Chapter 262 Unique Constitution
Hearing that the consciousness of the demon tower was subdued, these cute girls who were about to go crazy raised their heads and put away their power.

Then they blinked their beautiful eyes one by one, quietly waiting for the answer from the demon tower.

"First, the three things you are holding now must be put back. This is for the next generation of destiny, otherwise there may be a new crisis in this world."

The will of the demon tower did not immediately say what to give, but started to raise conditions first.

All the beautiful and cute girls did not answer, but listened quietly.

"Secondly, the lava king's bloodline is not suitable for Qin Tianyu. It is very bad to waste it. You can take it back to me." Demon Tower Will continued.

Hearing this, the outspoken Lan Yaoluo lightly parted her lips, and wanted to say something, but Ji Binglan stopped her.

"The more conditions there are, the more precious that item should be." Ji Binglan smiled.

Lan Yaoluo suddenly realized, and then nodded her head and said: "Well, you can make a request, and I will tell the stone man brother that everything will be decided by the stone man brother."

Demon Tower's will ignored Lan Yaoluo, as if he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

It continued mechanically: "Third, you need to extract all the sealed monster blood as a reserve for the demon tower."

"Fourth, Qin Tianyu is not allowed to give anything from the Demon Tower on the third floor, especially the Talent Awakening Stone."

"Fifth, it is forbidden to steal things from the demon tower."

"Sixth, promise me three conditions!"


The demon tower will continue to narrate, listing all the conditions one by one.

The requirements were extremely harsh. It could be said that Lan Yaoluo and the others had never seen such harsh conditions.

However, the tower spirits are very excited, because the higher the conditions, the things given by the will of the demon tower will be unbelievably good.

"Okay, the conditions are finished, let's talk about what I have come up with!" Demon Tower Will said after putting forward a lot of conditions.

"You should know that after reaching the fourth floor of the demon tower, human beings are not allowed to enter the fifth floor!" the demon tower said.

"Yes, it's out of the requirements of professionals, and it's no longer under the control of the demon tower." An Xiaomao said with her big watery eyes blinking.

"If you want to enter a higher level demon tower, in addition to being baptized and removing your occupation, you also need a special physique." The demon tower said.

"You mean..." Little Lolita Blue Lime said in surprise with her mouth open.

"Yes, it's the only physique. Although it can't improve combat power, it is the dream physique pursued by countless terrifying beings in thousands of worlds." Demon Tower Will said.

"Why? Even if we agree to all your requests, we can't match this physique, right?" Xia Ziyue frowned and said softly.

"Because of Chu Wanqiu and Qin Yue, I secretly contacted them and told them about this matter. They promised that as long as Qin Tianyu agrees, they will immediately become pagoda spirits." Demon Tower Will said.

"So that's the case, but the addition of these things can't change this physique, and you should understand that the stone man brother doesn't allow them to become tower spirits." Lan Qingning said with wisdom shining in her eyes.

"No, he will allow it, because he really has the possibility to become the master of the Demon Tower." The Demon Tower said mechanically.

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Ji Binglan asked suspiciously.

"I analyzed the dragons Qin Tianyu summoned, and found an unbelievable problem, that is, all the existences he summoned came from the higher world of the Demon Tower." The Demon Tower said mechanically.

"What? It turned out to be like this." The cute girls of Yingyingyanyan also opened their mouths in surprise at this moment.

They never thought that the dragons Qin Tianyu summoned came from the demon tower.

"Why? Why can Brother Stone Man summon these dragons?" Lan Yaoluo blinked her big eyes and asked doubtfully.

"If I'm not wrong, he should have the core fragment of the demon tower, which is the most important piece among the eight missing fragments of the demon tower." The demon tower continued.

"The fragments of the demon tower, so it is like this, no wonder, no wonder." All the beauties suddenly realized, and they all understood why.

"However, it is very difficult for him to become the master of the Demon Tower. The Dragon King Chen has two fragments of the Demon Tower. In fact, I am more inclined to the Dragon King Chen." The Demon Tower said mechanically.

"No, we don't allow it. If you dare to make Dragon King Chen the owner of the demon tower, we will demolish the demon tower."

Xia Ziyue raised her small hand, and a purple two-handed sword suddenly appeared, and terrifying energy fluctuations spread wantonly.

Although the other beauties didn't say anything, their beautiful eyes were filled with starlight.

"It's useless, the sum of all of you is barely equal to the value of one fragment. If it wasn't for Qin Yue and Chu Wanqiu, I wouldn't have given Qin Tianyu this physique." Demon Tower said mechanically.

"Then what do you mean now, is that you are more inclined to Tianyu?" Ji Binglan said, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, Qin Tianyu should thank Chu Wanqiu and Qin Yue, and you tower spirits. It is the combination of all of you. I judged that Qin Tianyu's value is higher, so I can show the only physique." Demon Tower Road.

"Huh, we are the wives of brother Tianyu, this is what we should do." An Xiaomao said with her fists clenched.

"That's right, Tianyu is so outstanding, the only physique must belong to him." Ji Binglan, who was like a fairy of ice and snow, said softly.

The rest of the cute girls are little heads of approval, with a look of approval.

"Okay, let's all go back to work. When Qin Tianyu's strength meets the requirements, I will give him the only physique. I hope he will not waste this precious physique." Demon Tower said mechanically.

The cute girls didn't say anything, but disappeared in the waves of water.

Only the last voice of the demon tower's will remained in place.

"Where are the remaining fragments? Is that special thing in Qin Yue's hand? And Song Mingyue, she should have a piece too. As for Chu Wanqiu."

The sound came to an abrupt end here, and there was no more sound, as if it had already left.

Time is like the fine sand in an hourglass, passing quietly.

In the blink of an eye, several days have passed.

These days, the restoration work of Black Rock City, except for the city walls, has almost been completed.

However, the construction of the city wall cannot be completed overnight, it may take several years.

So until now, the progress of the Black Stone City Wall is still slow.

Fortunately, the beast horde did not appear strangely, although the number of mutant beasts began to increase.

But it will take some time before the beast tide forms.

Such a thing is very strange, but people dare not go to the misty forest to investigate this matter, so they can only work hard to improve their strength and prevent the emergence of danger.

And on this day, Qin Tianyu, who finally promoted the tiger cat beast to LV6, also officially moved towards the third floor of the demon tower.

 ps: Thanks to [Chu Ge Nianhua Zhang Zifang] brother for the reward of 100 starting coins, an enchanting elder sister who was urged to marry by her family saw your face, and she decided to choose you as a marriage partner to take home.

(End of this chapter)

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