The finishing touch system

Chapter 265 Steel Marmot

Chapter 265 Steel Marmot

"Treasure hunting groundhog?" Qin Tianyu said as he looked at the groundhog that came out of the ground and circled around him.

This groundhog is only the size of a basketball, with a body made of steel, and its small paws swing back and forth, very cute.

And it really wanted to be Qin Tianyu's summoned beast, its little head kept lighting up, begging Qin Tianyu to sign a contract with it.

However, Qin Tianyu never signed the contract.

This little guy doesn't have much combat power at first glance. Although he has a talent for treasure hunting, his combat power is far behind those of the battle summoned beasts.

So he hesitated.

As if seeing Qin Tianyu's hesitation, the Iron Marmot became anxious. It waved its two little paws, anxious.

"Haw haw!"

The steel marmot seemed to have thought of something, suddenly pointed to the ground, and then quickly burrowed into the ground made of steel.

"Let me wait?" Qin Tianyu frowned and murmured.

He can understand the general meaning of the other party, but why he is asked to wait, this is a little unclear.

Waited silently for a long time.

Suddenly, the ground made of steel arched slightly with steel soil, and then a chubby steel marmot, holding a box-shaped thing, got out from the ground.

"Chirp, chirp." Like a steel marmot presenting a treasure, he handed the things he was holding to Qin Tianyu.

However, Qin Tianyu's state is a projection state, and he cannot take over that thing.

"This seems to be a model of a small city." Qin Tianyu said looking at the steel model in the groundhog's hand.

This thing doesn't look unusual, it's just a steel toy.

So Qin Tianyu was a little disappointed.

He thought that the steel marmot could bring him something good, but it turned out to be just a toy.

"Ding! Master, this is a steel secret treasure. You can transform this city into a real city and place it where you want it as long as you drip blood on it," the system said mechanically.

"What? Steel secret treasure?" Qin Tianyu was stunned. He didn't expect such a small toy to be a secret treasure.

And it can still become a real city, which is really incredible.

If Qin Tianyu got this steel secret treasure, then the problem of Black Rock City would be solved in an instant.

The entire Black Rock City will be impregnable, and there is no longer any need to worry about monsters coming out of the ground.

"It's a pity, it's a pity that my soul strength is a little low. If I make a contract with you, I won't be able to make a contract with a bigger guy." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

His current summoned beasts include Steel Tyrannosaurus Rex, Earth Walker Dragon, Lizard Warrior King, and Lizard Warrior.

The role of these summoned beasts is actually great, and the existence of these summoned beasts has already consumed his soul power.

Next, Qin Tianyu intends to contract another more powerful guy, so at this time, Qin Tianyu's soul power will seem a little insufficient.

So Qin Tianyu didn't want to contract this steel marmot.

"System, what kind of summoned beast is that big guy you're talking about?" Qin Tianyu asked.

"Ding! Master, that summoned beast is a steel shark, one of the overlords in the water." The system said mechanically.

"Steel shark?" Qin Tianyu was stunned for a second, wanting to kick someone.

This kind of summoned beast is obviously not suitable for him. You must know that his world in the third demon tower is a big desert.

In that kind of place, the steel shark is not as good as the steel marmot in front of him.

So Qin Tianyu directly denied this summoned beast.

"System, are there any other summoned beasts you want to be summoned?" Qin Tianyu asked.

"Ding! Yes, there is a steel wild boar who wants to be your summoned beast." The system said mechanically.

"Steel wild boar? Not bad, the attack power is still very strong." Qin Tianyu thought of the legend about the wild boar in his previous life.

It's a pity that Qin Tianyu is still not satisfied, what's the point of summoning a steel wild boar?It's too bad.

So Qin Tianyu unfolded the perspective of God, looking for new summoned beasts again.

"Huh? There's a big guy over there, he seems to be very powerful." Qin Tianyu said.

Under his God's perspective, a huge giant ape more than ten meters high was walking in the woods.

The aura exuding from the whole body is very terrifying, every step can crush a large number of obstacles, and the picture formed is full of strong sense of shock.

Seeing this steel giant ape, Qin Tianyu was a little eager to try. If such a terrifying summoned beast was contracted by him, it would really add a lot of power.

So he turned his head to look at the steel marmot in front of him and said, "I'm sorry, but my soul strength is limited, so I can't sign a contract with you."

"Haw haw!"

When the steel marmot heard this, he became anxious for a moment. It bounced and waved its little paws, expressing its own meaning, trying hard to win the contract.

"Are you saying that you don't need to consume soul power continuously? Just give you some soul power once in a while?" Qin Tianyu asked suspiciously.

"Chirp, chirp." The steel marmot hopped and called, feeling very cute.

Looking at the jumping steel marmot, Qin Tianyu was very puzzled.

As far as he knew, all summoned beasts needed to consume soul power continuously, but why didn't this steel marmot need it?

"Ding! Master, the steel marmot voluntarily left the steel world and became your permanent summoned beast, a summoned beast that exists forever, is it a contract?" the system said mechanically.

"Huh? Permanently summoned beast? What's the situation?" Qin Tianyu didn't quite understand.

The previous summoned beast required him to constantly consume soul power to maintain it, and could not appear permanently in the world.

However, this steel marmot can exist forever, which surprised Qin Tianyu.

"Ding! Master, your current summoned beast contract is just an ordinary contract. If someone more powerful signs a contract with your summoned beast, then your contract with them will be severed."

"Ding! The permanent summoned beast is different. After this contract is signed, the steel marmot will always be attached to you and can exist permanently in the real world."

The system explained in series.

"So that's the case, so this groundhog will never return to the steel world?" Qin Tianyu asked again.

"Ding! You can go back, but its ownership will belong to you. Wherever you go to the world, you can summon it to follow you forever." The system said mechanically.

"So that's the case. Since it doesn't consume much soul power, let's sign the contract. It happens that the problem of Black Rock City can also be solved." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

As soon as the words fell, a mysterious contract circle formed in the air, and quickly landed on the forehead of the steel marmot, and then disappeared into it.

"Haw haw!"

The steel marmot screamed excitedly, circling around Qin Tianyu's projection like an excited deer.

Qin Tianyu shook his head amusedly, and turned to look at the steel giant ape. This guy was getting closer and closer to him, and seemed to have spotted him.


The steel giant ape saw Qin Tianyu from afar, and let out a roar that shook the sky. Then, the giant armored car-like body rushed over like crazy.

"Haw haw!"

The steel marmot quickly stood in front of Qin Tianyu, looking at the huge monster solemnly.

Even though it was hugely different in size from the steel giant ape, it still didn't show any fear or retreat, but bravely guarded Qin Tianyu's projection. .

Such a sight surprised Qin Tianyu.

 ps: Thank you [book friend 160714220654354] Brother 2 chapter monthly pass, mighty and domineering, please be careful when you go out, a little fairy who has lost her mana falls from the sky, and may fall into your arms and rely on you.

(End of this chapter)

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