The finishing touch system

Chapter 270 Using 7-Color Talent Awakening Stone

Chapter 270 Using Colorful Talent Awakening Stones

This prop is a good thing Qin Tianyu found through the steel marmot, and it is also the most mysterious thing Qin Tianyu has found.

It is similar to the teleportation item obtained by Dragon King Chen, it is an item with special functions.

It's just that Qin Tianyu's prop seems to be a little better.

This prop is one-time, but its function is also very abnormal, because this prop can share insights.

The full name of this prop is: Sentiment Sharing Props.

It can share one of the user's own abilities with others to comprehend, and there is a certain chance for the other party to comprehend the skill.

Of course, this probability is very low, and the other party needs to have a high ability to perceive and comprehend.

Qin Tianyu intends to use this and ability, and then let Qin Yue realize her own embodiment, so that she can have a good armor in any form.

But if Qin Yue can't comprehend success, Qin Tianyu can't help it.

To be honest, at first he planned to use this ability, but his comprehension was very low, so the system advised him not to use this item.

Because the success rate given by the system is 0, it is completely unsuitable for Qin Tianyu to use.

Unless he can and can find a soul-linking method similar to Qin Yue's.

It's a pity that Qin Yue's soul link is due to her ability, so it is impossible to find a second person.

As for Qin Yue's ability, except for the bloodline, Qin Tianyu has already comprehended it.

Therefore, this prop was useless to Qin Tianyu, and it was a pity to throw it away after learning that it was useless.

However, this prop can be used for Qin Yue, and then let Qin Yue comprehend his own abilities. This is also his thought all along.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue brought him a seven-color talent awakening stone, which is really incredible.

"Yueyue, my husband gave you something nice." Qin Tianyu said to Qinyue.

"What good stuff?" Qin Yue said, blinking her big eyes.

"It's a part of my understanding. You should study hard for a while and try to master this ability. By the way, you can ask the female guardian to help." Qin Tianyu said.

"Well, yes." Qin Yue nodded her head and said solemnly.

It seems that completing Qin Tianyu's task is a task she must complete, but she doesn't pay much attention to what she comprehends.

This sentence may seem contradictory, but if you take a closer look, you will find the difference inside.

In other words, no matter what task Qin Tianyu asks Qin Yue to complete, Qin Yue will do her best to complete it. This is what she values ​​most.

As for her own harvest, she didn't really care about it. Anyway, in her heart, as long as Qin Tianyu was happy, she would be happy.

Qin Tianyu took the mysterious prop and chose to use it directly, and a strange feeling filled his heart instantly.

Qin Tianyu quickly took a share of his insights about the ability to manifest, and then directly shared the insights with that delicate and cute little Qinyue.


Qin Yue, who was looking at Qin Tianyu, felt her little head dizzy for a while, and then countless insights came to her heart.

"Hurry up and comprehend, if you can comprehend the manifestation, my husband will be very happy, understand?" Qin Tianyu said quietly.

"Well, Yueyue must work hard to understand and make her husband happy." After Qin Yue finished speaking, her small face became serious, and even an inexplicable aura began to spread.

A kind of deep feeling was felt by Qin Tianyu.

"Huh? This kind of breath, is this world helping her to comprehend this ability?" Qin Tianyu said quietly.

He felt a strange change, and could sense some kind of power in Qin Yue's temperament, which made her comprehend the realization at an extremely fast speed.

Without even asking the female guardian to help, Qin Yue has already comprehended this ability seven to eighty-eight in such a short period of time.

The strange armor quickly covered Qin Yue's surroundings, covering her white as snow arms and her petite and exquisite body.

Let him become a heroic female warrior in a short period of time.

"The speed of comprehension is so fast, as expected of a man of destiny, it is really enviable." Qin Tianyu said.

A world helps Qin Yue to comprehend skills. This kind of treatment, not to mention Qin Tianyu, even those super geniuses will envy. After all, this way is really incredible.

However, Qin Tianyu also faintly noticed a slight difference. After helping Qin Yue, this world seemed to become weaker, or in other words, it would help Qin Yue less and cause more disasters in the future.

"So it's not static." Qin Tianyu said silently.

After his careful exploration, he found that while enjoying the benefits, the people of destiny also face various disasters, which are not necessarily produced in this world.

It is that this world hopes that the people of destiny will help it solve these disasters. It seems that the will of the world can't do it by itself, or it is just a mechanical existence.

It just follows the unique laws of the world, becoming stronger little by little, and increasing its strength little by little.

This seems to be the unique way of growing up in the world, which is very strange.

However, as long as there is materialization, even these costs are worth it, because this materialization ability has more effects on Qin Yue than Qin Tianyu.

The reason for this is that Qin Yue's soul strength is even better than Qin Tianyu's, and manifestation is the ability of the soul, the stronger the soul, the more powerful the armor and weapons that are manifested.

As for why Qin Yue's soul strength is higher than Qin Tianyu's, it is naturally because of the little water drop, and it is also the reason why Qin Yue's soul has been able to help Qin Tianyu.

In fact, Qin Tianyu can also take the small water drops by himself, but unfortunately the effect of his taking it is too far away, it is better to be directly strengthened by Qin Yue's soul.

Pulling away, get back to business.

With the help of the world, Qin Yue's comprehension of skills was quickly completed.

Afterwards, she opened her big silver eyes and looked at Qin Tianyu watery.

"Thank you husband, Yueyue finally comprehended the manifestation." Qin Yue said happily.

"It's good if you understand it, now I feel at ease." Qin Tianyu rubbed Qin Yue's small head gently with his big hand and said.

"Well, husband, quickly use the colorful talent awakening stone and see what abilities you can comprehend." Qin Yue said with her small head held high.

"Okay, then I'll use it and see what abilities I can comprehend." Qin Tianyu said.

He picked up the seven-color talent awakening stone and pressed it on his forehead.

"Ding! Found the colorful talent awakening stone, do you want to use it?"

The mechanical voice echoed in Qin Tianyu's ears, without any emotion in the voice.

But Qin Tianyu knew that this voice came from the will of the demon tower.

"I choose to use it!" Qin Tianyu said.

"Ding! Confirmation complete!"


The seven-color talent awakening stone on Qin Tianyu's forehead turned into illusory seven-color brilliance, flowing along Qin Tianyu's forehead to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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