Chapter 305
Originally, when they saw Qin Tianyu was in danger, they thought he was in danger.

But unexpectedly, there was a sudden turn of events.

That purple-haired, golden-eyed boy actually used such a terrifying ability.

This kind of truly epic battle will definitely make them remember for a lifetime.

"Oh my god, am I dazzled? That boy turned into a gigantic tiger. That's too scary." Lin Feng said in a trembling voice.

"Yeah, it's unimaginable." Xiaorou's big eyes were round and round, like a little rabbit.

As for the sister Hua next to her, she looked at the huge tiger with splendor.

She thought about if she was in the boy's arms, if there was such a handsome boy who protected her like this.

Then she would rather stay by that person's side for the rest of her life and be his little wife.

It's a pity that such a good thing, how could it be her turn, so she could only sigh and continue to observe.

The ensuing battle can be said to show a one-sided trend.

Those men in black suffered heavy casualties, and even the man in red was shot flying 30 meters away.

But the huge white tiger, after fighting for a while.

Suddenly turned around and ran, the speed was incredible.

It seemed that the big tiger had discovered the imminent danger.

So he left very quickly, and soon changed into a human form, got into the Tantric forest, and disappeared.

As long as those men in black were alive, they immediately chose to pursue and kill them, and they continued to pursue and kill them without hesitation as before.

In a short period of time, apart from corpses, no one was seen in this area.

Only the heavy rain remained, still pouring down, diluting the blood in this battle area.

But in the following time, seven or eight waves of men in black passed by here in the rain, chasing after the boy where he left.

Faintly, a woman with a skull on her face disappeared in the sky.

Seeing such a scene, Sister Hua's pupils shrank suddenly.

She tightly covered her mouth, not daring to make a sound.

Even Xiao Rou was held down by her mouth.

It wasn't until the skull-headed woman disappeared for a while that Sister Hua took a deep breath.

"Sister Hua, is that woman King Wu?" Xiaorou said in horror.

"Yes, only King Wu can walk with Yukong. Such a terrifying existence will cause great turmoil every time he makes a move. No, this matter must be reported." Sister Hua said.

"Okay, let's go and report quickly."

The three of them did not kill the mysterious beast anymore, but hurried towards their sect.

Xuanyin sect, Southern sect.

Chenlong Wang happily ate the food delivered, and even hummed a song while eating.

He is very happy today.

Because of his special physique, he actually condensed a cyclone of profound energy in his body.

As long as it takes a while, he will be able to become a warrior, and he will be able to become stronger faster, reaching the level of a junior warrior, then an intermediate warrior, then an advanced warrior, and even a warrior.

Such a harvest is definitely a big harvest for Chen Longwang.

Because as long as he has the skills, he can continue to improve himself and make himself stronger.

This is why he is willing to stay in this world.

But he ate for a while, and suddenly frowned.

Because he felt a little pain in his stomach, and it was getting worse and worse.

This made him very strange.

He has a very ancient demon body, such a physique is absolutely impossible to get sick.

So his expression became serious.

Because the food is likely to be poisonous.


There was a cold shout, and a middle-aged woman rushed in with a long sword and stabbed Chen Longwang fiercely.

"Who are you."

Chen Longwang gave a loud shout, and swung his fists wildly, blocking the woman's long sword.

But the severe pain in his abdomen made his eyes bloodshot and he wanted to go crazy.

"Those who offend our Demon Palace will only die." The middle-aged woman said coldly.

The long sword in her hand swung rapidly, stabbing at the vital part of Chen Longwang.


There was a loud explosion, and the middle-aged woman flew upside down.

But the house of Dragon King Chen had already collapsed, and a terrifying phantom faintly disappeared in a flash.

"You want to poison me to death, dreaming." Chen Longwang snorted coldly.

He has a very ancient demon body, so he is not afraid of these toxins at all, at most he just feels sick to his stomach.

After all, it is the only physique, which is very powerful.

If it was Qin Tianyu's Endless Body, it would be even more powerful. After taking the poison, he wouldn't even feel pain in his stomach, or even feel it.

This is the only terrifying thing about physique. Those invisible abilities definitely benefit people a lot.

"What happened?" Several women from Xuanyin Sect walked over quickly and said.

They looked at the middle-aged woman lying on the ground, and then at the clenched fist, the muscled Chen Longwang, as if they understood something.

"He wants to moleste me." The middle-aged woman who fell on the ground suddenly said.

"Boldly, you actually molested a woman in the Li sect, you are courting death."

Several women were furious when they heard this.

Holding long swords, they killed without hesitation, and all greeted Chen Longwang.

"Damn it, you stinky bitches, I won't be interested in old women. This person is from the Demon Palace and wants to poison me to death." King Chenlong roared.

"You are full of nonsense, you are a handyman, and the people in the magic palace will harm you? You are really shameless, sisters, kill this prostitute for me."

As the woman's voice fell, countless sword shadows rushed towards King Chen Long, beating him to flee everywhere, feeling extremely aggrieved.

three days later.

Xuanyin Sect, the area under the jurisdiction of the Northern Sect.

Qin Tianyu hugged Xiao Yalan and hid, sitting beside the fire in the cave, frowning endlessly.

Because Xiao Yalan was sick, very sick, her little face was pale.

"Xiao Yalan, Xiao Yalan, drink some water, come." Qin Tianyu got some water, woke up the beauty in his arms, and carefully fed her water in her hazy consciousness.

But Xiao Yalan was too weak.

It was very difficult for her to even drink water, and she was even a little dizzy.

"We can't go on like this, we must treat her as soon as possible." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

He scanned all directions from the perspective of God, looked at the Xuanyin Sect that was not far away, and frowned slightly.

This girl couldn't bear the bumps anymore, because Xiao Yalan had been sick since Lin Yu that day.

Qin Tianyu ran with her for three days, and in the end Xiao Yalan couldn't bear it any longer, and her consciousness became dizzy to the extreme.

"Those people from the Demon Palace are still looking for me, and Xiao Yalan's condition is also very dangerous, what should I do?" Qin Tianyu frowned.

"Ding! Master, have you forgotten the undead bloodline? You can give her to drink your blood." The voice of the system suddenly prompted.

"Is it okay? Is my blood okay?" Qin Tianyu asked.

"Ding! Yes master, your blood and physique are very powerful, as long as you are willing to develop it, it will be a great treasure." The system said.

"Okay, I see." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

He raised his right hand, materialized another dagger, and then slashed down.

"Tick, tick, tick!"

Xiao Yalan dimly opened her beautiful eyes, looking at Qin Tianyu's concerned expression, seeing the blood dripping from her wrist to her fragrant lips, endless warmth flooded her heart.

Also at this moment, Xiao Yalan shook suddenly, as if something had been activated, and then she fell asleep.

Outside the cave, Qin Tianyu's God's perspective couldn't see the hidden areas.

A terrifying woman like a mountain appeared. Through the cave, she watched the picture of Qin Tianyu dripping blood on Xiao Yalan's lips, and nodded slightly.

"My Valkyrie has finally woken up. Don't worry, child. I will remember your efforts. In the future, when you encounter a situation where you must die, I will travel through time and space to save you. Even if the other party is the master of a world, I dare to destroy him. "

After the Valkyrie finished speaking, she glanced at the man from the Demon Palace who had come after her, and waved her hand.


All the men in black disappeared, even the woman with the skull painted on her face completely disappeared, as if she had never appeared before, completely disappeared from this world.

After doing all this, the Valkyrie slowly disappeared, and finally returned to Xiao Yalan's body.

(End of this chapter)

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