The finishing touch system

Chapter 294 Red Pine Mountain

Chapter 294 Red Pine Mountain

Everyone smiled when they saw this scene.

It is definitely a very happy experience to be able to come into the arms of Xiao Yalan's beautiful woman.

It is also an experience that many people envy.

Such a wonderful enjoyment is what many, many people yearn for.

But to everyone's surprise.

The white cat glanced at Xiao Yalan arrogantly, ignored Xiao Yalan, but continued to rest on the roof of the car.

Such a scene stunned everyone, even Xiao Yalan was in the same state.

She took the initiative to hug for the first time, but was rejected. Although it was a little white cat, it also made her face a little hot.

But she became more and more curious about this little white cat. She liked such a cute little white cat, and now this white cat saved everyone again, which is even more impressive.

"Is there any food for Xing'er? Give some to the kitten." Xiao Yalan looked at the maid beside her and said.

"Yes, by the way, I bought dried fish before, it must like it." Xing'er quickly brought the dried fish from the car, and prepared to feed it to the little white cat.

But thinking of the poisoning incident, she hesitated again.

Because she was worried that there was poison in it, she found a silver needle to experiment and found that there was no poison on it, so she was relieved.

"Come down, cat, there are small fish to eat here."

Xiao Yalan took the dried fish and carefully teased the white cat, but no matter what she said, the kitten ignored her.

This made her depressed mouth pout.

"Miss, why don't I catch it?" Li Han, the deputy captain, came over and said courteously.

"No, it's better not to disturb it." Xiao Yalan looked at the little white cat on the roof and said softly.

She was worried that the guard's actions would be too vulgar and would hurt the kitten, so she refused without hesitation.

When Li Han next to him heard this, he could only retreat helplessly.

Next, everyone ate some portable food and hurriedly set off again.

They had to reach Tianfeng City before dark, otherwise they would have to sleep in the wild, so this time their speed was significantly accelerated.

It was only after they had been walking for half an hour that the white cat on the roof suddenly stood up.

It looked at the hill three kilometers away with burning eyes.

A cold light flickered in those eyes from time to time.

Afterwards, it jumped off the roof of the car like a white shadow, and sprinted toward the hill.

"Miss is not well, Maomao has run away." Xing'er said hastily when she saw this scene.


Xiao Yalan stepped out of the carriage in a hurry, she looked at the little white cat leaving quickly, with strong reluctance in her eyes.

Although she was accompanied by maids and guards, she felt lonely from the bottom of her heart. After all, she was the only one left in the Xuanyin Sect, and no one would accompany her.

And the appearance of this little white cat filled the emptiness in her heart, and gave her one more sustenance to the lonely.

It's just that now the only sustenance will leave her, and her heart is instantly empty, and the whole person is like an abandoned little animal, full of sadness and helplessness.

"Forget it, let's go."

Xiao Yalan sighed, her beautiful eyes looked a little sad, she slowly returned to the carriage, unwilling to come out again.

The team set off again, and everyone felt Xiao Yalan's loss. Li Han, the vice-captain, wanted to come over to give advice, but he didn't know what to say.

He could only pat himself on the head depressedly, and led the team to move on.

Hongsong Mountain, which is famous for its rich red pine,
Usually, many poets will come here to play, after all, the mountains here are full of red pine forests.

But today, the hill looked very deserted.

There's no usual bustle here, just a strange calm.

Among the dense red pine trees, more than fifty burly men with steel knives in their hands stood quietly.

They hid behind the red pine trees, their cold eyes passed through the gaps of the red pine trees, looking down, looking down at the slowly approaching convoy.

"Come on, this time is a big deal, as long as we kill the people in this team, we will get a lot of money." A one-eyed man said with a steel knife.

"Boss One-Eyed, where did you get this mission? You even figured out your strength. The team doesn't even have warriors. At most, there is one guy who is close to warriors. It's too easy." Said the tall and thin man next to him.

"It was someone else who came to the door. It should be a family grievance. Let's not worry about it. We just need to complete the task and get the money." The one-eyed boss said.

"Boss, let me Ergou take the lead this time. I can destroy a convoy that doesn't even have warriors with one hand." The tall and thin man who called himself Ergou said.

"Okay, I'll give Ergou to you. After completing the task, I will give you an extra [-]%." The one-eyed old man said.

"Really? That's great, thank you boss." Ergou said excitedly.

Holding the steel knife in his hand, he eagerly called his subordinates to gather.

"Come out, little ones, we are ready to go." Er Gou shouted towards the red pine forest behind.

Their subordinates all hid behind the red pine trees in order not to be discovered.

It's just that after his voice fell, no one responded, not even a sound.

"Damn, what are you doing? Hurry up and get out for me, do you want to be whipped?" Ergou looked at the red pine forest behind and glared.

However, after shouting this time, there was still no answer, and the whole red pine forest was eerily quiet.

"One-eyed boss, there seems to be something wrong." Ergou said while stepping back.

"I smell blood, let's go."

After the words fell, the one-eyed boss rushed down the mountain like a monkey. His movements were not sloppy, and he had obviously experienced a lot of big battles.

But the second dog next to him was a beat slower, and this beat became eternity.

Because a handsome boy with purple hair and golden pupils, wearing a white ancient costume, came out from behind the red pine tree holding a blood-stained rapier.

"Realization is really easy to use, even the clothes are lifelike." The handsome young man said quietly.

He glanced at the bandits in front of him, and the figures disappeared one by one. When he reappeared, there were more bloodstains on the rapier in his hand.


Er Gou's body fell limply on the ground, and there was still disbelief in his pupils.

In the distance, the one-eyed boss who was running wildly heard the bang, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because he knew Ergou was dead this time.

"Damn it, what kind of mission is this? Sure enough, there is nothing so good in the world."

The one-eyed boss rushed down the mountain with sweat on his forehead, and ran down the mountain road.

But at this moment, a black shadow flashed past, and the one-eyed boss completely stopped moving.


Blood spurted out, the one-eyed boss clutched his heart, and fell limply to the ground, breathless.

"Is this a warrior? It doesn't seem to be very good. It seems that we need to learn more about this." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

At the end of the sentence, he turned into a white cat again and headed towards Xiao Yalan's motorcade.

At this time, Xiao Yalan's convoy had already arrived at the mountain path, heading towards the place where the one-eyed boss died.

(End of this chapter)

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