The finishing touch system

Chapter 298 Blood and Tenderness

Chapter 298 Blood and Tenderness

"Stop!" came a loud shout.

The tall city guard captain held a long knife and came towards Qin Tianyu with a group of subordinates.

Such a mysterious attire, together with armor and weapons, has already proved that Qin Tianyu is not an ordinary person.

So the city guards immediately became vigilant.

Seeing this situation, the surrounding people also felt bad.

They peeped from a distance one by one.

"Put down the weapon, take off the armor, stand there and don't move." The captain of the city guard surrounded Qin Tianyu with his people and said.

"Are you looking for Xiao Yalan?" Qin Tianyu said suddenly.

"Xiao Yalan? You turned out to be a rebel, kill him." The captain of the city guard yelled, and slashed at Qin Tianyu with the steel knife in his hand.

The surrounding city guards were also unambiguous, and they immediately killed him.

The reason for this is that as long as they kill Xiao Yalan and others, they will be able to increase their ranks and get generous monetary rewards.

So everyone excitedly waved their steel knives, desperately killing Qin Tianyu.

"Puff puff!"

Qin Tianyu's figure flickered like a swimming dragon, and the city guards who swung their knives and slashed at him all fell down in a pool of blood wherever they passed.

Each of them received mortal injuries, and would die within a few breaths.

Such a terrible method also frightened the other city guards.

These people gathered together in horror one by one, and stood in front of Qin Tianyu, but they didn't dare to make a move.

Qin Tianyu shook off the blood on the two rapiers, and walked quietly towards the city gate.

His actions also scared the city guards back again and again.

It has even retreated to the gate of the city.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

Soon dozens of horses came galloping from the city, and there were teams of city guards behind these horses.

On top of the horse was a burly man in heavy attire.

As for the leader, it is Liu Yulong, the eldest son of the Liu family.

After Liu Yulong came here, he saw the corpses on the ground, and saw that Qin Tianyu frightened off many guards alone.

His face turned cold in an instant and he said: "Kill him for me, and those who take his head will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold, and promoted to three ranks!"

Liu Yulong's cold voice echoed at the gate of the city, which also made the city guards go crazy.

The way they looked at Qin Tianyu was not out of fear and awe, but in mad killing intent.

"kill him!"

Countless city guards rushed towards Qin Tianyu like crazy in order to get promoted and get rich.

With the steel knife and long spear in his hand, he rushed towards Qin Tianyu without hesitation, trying to take Qin Tianyu's head in exchange for a high official and generous salary.

Facing the siege of so many city guards, Qin Tianyu didn't have the slightest fear or fear, some only had coldness.

He glanced at Liu Yulong who was on the tall horse, his golden eyes showed a cold killing intent.

People come and go, on the endless streets.

Dozens of guards protected Xiao Yalan's carriage.

It's just that as the journey progressed, the people around began to hurry.

This made Captain Xue and the others puzzled.

"Myolie, do you think Maomao will come back?" Xiao Yalan said in a choked voice while sitting in the carriage.

The departure of the little white cat made her very, very disturbed.

"Miss yes, Mao Mao is so smart, she will definitely come back." Xing'er comforted her softly as she drove the carriage.

After the cat left, they searched for it for a long time, but they couldn't find it.

Helpless, Xiao Yalan could only leave with tears in her eyes, heading towards Xuanyinzong.

She very much hoped that Mao Mao would come back, but in such a big city, she was worried that Mao Mao would not be able to find them, and worried that Mao Mao would never appear again.

Thinking of Mao Mao leaving her forever, Xiao Yalan felt very sad and sad in her heart.

Tears slid down the corners of Xiao Yalan's eyes, falling to the ground one by one like pearls.

"Maomao, I hope you are safe." Xiao Yalan sobbed.

"Miss, something happened!"

Xing'er's voice suddenly sounded, with anxiety and fear in her voice.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yalan asked hastily.

"People are dead, many people have died, all of them are city guards." Xing'er said in fear.

Hearing this, Xiao Yalan hurriedly opened the curtain and looked at the street in front of the carriage.

In an instant, her pupils shrank into a dot.

Because on the street ahead, there are many corpses lying here and there.

The costumes of those corpses were obviously city guards.

But these powerful troops were all dead, and all fell in a pool of blood.

Such a scene completely frightened Xiao Yalan.

"Miss, hurry back to the carriage, Xing'er, you go in and accompany Miss." Captain Xue said hastily.

Such a death scene made even them feel chills when they saw it, let alone these girls.

So he hurriedly made arrangements.


Xing'er knew the seriousness, she quickly escorted Xiao Yalan back to the carriage, and the two girls held hands, curled up together, trembling.

"Liu Er, go ahead and see what's going on." Captain Xue said hurriedly.

"Good captain."

The thin man named Liu Er hurried out, rushing forward like a monkey.

Not long after, he ran back with a terrified expression.

"Something went wrong. I saw a portrait of Miss. Those city guards seemed to be looking for Miss. However, some people said that a young man suddenly appeared, and he killed most of the city guards."

"Moreover, Liu Yulong of the Liu family, the largest family in Tianfeng City, is fleeing. Many people died, and there are corpses everywhere."

Liu Er said in fear, his whole body trembling.

"Looking for Miss? The boy who suddenly appeared? Liu Yulong?"

Hearing this, everyone was a little confused and couldn't react.

But Xiao Yalan in the carriage seemed to understand something, she got out of the carriage suddenly, and hurriedly ran forward along the street.

Because she thought of someone, the boy with purple hair and golden pupils.

"Miss, be careful, there may be danger ahead." Xing'er hurriedly followed,

The surrounding guards saw this scene and hurriedly followed.

After running for a while, they soon came to the gate of the city, and saw a scene that made them unbelievable.

That day in Fengcheng, the eldest son of the Liu family of the largest family, Liu Yulong.

At this moment, a blood-soaked armored boy was grabbing his neck and holding it up high.

The eldest son of the Liu family, Liu Yulong, was looking at the young man in fear, trying to break free the imprisoned hands on his neck with both hands.

But the next second.


The neck of the eldest son of the Liu family was pinched, and he died slowly in fear.


The body was thrown on the ground by the armored boy. With his blood-stained handsome face, he turned his head to look at Xiao Yalan who was running over.

"The road is safe, you can continue walking."

The armored boy looked at Xiao Yalan, spoke softly, and even showed a smile.

And his white teeth appeared in everyone's eyes, and those teeth were the only place that was not stained with blood.

Because at this moment, the armored boy seemed to have stepped out of blood, exuding a strong bloody smell, and he couldn't see his original appearance at all.

People could only vaguely recognize that the boy had a handsome face.

Xiao Yalan was completely stunned at this moment, in such a scene.

Among the countless corpses, he looked at the blood-soaked young man smiling at him.

Thinking that the other party had killed countless people, including the eldest son of the largest family in Tianfeng City, the reason was just to open up a safe path for her.

Even after killing everyone, among the countless corpses, he gave her the most gentle smile.

this moment.

An unprecedented throbbing surged up in Xiao Yalan's heart. It was a throbbing that had never happened since birth.

So in the next moment.

She walked with her little feet, shaking her grace, tears dripping down one by one in the wind.

Like the wind, he threw himself directly into Qin Tianyu's arms.

He didn't even care about the blood all over Qin Tianyu's body.

Just like that, he hugged Qin Tianyu tightly like that, and refused to let go no matter what.

 ps1: Thank you [Zigua J乚] brother for the reward of 10000 starting coins. He is mighty and domineering, and he was confessed by a big beauty when he went out.

   PS2: In order to express my gratitude, this thank you will be written in Chapter 1, so that everyone can see it!
(End of this chapter)

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