The finishing touch system

Chapter 296 The Miserable Dragon King Chen

Chapter 296 The Miserable Dragon King Chen
Rock City!
The two girls, Song Mingyue and Qin Yue, were constantly searching the city, looking for a target to protect.

"What about elder sister Mingyue? I haven't found it after searching for so long. Where did that girl go?" Qin Yue said a little depressed.

"It's hard to say, I just know that she is a thief and she has a general appearance, but it's hard to say where exactly." Song Mingyue sighed helplessly.

"It would be great if my husband was here. My husband is amazing. He can find someone in no time." Qin Yue pouted.

"Yes, his God's perspective is really powerful, even I envy it, but it's a pity that such a soul ability is very difficult to obtain." Song Mingyue said enviously.

Even though she has the blood of the phoenix, even if her profession is removed, she still has very strong strength.

But in terms of strange abilities, she does lack some.

"Why don't we go to the slums, we should be able to find her in that place, where poor people usually go." Qin Yue tilted her head and said.

"Okay, let's keep searching, alas, what an unlucky mission." Song Mingyue sighed.

The two girls walked quickly towards the slums, their super-beautiful looks aroused the attention of others from time to time.

After all, it's hard not to attract attention when two beauties like this pass by on the street.

Therefore, it is destined that their search path will be more difficult.

Immortal sect, dungeon.

A handsome young man with an imposing manner held a paper fan and looked at King Chenlong in the prison cell, his expression was full of doubts.

"You mean you came to protect me?" the handsome boy asked.

"Yes, your surroundings are dangerous, but I can protect you." Chen Longwang in the cell said coldly.

At this moment, he is very miserable, and many places are dripping with blood from the whip.

In some places, there are traces of being scalded by a soldering iron.

"Master Tian, ​​don't believe him. This man suddenly appeared in the sect, and he is very durable and powerful. If it wasn't for the elders to take action, I really can't get him." A tall man with a whip said.

After the man finished speaking, he raised the whip in his hand and hit Dragon King Chen.


A blood mark appeared on the chest of Dragon King Chen, but he didn't even snort, but quietly waited for Master Tian's answer.

"Damn, the skin is so hard."

The tall man whipped the whip continuously, and it took dozens of whips in a row before he stopped.

But during this process, Chen Longwang never said a word, didn't say a word of pain, but stared at Master Tian quietly.

"Stop Yang Zhan, this man is not lying." Young Master Tian stopped the tall man.

"Master Tian, ​​this person's origin is unknown, he must have some schemes, it's definitely not as simple as what he said." Yang Zhan said hastily.

"Huh? Are you questioning me?" Master Tian turned his head and said calmly.

"Don't dare!" Yang Zhan hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said.

"Back off." Young Master Tian said quietly.

"Yes, Master Tian." After Yang Zhan finished speaking, he hurriedly exited the cell.

Seeing Yang Zhan leave, Young Master Tian looked at Chen Longwang and said: "What do you use to prove that what you said is true."

"There are three Man of Destiny, and your enemy is the Demon Palace. If you don't handle one of them well, you will all die." King Chenlong said quietly.

"Magic Palace?" Young Master Tian's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because this title represents absolute catastrophe, and it is also the most terrifying power hidden in this world.

And if he hadn't experienced the secret realm once, he wouldn't necessarily know about the organization of the Demon Palace, but now this stranger said this immediately.

This time I was really surprised by Young Master Tian.

He stared at Chen Longwang and said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wang Chenlong, but I prefer others to call me Chenlong King." Chenlong King said coldly.

"Dragon King Chen? Very good, it's my greatest luck to have someone like you protect me." Young Master Tian said with a smile, but there was a coldness in his eyes.

"You will understand how correct your choice is." King Chenlong said.

The two looked at each other with smiles on their faces, but they were thinking about their own goals in their hearts.

Obviously, the situation between them cannot be as harmonious as Qin Tianyu's side.

Tianfeng City

Xiao Yalan stared blankly at the little white cat who was eating on the dining table.

Her little head at this moment felt a little foggy.

Because the white cat that disappeared unexpectedly appeared when she was eating.

And also occupy a place alone, enjoy the food.

"Xing'er, am I dazzled? Maomao is back." Xiao Yalan opened her big eyes and looked at the maid next to her suspiciously.

But seeing Xing'er's surprised expression, she was sure that what she saw was the truth.

"Maomao, come to my sister, and my sister will give you something delicious."

Seeing the lost and found little white cat, Xiao Yalan was very happy,

She came to the white cat and wanted to pick it up.

It's a pity that the white cat moved slightly, and soon came to the other side of the dining table, then glanced at her and continued to eat.

Seeing the little white cat ran to Ling's side, Xiao Yalan was a little depressed, but it also aroused her desire to strive for strength.

She didn't believe that she would always fail, so she picked up the delicious food on the table and started to lure the little white cat.

At this time, the white cat that was eating suddenly looked out the door, and then rushed to the door.

"Meow!" A meow came, and it reached the ears of many people strangely.

Xiao Yalan and Xing'er heard the voice and hurriedly followed the white cat to the door,

Then the next second, their pupils shrank.

Because the place where they lived was on fire. Although the fire had just started, it seemed that the momentum was getting stronger and stronger.

"It's not good, it's on fire, it's on fire." Seeing this scene, the maid Xing'er shouted anxiously, and at the same time pulled Xiao Yalan to run outside.

"Cat, run, it's dangerous."

Xiao Yalan did not forget to remind the white cat when she was in danger, and she was relieved when she saw the white cat ran outside with them.

As for the others, because they got the news earlier, they also escaped without any casualties.

This is also a fortune in misfortune.

After knowing that everything was safe, Xiao Yalan opened her beautiful eyes and looked at the white cat not far away.

After two rescue situations, she has already felt the extraordinaryness of this white cat.

"Could it be very sensitive to danger? Is it the kind of legendary beast?" Xiao Yalan asked with a bright eye.

She cautiously came to the side of the white cat, opened her arms, and wanted to hold it in her arms.

Those sapphire eyes greeted her.

And for some reason, there was a hint of helplessness in those eyes.

"Can you give me a hug? Just for a while." Xiao Yalan prayed, her big beautiful eyes filled with anticipation.

The white cat looked at Xiao Yalan's pitiful appearance, he hesitated for a moment, thinking whether he should let her hold her in his arms.

But the next second.

A pair of jade arms like snow lotus roots stretched out, quickly grabbed his white cat's body, and then
(End of this chapter)

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