Chapter 288
Not only Tie Ruonan was puzzled, even Seventh Sister and Tie Niu were also puzzled.

After all, the time required to build Black Rock City did not happen overnight, and the effort it took was absolutely unimaginable.

So they looked at each other and followed Qin Tianyu towards the city wall.

Their appearance also attracted the attention of the people of Black Rock City.

After all, Qin Tianyu is the strongest human being, and his appearance and behavior have attracted the attention of countless people.

Just like those superstars in previous lives, people more or less know what they look like.

So when Qin Tianyu was walking, many people silently watched, watching Qin Tianyu walk up to the city wall made of steel.

"What is the Dragon Summoner doing here? It looks like something big is going to happen."

"Is the beast horde coming again?" Someone asked worriedly.

"Impossible. The last time the beast swarm suffered heavy casualties, it would take a few years to recover, and they didn't dare to come."

"Yes, Lord Dragon Summoner is here. There is only one result for them to come, and that is courting death."

"Then what are you going to do, sir? It's very strange."

"I know, I know, I have relatives who work in the government. They have been busy with the housing problem in the city recently, and the problem of the sudden increase in the number of people. It is probably because of this."

"This seems to be difficult."

"It's not just difficult? It's an unimaginable big project, and the teleportation array of the demon tower has been flickering, and people are constantly pouring into Black Rock City. Now the city is full of people."

The melon-eaters were discussing one by one, curious about Qin Tianyu, but also feeling a headache for the ever-increasing number of people.

It's a pity that they have nothing to do. After all, the workload of building Black Rock City will be very, very unimaginable.

So they have nothing to do but talk.

While these people were discussing, Qin Tianyu had already reached the highest point of the city wall, and he looked outside the desolate city and smiled slightly.

Then he took out the steel secret treasure from the soul space, and threw it into the sky.

next second.


The terrifying city of steel suddenly bloomed in the sky, falling from the sky like a city in the sky.

It came crashing down with a terrifying power like a black cloud pressing down on a city.


The earth wrestled and trembled, and the sky-shaking loud noise echoed throughout Black Rock City, reverberating in all directions.

The human beings in the entire city, upon hearing the shock, all came out of their homes and looked outside in horror.

Watching the two cities of steel linked together, becoming two areas of the inner city and the outer city, and perfectly linked together, it is weird and mysterious.

"Problem solved." Qin Tianyu glanced at the fused steel artifact, clapped his hands, and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion with a smile.

The outer city that just appeared is three times bigger than the inner city.

Such a scale is enough to solve the problem of the number of people in Black Rock City.

As for the remaining housing allocation, it can be handed over to Tie Ruonan.

This woman is still very powerful, with the capital of a strong woman, plus the physique of a professional.

She worked continuously for more than ten days without sleep, and there was no problem at all.

So Qin Tianyu directly sat up and shook hands with the shopkeeper.

The people around looked at Qin Tianyu who was gradually leaving, and stood on the spot like petrified.

Looking at the newly added steel outer city, they all widened their eyes when they thought of the big problem Qin Tianyu had solved with a wave of his hands.

"My wife is amazing. I didn't expect such a big problem to be solved in an instant by the Dragon Summoner."

"Yes, it's unimaginable. This is really an unpredictable method."

"Sure enough, it's right to come to Black Rock City. Only the city where Lord Dragon Summoner is located is the safest."

The people around looked at Qin Tianyu who left in awe and admiration, and they made up their minds to live here forever.

On the city wall in the distance, a little girl like a lolita quietly watched Qin Tianyu leave, with a smile on her cute little face.

"It's amazing. I will repay your favors. I Tongtong never owes favors. The next step is to win the position of guarding general and become number 1 there to protect Black Rock City for you."

Little Lolita smiled and whispered, a trace of firmness flashed in her pure eyes.

City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Tianyu quietly listened to Seventh Sister's narration, and the surprise in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"You mean, the cataclysm happened in this world was caused by the demons breaking through the rift in space, and the demon energy swept across the whole world?" Qin Tianyu asked in surprise.

"Yes, and the demise of the Saint Race was also due to the Demon Race, and the enemy who invaded the Demon Tower at that time was the Demon Race." Seventh Sister said solemnly.

"How do you know this?" Qin Tianyu was puzzled, with suspicion in his eyes.

"Because I am a demon!" Seventh Sister said in shock.


Qin Tianyu stood up abruptly, staring straight at Seventh Sister.

However, he didn't take the next step. A person who can frankly admit to him that he is a demon, and tell him everything he knows, can't be so bad.

"The demons live in the abyss, and there are countless races living in the abyss, including us humans in the abyss, but we are still demons." Seventh Sister said quietly.

"Why tell me this, aren't you afraid of being known and spurned by thousands of people?" Qin Tianyu said.

"I'm afraid, but I still have to say that the demons always want to invade this world, then seize the demon tower, and even destroy all human beings. For example, my mission was to clean up all the saints." Seventh sister said .

"Continue." Qin Tianyu said.

"After the destruction of the Saints, there were still survivors. Another female demon and I were sent to Black Rock City to clean up the Saints, but I gave up later." Seventh Sister said.

"There are saints in Black Rock City?" Qin Tianyu asked.

"Yes, they are your younger siblings, Qin Feng and Qin Yue." Seventh Sister said.


This time Qin Tianyu was completely surprised, he didn't expect the two little guys he adopted back then to have such identities.

"Qin Yue was very beautiful and cute when she was a child. I couldn't bear to do anything with those pure eyes. Even the female demon tribe wanted to do it, but I stopped them."

"Then I had a falling out with her, and in the end I killed her, but I was also seriously injured and unconscious, and was rescued by the Happy Mansion."

"However, as a member of the Saint Race, Qin Yue is still very dangerous. In this world, the demons hate the Saint Race the most, so they often send people to look for the Saint Race."

"Two demons came to Black Rock City two years ago. I was going to stop them, but they died suddenly, which is very strange."

Seventh Sister kept talking, telling what she knew and what she was confused about.

"A strange death?"

Qin Tianyu frowned, he didn't expect that the place where he lived was so dangerous, and there were even demons watching from behind.

"You and I tell me more about the situation of the demons. Since the demons come from the abyss, is the abyss a terrifying place with infinite layers?" Qin Tianyu said suddenly.

"Huh? How do you know, my lord?"

Seventh Sister looked at Qin Tianyu in surprise, with deep incredulity in her eyes.

 ps: Thank you [Sunset Lonely City] brother for the two monthly tickets, mighty and domineering, please pay attention when you go out, the heroic beauty detective, through your behavior, thinks that you are a very good mate, so she blinks her big eyes and secretly observes You, and in the next second, you will be pressed against the wall!
(End of this chapter)

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