The finishing touch system

Chapter 280 The Dragon Comes

Chapter 280 The Dragon Comes
Chenlongwang City.

The Dragon King Chen and a figure in a black cloak stood quietly on the square.

They looked at the huge advertising screen and at Song Mingyue who was in crisis, all of them showed smiles of success.

And there was no one around them.

All ordinary people, even professionals, were driven to other places.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the plan is perfect, now Song Mingyue is finished." Chen Longwang said with cold eyes.

"Your Beast Attraction Pill is indeed not insignificant. It allowed us to win a spot from the Demon Tower. The master is very satisfied. This is what you want."

The figure in the black cloak spoke sullenly, then he stretched out a hand from the cloak, and threw a black box to King Chenlong.

However, the hand that this person stretched out was covered with strange black scales, with a faint aura of tyranny, very penetrating.

"Thank you." Dragon King Chen took the black box and said without changing his expression.

"I'm curious, what's the use of this thing? It's nothing but hard." The figure in the black cloak wondered.

"I'm useful." Chen Longwang said perfunctorily.

Hearing this, the figure in the black cloak stared at Dragon King Chen for a moment, then smiled sinisterly twice, and looked at the huge screen again.

At this moment in that screen.

Song Mingyue was blown away by the strange energy attack, and she fell down in the beast tide covered with scars.

Her situation had reached an extremely critical moment. If no one came to rescue her, Song Mingyue would undoubtedly die.

But this is the City of Overwhelmed Water, surrounded by endless hordes of beasts, and separated from other cities by an endless area. It is wishful thinking to want someone to rescue them.

So at this moment, everyone who watched this scene knew that Song Mingyue, who was magnificent, heroic, kind and brave, was doomed.

"Jie jie jie, the power of the beast emperor is really strong, this time Song Mingyue is doomed." The figure in the black cloak said tyrannically.

"That is, the Beast Emperor is synonymous with natural disasters. Although Song Mingyue has good strength, the only way to face the Beast Emperor is death." Chen Longwang replied.

The two looked at the big screen gloatingly, and looked at Song Mingyue who was dying in the endless beast tide, and they smiled happily.

It's just that at this moment, everyone thought that Song Mingyue was dead.

A boy with purple hair and golden eyes suddenly walked out of the void.

He stood on the city wall at the highest point of the city covered with water, looking down, overlooking everything.

And this scene was also transmitted to all human cities and the eyes of countless people through the demon tower and the big screen.

Then, the boy with purple hair and golden eyes raised his right hand.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion descended from the nine heavens, sweeping across thousands of miles in an instant.

And the terrifying beast tide that was attacking Song Mingyue suddenly stopped.

"It's the Dragon Summoner, damn it, is he the means of saving Song Mingyue from the Demon Tower?" Chen Longwang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the power of the Beast Emperor is terrifying. It's wishful thinking if he wants to save Song Mingyue, even if he can summon the dragon." The black cloaked figure said.

"Are you sure?" Chen Longwang asked worriedly.

"Of course, the reason why the Beast Emperor doesn't come out now is because he is hiding underground. We studied Qin Tianyu's giant dragon before and found that he can only summon for a short time, and he can only summon one blow, so Song Mingyue will definitely die." Black Cloak The figure said.

"Then don't worry, it's best to kill Qin Tianyu too." Chen Longwang said coldly.

His current reputation is ruined because of Qin Tianyu, so he can't wait to eat Qin Tianyu's flesh and drink Qin Tianyu's blood.

"So you didn't prepare for us? There is not just one Beast Emperor. There are two extremely powerful Beast Emperors hidden underground. When the dragon leaves, Qin Tianyu will definitely die." The figure in the black cloak smiled cruelly.

"Okay, great, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you, it's a pleasure, hahaha."

Chen Longwang laughed and said, his voice was particularly carefree.

The two of them stared at the huge screen together, waiting for Qin Tianyu to be killed.

Water-covered city.

Song Mingyue fell down in the tide of beasts covered with scars, she was already a little confused, her own strength was extremely weak, and death was getting closer and closer to her.

"Are you going to die?"

The magnificent Song Mingyue lay on her back in the tide of beasts, watching the endless tide of beasts, she blinked her beautiful eyes stained red with blood, and looked at the blue sky.

"Maybe, death is also a kind of relief."

As Song Mingyue said, she slowly closed her beautiful eyes, waiting to be swallowed by the swarming beasts.

It's just that after she waited for a while, she didn't feel the slightest pain, which made her very strange.

She opened her eyes, big eyes looking up.

Then she blinked her long eyelashes and closed her eyes again.

"I didn't expect to have hallucinations before I died, and I saw a brat." Song Mingyue murmured, continuing to wait for death.

It's just that she, who just closed her eyes, felt that she was being hugged, and then hugged her soft body, and quickly jumped back to the city wall.

At this time, Song Mingyue finally noticed something was wrong.

She opened her eyes again, looking at that handsome face, seeing Qin Tianyu's naughty smile, feeling that warm chest, she opened her small mouth in surprise.

"You Qin Tianyu, you actually appeared in Fushui City, are you crazy? You will die." Song Mingyue said anxiously.

"Really? I think you should look around and see why I was able to rescue you." Qin Tianyu said confidently, feeling
Hearing this, Song Mingyue hurriedly looked in all directions, seeing that it didn't matter, her pupils suddenly shrank into a small dot.

Because all the mutant beasts stopped moving, lying on the ground trembling.

Mutant beasts of various forms are looking up at the sky with mournful voices, as if they are praying for something.

Including those extremely powerful junior beast masters, intermediate beast masters, and advanced beast masters.

These mutated beasts with extremely terrifying strength were all too frightened to move.

Seeing this, Song Mingyue was completely stunned. She tilted her head and stared blankly at Qin Tianyu, her big eyes filled with disbelief.

"How did you do it?" The magnificent Song Mingyue asked in shock.

"Don't forget, my nickname is Dragon Summoner." Qin Tianyu hugged Song Mingyue's body.

After the words fell, he looked up at the sky.

Because he found that the dragon summoned this time was a little different, and the dragon that was about to appear told him that it could stay in this world for a longer time.


A giant turtle-like ocean beast struggled frantically, roaring unyieldingly towards the sky.

It is a commander-level beast king, a terrifying mutant beast that is very close to the beast king.

They have their own dignity, and they would rather die than submit.

So they want to break free from the oppression of that terrifying momentum, and then run away.


Other types of commander-level beast kings are also struggling, and they also want to escape here, and there are faint signs of breaking free and escaping.


There was a sudden crisp sound in the sky, and a huge space crack suddenly appeared above the sky.

next second.

The terrifying giant dragon's claw suddenly tore open the crack in space, and then fell down like a mountain.


As if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred, the entire area of ​​Covered Water City was instantly shattered, and the earth shook.

This area instantly turned into hell. Tens of thousands of mutated beasts were trampled to death by the terrifying dragon's claws, including the unyielding commander-level beast king, who was crushed instantly.

"I obey my lord's call, come here, and fight for my lord!"

 ps: Thank you [--month] brother for the two monthly tickets. He is mighty and domineering.

(End of this chapter)

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