The finishing touch system

Chapter 291 Descending to the Xuanwu World

Chapter 291 Descending to the Xuanwu World
"Yeah! Rogue."

The voice like a yellow oriole came, very sweet and pleasant, but there was a hint of panic.

Qin Tianyu stared blankly at the large bathing pool, and at the beautiful girl with icy muscles and bones in the pool, he was completely stunned.

He didn't expect to be teleported to such a place, and Qin Yue and Song Mingyue who were with him before were not by his side.

"Damn, how could this be? Could it be a random teleportation?" Qin Tianyu frowned.

He looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who hid himself in the water and looked at him in panic, feeling helpless in his heart.

Now his reputation is completely ruined, and he really didn't mean it.

So he took a deep breath and said, "Believe it or not, I didn't mean it."

After Qin Tianyu finished speaking, he strode outside.

"Wait, don't go out!" The voice like a yellow warbler came again, with anxiety in the voice.

"What's the matter?" Qin Tianyu was puzzled, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

However, he didn't look at the opponent's posture anymore, but looked at the position outside the door.

Because he sensed someone outside, and more than one.

Xiao Yalan looked at Qin Tianyu angrily with big eyes. Her team traveled through mountains and rivers to finally come here and bought this big manor.

But just after taking a bath, when she was about to go out, this handsome boy unexpectedly appeared in the room where she was taking a bath.

This frightened her, but she couldn't let the other party go out like this, because if she went out like this, her reputation would be completely ruined.

So she bit her lower lip lightly and said: "Don't go out, if you go out, my reputation will be completely ruined, my life will be over, I can only choose to commit suicide."


Qin Tianyu was stunned. He looked at the other party carefully, and found that the other party's attire seemed to be that of an ancient person, and he had already realized something in his heart.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, I won't go out, I'll wait for you behind the screen, you hurry up and put on your clothes."

After Qin Tianyu finished speaking, he went straight to wait behind the screen, without any intention of peeking.

This kind of behavior also made Xiao Yalan a little puzzled. She couldn't help but wonder if the other party really came here by accident.

"Impossible. I have already bought this manor. Although there are some servants in the manor, there are guards protecting this place, and Xing'er is staying at the door. It is obvious that this young man came here to take a peek."

Thinking of this, and thinking of being peeped by this young man during the whole bathing process, her beautiful big eyes were full of mist.

Because of her icy and pure body, she was completely seen.

At this moment, grievance and pain filled her heart.

"Why, why did you treat me like this? My family suffered a catastrophe. My father sent me to the Xuanyue Sect to save my life. But it is so difficult to join the sect. There are still people in the dark who want to assassinate me at any time. Now..."

Xiao Yalan looked at the screen, thinking that she had been watched over and over by the boy behind the screen, tears rolled down her cheeks, and a slight sob sounded in the room.

Hearing this voice, Qin Tianyu frowned slightly, but he couldn't explain it. After all, all of this was caused by the demon tower, and he was helpless.

"Ding! I am the will of the demon tower, congratulations on teleporting to the Xuanwu world."

"You are very lucky to be directly teleported to the side of the man of destiny in this world. Your main task is to protect the man of destiny for a year, that is, this girl Xiao Yalan."

"Points will be rewarded after the protection is completed. In addition, the treasures you obtain in this world, or the improvement of your own strength, can also be exchanged for points when you leave."

"Points have many functions, such as improving your bloodline or physique, including your skills."

"Attention, if the person of destiny dies, the mission will fail, and you will also be excluded from this world. Please protect her well, remember."

The voice of the demon tower's will came continuously, and the content of the voice made Qin Tianyu's eyes light up slightly.

"What about Qin Yue and the others? In this kind of world, I don't trust them." Qin Tianyu said.

"They are very safe and have come together. I have not taken back the soul link between you and Qin Yue. You should be able to feel her presence." Demon Tower Will said.

"I can feel that she is alive, but I can't confirm their specific conditions." Qin Tianyu said.

"Don't worry, the combined strength of the two of them is higher than yours. You should take care of yourself. Among them, you are currently the weakest, but your luck is also the best." Demon Tower Will said.

"Why? Is this good luck now?" Qin Tianyu frowned.

"You have to know that there are three people of destiny. You have found your goal. Qin Yue and Song Ming are still looking for it, and Chen Longwang is now being imprisoned in a cell and being whipped. Think about how lucky you are." Demon Tower Will said .


Qin Tianyu thought of his own fragrant history, and compared it with Chen Longwang's, and instantly felt that he was too happy.

"That's right, he was unlucky enough to land in a medium-sized sect, and was easily captured as a spy, and then began to torture him to extract a confession. It was very miserable."

"Speaking of which, you are really lucky. If you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. Forget it, I'm leaving. You cherish the opportunity now."

After the voice of the demon tower's will fell, it completely disappeared.

Qin Tianyu meditated quietly, thinking about the task of protecting the Man of Destiny for a year.

That is to protect the girl in the bath, the girl named Xiao Yalan.

Since protecting the opponent can gain points, he will never let go of such an opportunity.

After all, with his endless body and undead bloodline, he can only go through the demon tower if he wants to improve.

If he has top-notch undead blood, then he can even be reborn from a drop of blood.

This kind of ability will definitely make his combat power soar several times.

And in such a world, it is also very good for the improvement of his soul.

Because Qin Yue can continuously strengthen the soul by taking the small water droplets, and the improvement of Qin Yue's soul also drives the improvement of Qin Tianyu's soul.

If he can stay in this world for a year, then Qin Tianyu's soul will be greatly improved, and the creatures he can summon will become more and more powerful.

"Tsk tsk, it's not a loss no matter what. By the way, if Qin Yue wants to get more small water droplets, she still needs to keep doing good deeds, and she has to help her later." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

When Qin Tianyu was thinking, he vaguely heard the voice of Xixi Suosuo, which obviously came from Xiao Yalan.

Thinking of Xiao Yalan hiding in the water just now, thinking of the scene where she held her head high and her beautiful eyes stared at him, Qin Tianyu shook his head helplessly.

This time I really can't explain clearly. He, the majestic dragon summoner, has become a hooligan, which is really wronged.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the surrounding situation and understand the geographical location of this place." Thinking of this, Qin Tianyu opened the perspective of God.

Just the moment he opened the God's perspective, he rushed towards Xiao Yalan like a shooting star, throwing her to the ground in an instant.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yalan exclaimed in shock.

But just as she uttered her words, an arrow flew in through the window like lightning, flew past the two of them, and almost hit Xiao Yalan.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yalan's big eyes widened instantly.

"you actually"

(End of this chapter)

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