qin Yue towards the Xingfu mansion in strides.

Sister Mei and the others followed closely behind.

As for Tieniu, he quickly stood at the door, looking around vigilantly, as if anyone who dared to make trouble would blow someone up.

After 1 minute, those who reacted slowly finally came to their senses.

They short-circuited their heads and said, "Could it be that those two are, are they the dragon summoner and the city lord?"

"Nonsense, this is obvious." Someone said.

"Mist grass, I'm so close to the adults, it's unbelievable."

"Yes, my lord is my idol. The summoning with the wave of the hand, the big tiger covering the sky, is really shocking."

"Yes, yes, it's a pity that I didn't recognize it, or the adults might have taken a fancy to me." An ordinary-looking female professional said.

"Come on, with your appearance, go play next to me."

Everyone was discussing one by one in the mouth of the Xingfu mansion, and the conversation was really in full swing.

"Wait, Sister Ma seemed to be talking to adults just now." Someone suddenly thought of something and said.

"Yeah, I saw it too. This silly elder sister doesn't usually see anything. I didn't expect to be so shrewd."

"Oh, if I knew it earlier, I would have studied more about the adults."

As everyone said, they all looked at Sister Ma enviously, envious that she had a conversation with the adults.

However, Sister Ma, who is so flamboyant, is also a little confused at this time.

In fact, she didn't recognize the two adults, otherwise she would have froze in place with fright.

But listening to the compliments around her, a hint of arrogance appeared on her face.

After all, it is not a rare opportunity to be able to talk to Lord Dragon Summoner.

"You have to learn a little bit. I just chatted with the two adults for a long time. The adults travel in a low-key manner, understand?" Sister Ma said triumphantly.

"Sister Ma deserves to be Sister Ma, she is amazing."

"Yes, Sister Ma is really smart, we are too dumb, alas."

"I will ask Miss Ma to take care of you in the future."

"Sister Ma, we'll see each other often in the future. By the way, why are you here, Sister Ma?"

While everyone was talking, some people raised doubts.

"For my daughter, I plan to marry her to Lord Dragon Summoner." Sister Ma said with her head held high.

"Isn't your daughter only 9 years old?" Someone said feeling absurd.

"What's wrong with the age of 9? He'll grow up, and if such an excellent man doesn't strike early, he might be snatched away." Sister Ma continued.

"That's right.. It looks like we're going to change our strategy."

"You're so smart, I've already started planning for my 9-year-old daughter."

The people around suddenly realized, and at the same time thought deeply.

Some people are even thinking about paving the way for their daughters.

Within the mansion of happiness.

Qin Tianyu checked the accounts in the mansion and nodded in satisfaction.

The current Happiness Mansion is considered an officially supported orphanage, with many children.

In addition, many people donated, and they started to get on the right track, and they were no longer starving like before.

"It's not bad. Pay attention to the secret guard. Choose some children with a strong sense of belonging and high loyalty to join the secret guard." Qin Tianyu looked at Sister Mei and said.

"My lord, I promise to complete the task." Sister Mei said respectfully.

The three chatted for a long time, and the details of some hidden guards were arranged properly.

After everything was ready, Qin Tianyu stayed with Qin Yue in the Xingfu mansion for a while.


Seventh Sister, whose face was scalded, caught Qin Tianyu's attention.

When he saw each other before, the breath of the other party was only at the level of twenty or thirty.

But now.

He unexpectedly discovered that the opponent's aura was not weaker than Tieniu's, which was very strange.

"It seems that he is also a person with a story. This world is really wonderful." Qin Tianyu thought silently.

In recent days, he has studied a lot of materials and read a lot of literature.

There are also many conjectures about the beast tide.

Normally speaking, most of those beast kings live in the misty forest and rarely appear outside.

And the misty forest is also a large forest that traverses the whole world.

There is a strange mist in this forest, and it is easy for people to get lost when they enter it.

And all human cities are divided into every corner by the foggy forest.

Be careful of the beast tide in the misty forest at any time.

Normally, the frequency of animal hordes is very low.

Some cities may take many years to appear.

But there are indeed signs of a beast tide in Black Rock City, which is very abnormal.

Qin Tianyu had already thought of why.

That is the Beast Inducing Pill.

This thing is a very bad thing, and it is a elixir made by the descendants of the beast king, special materials and flesh and blood.

This thing used to be used to lure away the beast tide.

But now, it has become a tool for someone with a heart.

Just like now, Qin Tianyu frowned when the number of mutated beasts outside Blackstone City began to increase.

Fortunately, in the previous beast tide, many mutant beasts died.

Therefore, the next beast horde may take a while to gather, and it is no longer that simple to form a new beast horde in a short period of time.

After all, the giant dragon killed countless mutant beasts indiscriminately. Such a loss is also very terrifying for the foggy forest.

So Qin Tianyu was not in a hurry.

But thinking of that Dragon King Chen, Qin Tianyu's eyes showed a trace of killing intent.

"The third floor demon tower? Don't worry, I'll be there soon." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

Holy city ruins.

This is a remnant of the ruins, the ruins left after being captured by the beast tide.

It is also an uninhabited and overgrown ruins.

Because of the strange situations that often occur here, the mutant beasts who captured here always died inexplicably, so soon there was no mutant beast here.

But at this moment, a black-red light flashed across the sky, and then a young man with an evil appearance appeared.

The moment he appeared, his eyes swept towards a certain hall in the ruins of the holy city.

"Finally found, the last residence of the saint clan, and it's finally time to reveal the identity of me, Qin Feng, and my younger sister, Qin Yue."

 ps: Thank you [book friend 160714220654354] brother for the 2 monthly tickets, mighty and domineering, brother, please be careful when going out, there is a beautiful killer who was injured and fainted in your arms.

(End of this chapter)

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