The finishing touch system

Chapter 259 Qin Yue's Phoenix Bloodline

Chapter 259 Qin Yue's Phoenix Bloodline

Fatty Lei and the others looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Looking at the terrifying steel tyrannosaurus rex, looking at the boy on top of the tyrannosaurus rex.

They couldn't help feeling awe.

How dare they disrespect such a terrifying existence?
So this moment.

These professionals all looked at Qin Tianyu and his stalwart figure with admiring eyes.


Qin Tianyu jumped off the head of the Iron Tyrannical Dragon, and came to Qin Yue's side, looking at her tenderly.

"Wait a long time." Qin Tianyu said softly.

"No, and no matter how long you wait for my husband, Yueyue will be willing." Qin Yue threw herself into Qin Tianyu's arms and said happily.

"Silly girl."

Qin Tianyu nodded Qin Yue's small head, hugged her and jumped lightly, and he had already reached the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

That unrestrained and calm posture is almost as ethereal as a fairy.


The gigantic Iron Tyrannosaurus rex let out a roar that shook the sky again.

Then he drove the Tyrannosaurus Rex out of the Ice City.

Only the group of middle-aged and elderly professionals were left, standing there sluggishly.

quite a while.

"It's really scary. I didn't expect that Qin Tianyu could already cross the second floor." Fatty Lei said in horror.

"Yes, such strength is simply unreasonable."

"From this point of view, he is not far away from going to the third floor of the Demon Tower. It seems that he will have a good relationship with Black Rock City."

"Yes yes yes."

A group of middle-aged and elderly professionals discussed and said, their expressions were very solemn, as if they had decided to treat everything related to Qin Tianyu with caution.

His eyes came to Qin Tianyu outside the city.

Qin Tianyu embraced the charming Qin Yue, and drove the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex towards the 200-level monster area.

With his level plus the bonus of his bloodline, he was already invincible in this world, so he directly chose the level 200 monster area.

Here, he can gain experience points faster and upgrade all skills to LV6 faster.

"Honey, where are we going?" Qin Yue raised her head in doubt.

"Go to the area of ​​the ooze monster. Where is it? My control of the weather can play a very good role." Qin Tianyu said.

"Then why don't I take my husband with you?" Qin Yue said blushing.

"You took me? What do you mean?" Qin Tianyu was puzzled, wondering what happened to Qin Yue.

"I can turn into an ice phoenix and fly for a short time, and my husband can ride me." Qin Yue's face was so red that it was about to bleed, and she was too ashamed to even look at Qin Tianyu.

She loved Qin Tianyu to the bottom of her heart, so even if she was too shy to raise her head, she was still willing to do things for Qin Tianyu.

"Oh? That's not bad." Qin Tianyu's eyes flickered, and there was a hint of teasing in his golden eyes.

He squeezed Qin Yue's fair face, and said softly, "Become a phoenix soon, your husband and I haven't ridden a phoenix yet."

Qin Yue's small face was already scorching hot, she blinked her long eyelashes, and there was mist in her big silver eyes, she was too ashamed to speak.

But she knew that her husband wanted to ride a phoenix, so she cleverly used her bloodline ability.


The cold air diffused recklessly, turning this area into an ice zone.

Then Qin Yue transformed from a charming and charming girl into an extremely beautiful ice phoenix.

It's just that the phoenix is ​​very small and obviously hasn't grown up.

"Husband, come up quickly, I can only change for about 10 minutes." Qin Yue's voice was like a yellow warbler, and there was obvious shyness in the voice.

"Ten minutes is enough."

Qin Tianyu jumped lightly, came to the back of the Frost Phoenix, and rode on it to observe carefully.

"It seems to be a real phoenix." Qin Tianyu touched the wings of the ice phoenix lightly, and said in surprise.

"Well, in fact, this is the use of blood. My ability is still too weak. Although the change time is long enough, the increase in strength is not very high." Qin Yue explained by flapping her wings.

"It's somewhat similar to my lava king's bloodline, it's all about the use of bloodlines." Qin Tianyu said.

"Yes, it's just that the bloodline of the lava king and the bloodline of the ice phoenix are somewhat asymmetrical, which is not good for our offspring." Qin Yue said in a voice like a gnat.

She was still thinking about how to spread branches and leaves for Qin Tianyu and have children.

"Silly girl, don't worry about this matter. There are so many layers in the demon tower, sooner or later you will be able to find a better bloodline." Qin Tianyu patted the wings of the ice phoenix and said.

"Well, I see, husband." Qin Yue said obediently.

that's it.

Qin Yue led Qin Tianyu to fly rapidly at high altitude, while the Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex frantically chased after him, but it was a pity that he couldn't catch up no matter what.

In the end, Qin Tianyu directly canceled the summoning, and then sat behind the Frozen Phoenix, admiring the beautiful scenery of the demon tower.

"By the way, isn't the demon tower forbidden? How can you fly in the air?" Qin Tianyu suddenly thought of this question.

"Because the demon tower allows me to fly, and it's not just me, Song Mingyue can also fly." Qin Yue said while flying.

"That is to say, if I have a similar bloodline, can I fly?" Qin Tianyu asked suddenly.

"Yes, just be careful, if the blood is too scarce, the flying time will be very short, for example, I can only fly for 10 minutes." Qin Yue said a little embarrassed.

"Well, it seems that we need to find some more powerful bloodlines." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

After he finished speaking, a wave of water in the void rippled slightly.

Then a pair of beautiful eyes, hidden in the void, looked at Qin Tianyu who was leaving.

"It turns out that my husband wants the blood of flying, what should I do? Hey, I thought of a blood."

The void quickly returned to calm, and no one saw the ripples in the void, not even Qin Tianyu.

The monster area of ​​the ooze monster, that is, the monster area of ​​level 200.

Qin Yue landed here slowly, and then transformed into a human form.

It's just that her little face was slightly pale, as if she had reached her limit.

"Don't be too pushy, do you understand?" Qin Tianyu hugged Qin Yue in his arms distressedly, rubbing her little head and said.

"It's alright husband, when I get more phoenix blood in the future, I can fly with my husband for a longer time." Qin Yue said, blinking her big silver eyes.

"Well, my Yueyue is really a good wife." Qin Tianyu said softly.

"My husband is a good husband. Yueyue is very happy." Qin Yue put her little head in Qin Tianyu's arms and said happily.

"Okay, the next step is to upgrade!"

After Qin Tianyu finished speaking, he quickly tapped the void with his right hand, and the purple mist began to evaporate and diffuse.

next second.

The tyrannical Earth Dragon, Steel Tyrannosaurus Rex, Lizard Warrior King and Lizard Warriors came out of the purple mist.

Qin Tianyu waved his hand again, and the ice warrior was also condensed.

"Obey my lord's call." The ice warrior knelt down and saluted.

"Go, kill all those monsters." Qin Tianyu looked at the many summoned beasts and said.

"Yes, my lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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