The finishing touch system

Chapter 268 Great Harvest

Chapter 268 Great Harvest

"Qin Yue, Ice Fruit is only suitable for people with ice blood. Your husband Qin Tianyu has the blood of the King of Lava." The voice of the female guardian came from Qin Yue's mind.

During this period of time, her strength has also recovered a lot, and she will never die at any time like before.

Because of this, she worked hard to help Qin Yue understand Qin Tianyu's ability.

Among them, Qin Tianyu gave the death order for the realization, and the female guardian must help to comprehend the success.


The female guardian hardly paid attention to the outside world, and she wholeheartedly helped Qin Yue realize the reality.

But Qin Tianyu's realization is so powerful, even though her female guardian was a guardian before, she still doesn't have much clue.

Now he finally planned to relax, but saw that Qin Yue almost did something wrong again.

"Ah? What should I do? I want to help my husband."

Qin Yue, who is so charming and charming, pursed her mouth, obviously a little depressed.

"You, don't forget that you take so many small water drops every day to strengthen your own soul, and at the same time strengthen Qin Tianyu's soul. He has received countless benefits from you." The female guardian couldn't help complaining. .

"But my husband has also helped me a lot, such as curing my injuries, such as comprehending his skills." Qin Yue said with her big eyes blinking.

"He heals you because you almost died for him, and every time you level up, he brings great benefits to him, and he keeps comprehending your ability. You have paid too much, you should do it for yourself. Considered." The female guardian said.

"No, my husband has been taking care of me, he is so good, I must help him." Qin Yue said while clenching her small pink fist.

"You are almost confused by Qin Tianyu's fans." The female guardian continued.

After she finished speaking, she sighed and said, "Forget it, I will continue to help you comprehend Qin Tianyu's ability, I just hope to succeed, alas, why he comprehended your ability so quickly, and it is so difficult for you to comprehend his ability, I can't figure it out .”

"Because my husband is the most powerful." Qin Yue held her head high and said proudly.

It seems that Qin Tianyu's excellence is more happy than her excellence.

When the female guardian heard this, she was so depressed that she didn't want to say anything anymore, but directly chose to continue to help Qin Yue realize the realization.

Ice cave.

The old snowman warrior led Qin Yue to the depths of the cave, commanded the guards here, and opened a wide stone door.

Behind the stone gate is a huge and rough palace.
In the very center of the palace is a mysterious altar.

In the center of the altar, a cold white flame was burning, which was very mysterious.

"It's so comfortable."

When Qin Yue came here, she suddenly felt very comfortable.

She opened her arms, made a gesture of embracing the world, and even closed her eyes.

And those snowmen knelt on the ground, bowing respectfully.

Because the flame in the center of the altar was burning violently the moment Qin Yue opened her hands, as if excited, joyful, and joyful.

Such a situation made the Snowmen very happy. While bowing their heads, they looked at Qin Yue in admiration and awe, and sang unknown songs one by one.

In the midst of the singing, Qin Yue opened her beautiful eyes, and those silver-white eyes shone with traces of divine light under the light of the flames.

A trace of ice power representing the power of the phoenix descended into the white flame.

In an instant, the white flame became colder, more extraordinary, and exuded a mysterious aura.

"Thank you, Lord Phoenix, thank you, Lord Phoenix."

The snowman's big head hit the ground heavily, and he kowtowed frantically, expressing his excitement and excitement.

Some people are even excited, making prostration gestures with all five bodies on the ground. This is the most noble etiquette, and it is also the understanding that best reflects the attitude.

"Okay, the task is complete, Grandpa Snowman, when will the Snow Wolf tribe come? Should I go to their tribe?" Qin Yue said with her head tilted.

"No, they will appear with ice and fire, you just need to wait." The old snowman said respectfully.

"Yeah, then I don't worry, it's very comfortable here, I'll wait here." Qin Yue said in a small circle.

"By the way, my lord, I want to inform all the tribes in the extreme north that they will dedicate all their treasures to you, and only ask you to grant the power of the phoenix." The old snowman begged.

"Yes, it would be even better if it has the ability to increase the fire attribute blood." Qin Yue blinked her beautiful eyes and said.

"These things are very rare in the extreme north, and we can only rely on luck." The old snowman continued.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have it, I need it." Qin Yue said with some expectation.

"Yes, Lord Phoenix." The old snowman knelt down.

In the following time, the old snowman contacted the entire northern land through a special contact method.

Then countless tribes swarmed with all the treasures and ice fire.

One by one, they prayed for the power of the phoenix and offered treasures.

During this time, Qin Yue's harvest began to increase greatly, and even countless tribe members helped Qin Yue level up.

In just a few days, Qin Yue's level has risen like a rocket, and the speed can be described as terrifying.

You must know that in the third monster tower, the highest level is Chen Longwang, and his level is only 89.

No.2 Song Mingyue is only level 85.

And Qin Yue.

In just a few days, it has reached a terrifying level of 80.

It simply cannot be described in words.

The reason is that countless tribe members captured all kinds of monsters, beat them half to death, and handed them over to Qin Yue to kill them.

In this way, Qin Yue has never even left the Snowman tribe, and just kills those dying monsters every day, which is very simple.

This also raised Qin Yue's level to a terrifying level.

Another few days passed.

Qin Yue's level has surpassed that of Dragon King Chen, reaching the terrifying level of level 99, and even a little bit away from level [-].

This kind of harvest, not to mention other people, but Qin Yue herself was a little unpredictable.

It was also on this day that Qin Yue was killing the monster in front of him.

A terrifying existence like a mountain came towards the Yeti tribe.

This terrifying existence is the king of the extreme north, the king who controls the entire land of the extreme north.

Bang bang bang!
The earth was trembling, and countless icicles followed it, cracking countless gaps, and then being frozen again by the icy ice.

Then the terrifying king of the extreme north came to the gate of the snowman tribe and knelt down respectfully.

"Thank you, Lord Phoenix, for giving me the overall improvement of the entire northern land. Now I will give you the most precious gift."

After the King of the Extreme North finished speaking, a Talent Awakening Stone emitting seven colors of light flew out and floated in front of Qin Yue.

In an instant, Qin Yue's big eyes widened.

Because she knew what it was, she immediately thought of her husband Qin Tianyu.

If this seven-color talent awakening stone is given to her husband, then her husband's strength will increase greatly again.

"Husband, I haven't left the demon tower these days. When I go out, I will definitely give you a big surprise." Qin Yue said with her fists clenched.

 I am away from work, and when I go back, I will write a thank you note to the brothers who voted monthly.

(End of this chapter)

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