Chapter 302
He looked at Mr. Mo and others opposite him, thinking that after he was kicked out of this world, Qin Tianyu and the others could still stay in this world.

Chen Longwang felt a deep sense of unwillingness in his heart.

Compared with Qin Tianyu's Endless Body, the only advantage of his Ancient Demon Physique is that it is stronger in the initial stage.

But if he leaves this world, then Qin Tianyu can continue to practice in this world.

Then the gap between them will be completely evened out, so Chen Longwang is very unwilling.

"No, I can't go, is there any way for me to stay." Dragon King Chen roared angrily.

"Yes, you only need to protect other people of destiny, but there are no rewards, unless you kill the black cloaked man, there will be no more rewards." The demon tower will reminded.

"The man in the black cloak?"

Chen Longwang looked at the man in the black cloak, thinking that the other party had cheated him, his eyes were full of anger.

"You forced me, you forced me, ancient devil form!"

Secluded valley.

Qin Tianyu ran with the weak and beautiful Xiao Yalan at a high speed, advancing quickly on the green grass.

At this moment, the voice of the demon tower's will came.

"Ding! The Man of Destiny protected by Dragon King Chen has fallen, and your mission has changed. Please take a detour to the Xuanyin Sect and try your best to protect Xiao Yalan."

"Ding! The man in the black cloak and the devil escaped injured. They have information about you. Please protect Xiao Yalan from being found."

"Ding! Dragon King Chen is heading to join Song Mingyue and others to protect another man of destiny. You can find a way to use your physique."

The voice of the demon tower's will kept coming, and Qin Tianyu was very solemn when he heard it.

He didn't expect that as a man of destiny, he was killed so easily, and he was killed under the protection of King Chenlong.

You must know that the strength of Chen Longwang is stronger than him now, even if he has the endless body.

After all, the increase in the early stage of Endless Body is not as good as that of Dragon King Chen, so Qin Tianyu is very dignified.

He took a deep breath and said softly: "Xiao Yalan, let's take a detour to the Xuanyin Sect. It will be very dangerous to continue following the original path."

"Okay, brother Tianyu, you can decide." Xiao Yalan said with her head lowered.

Ever since she sat on the back of the big tiger, she has been shy and shy. She dared not look at Qin Tianyu, and even dared not speak.

Even her cute little face has turned into a red apple, and her fair snowy neck has also turned pink.

The faint body fragrance all over her body has also become much stronger.

Qin Tianyu looked at Xiao Yalan in this state, he sighed and said, "This time you are walking on the mountain road, hold my neck tightly and sit carefully."

After Qin Tianyu finished speaking, he ran towards the distance with his tiger claws.

And Xiao Yalan on his back bit her sweet lips lightly with her white teeth, her small hands trembling, hugged the neck of the tiger that Qin Tianyu had turned into, and then leaned her small head against it.

At this moment, her shy and worried mood suddenly became much more at ease.

The whole person no longer had the slightest fear, as if he had entrusted everything he had to Qin Tianyu, letting him control it at will, and obeying all his arrangements.

Although it seemed silly to do this, Xiao Yalan still chose to do so happily.

Because the young man in front of her, this handsome young man named Qin Tianyu, was worthy of her entrustment.

Time passed slowly, and soon half a month passed.

On this day, Qin Tianyu was running on the green grass when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because a murderous intent enveloped his direction.

"Damn it! Huge!"

Qin Tianyu roared, and his form changed from an ordinary tiger to an incomparably huge beast in an instant.

At the same time, his materialization ability immediately covered his body, turning him into a huge beast-shaped armor.

On those four claws, extremely sharp metal thorns appeared, extremely sharp.

As for Xiao Yalan, she has been materialized by him and protected at the neck position, very, very safe.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In the grass, under the earth.

Dozens of men in black with indifferent faces came out of the ground holding steel knives.

They looked at the incomparably huge beast, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

But they didn't stay for long, but rushed towards the giant beast without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom!"

An extremely violent battle took place, the monster-like big tiger frantically waved its claws, each blow could cause terrifying casualties to those men in black.

And these people are all very powerful high-level warriors, and their strength is very strong.

There are even martial artists among them.

It's a pity that they were beaten and retreated in the face of the giant tiger.

But this time.

A charming woman suddenly flew in the sky, a charming woman in a blood-red robe exuding terror.

The woman's face was painted with a bloody skull, making her look extraordinarily pervasive.

The moment she appeared, her beautiful eyes glanced at the incomparably huge beast, and she gently waved her small white hand.


A terrifying black hand appeared, blasting towards the giant beast like a mountain.


As if a magnitude [-] earthquake had occurred, the entire land was cracked open by this terrifying blow.

The gigantic giant white tiger was sent flying tens of meters away by this blow.

Unfortunately, after this blow.

The giant white tiger stood up again as if nothing had happened.

"Huh? That's not right, its heart should have been shattered by me."

The charming woman looked at the huge beast and the big tiger suspiciously, her beautiful eyebrows frowned.

And this time.

The gigantic tiger that stood up ran towards the distance without hesitation, its movements were so fast that the charming woman didn't even have time to react.

"Want to run, Mie Hun Finger!"

The charming woman raised her small hand again, and tapped lightly on the giant tiger.

The unimaginable strange energy flew out like a laser, and hit the giant white tiger straight.

And the places where these energies pass through.

No matter the animals or mosquitoes, including the man in black who was relatively close to the giant white tiger, they all died suddenly.

And their bodies were intact, as if they had died suddenly, which was very scary.

Because the soul destroying finger has only one function, destroying other people's souls.

And this kind of ability can easily kill a master like Chen Longwang.

Because the charming woman is one of the twelve generals of the Demon Palace, possessing an extremely powerful Martial King cultivation base, she is a very, very terrifying existence.

As long as she is willing, it is a simple matter to slaughter a small sect or a small sect.

However, what surprised the charming woman was.

The giant white tiger got hit by Mie Hun's finger, and continued to run away as if nothing had happened.

Such a result also made the charming woman open her mouth.

"How is this possible?" the charming woman said incredulously, her little head was already unable to react.

She was extremely strong, she made the move herself, but she failed.

Mo Mei, one of the twelve generals of the Demon Palace, failed to kill a small ordinary person with no profound strength in two attacks.

This is incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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