Chapter 308

"Heaven-level aptitude!?" The female disciples froze for a moment when they heard this.

You must know that in the past ten years or so, most of the talents of the disciples have been Huang-level qualifications. Occasionally meeting a child with Xuan-level qualifications will cause the two sects to compete with each other.

If you encounter prefecture-level aptitude, it may even lead to swords and swords between sects.

And now.

Right in front of everyone, a boy with heavenly aptitude appeared.

Even the boy, he just tested it casually.

This result completely shocked everyone.

"Sister Yan'er, the heaven-level aptitude seems to be the super aptitude to become a powerful person." Fifth sister said cutely.

"That's right, I didn't expect this young man to have a heavenly aptitude. It's so inconceivable that it can be described as a fairy tale." Sister Yan'er murmured.

"Then can I snatch him over and marry me?" Fifth Sister said while clenching her small pink fists.

"It is possible, but it is very difficult. Basically, the success rate is 0." Sister Yan'er sighed.

"Why?" Fifth Younger Sister blinked her big black eyes and said, there was mist in those beautiful eyes.

"Because the elders and the others will snatch him away in advance." Sister Yan'er said.


Fifth Sister was stunned, motionless like a little cat, and tears began to flow from her big eyes.

At the front of the main square, next to the detection stone.

Qin Tianyu frowned as he looked at the beam of light piercing the sky and at the petrified people in all directions.

"It turned out to be a heaven-level aptitude, I didn't expect it to be so high." Qin Tianyu sighed.

He finally understood the horror of the Endless Body, understood the position of the Endless Body, and also understood that this kind of world is just a small and weak world among countless worlds.

His elementary aptitude can reach the level of heaven in this world. If he raises the endless body to the intermediate level, the gains he will get will be even more terrifying.

"It seems that we still need to continue to improve the endless body. If we reach the intermediate endless body, isn't it a god-level qualification in this world?" Qin Tianyu thought in surprise.

Just as Qin Tianyu was thinking, a sudden gust of fragrant wind hit him, and then he felt that someone had grabbed his left hand.

"Young man, tell me your name." The Sixth Elder Mei Fu said with bright eyes.

Looking at the beautiful woman who was very close to him in front of him, Qin Tianyu frowned.

But just now the other party asked him to test, so he still answered the other party's words.

"My name is Qin Tianyu, what's the matter?" Qin Tianyu asked suspiciously.

"How about being my husband?" the sixth elder of the beautiful woman said suddenly.


Qin Tianyu was stunned, he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and looked at her perfect body under the white dress, his sword eyebrows frowned again.

"Why? You seem to have no shortage of suitors." Qin Tianyu said.

"Yes, but how can those ordinary people be worthy of me? Only a handsome young man with extraordinary talent like you can be worthy of me." The sixth elder of the beautiful woman said, pinching Qin Tianyu's chin with her small hand.

"And I have a book of dual-cultivation exercises over there, which can allow you to reach the realm of a martial artist in a short time, and even a great martial artist is possible."

"Sorry, I don't want to add more women." Qin Tianyu said.

He grabbed the opponent's soft little hand, let it go, and then pulled Xiao Yalan who was next to him to turn around and leave.

He has so many women, if there are more, it will probably make people complain.

So he strode away without hesitation.

"Shua!" The fragrant wind hit again.

Qin Tianyu's eyes flickered, and he realized that he was hugged into someone's arms, and then the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

"Elder Six, where are you going?"

A voice like a silver bell sounded, and a petite and cute little girl blocked the path of the Sixth Elder of the Beautiful Woman.

"Huh? Third Elder, you want to snatch my husband?" The beautiful woman Sixth Elder frowned.

"No, no, he is not your husband, but mine." The petite and lovely Third Elder said with a smile.

Some bells are tied to her little ankles with red strings, and when she walks, she will make a jingle sound, which is very pleasant.

"Hmph, what kind of little girl is a 32-year-old woman pretending to be? Is it disgusting?" the sixth elder of the beautiful woman snorted coldly.

Hearing the words of the Sixth Elder, the little girl who was laughing completely lost her smile.

She bared her small canine teeth, stared at the beautiful woman in front of her and said, "You are not the same, a 30-year-old woman who wants to marry a child."

"So what if I'm 30 years old? The eternal life skill I practiced can live for a thousand years, and now I'm at most in my teenage years." said the sixth elder of the beautiful woman.

After she finished speaking, she tightened Qin Tianyu's arms, worried that he would be snatched away.

"It's only a thousand years. If I can break through, ten thousand years is not difficult, so the sixth elder, please give me this young man, and treat it as my debt to you." The third elder smiled.

"Want to snatch my husband, did you ask me if I have the sword in my hand?"

After finishing speaking, the sixth elder of the beautiful woman raised her small hand, and a sharp long sword appeared in her palm.

"Hmph, then each depends on his own ability."

The third elder was also unambiguous, and also drew a long sword.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

The two quickly fought together, flashing across the large square like a shadow, making it impossible to see clearly.

All people can see are the sparks that flashed from time to time.

Those who came to participate in the test, seeing such a scene, no longer know how to describe their hearts.

Especially those children who have been eliminated have mixed feelings in their hearts and feel sad and uncomfortable.

They want to join Xuanyin Sect, but no one can join.

But the boy just put his hand on the detection stone, and instantly became the object of competition among the elders.

And looking at that posture, it seems that he has moved for real.

"Hey, people are more angry than others, I really envy this young man." Someone sighed.

"Yes, being able to become the husband of the Xuanyin Sect elder is a good thing that can't be found with a lantern, and the two elders are fighting for it together."

"Isn't it? When the time comes, what kind of exercises, what kind of elixir, there will be everything you need."

Looking at the two elders who flew into the air from time to time, fighting in full swing, people talked enviously and hatefully, and their hearts were filled with sadness.

"Huh? Look at the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate, many people have come down the mountain." Someone suddenly shouted.

When everyone heard this voice, they hurriedly looked at the Xuanyin Sect's mountain gate.


People saw countless white-clothed women running down from the Xuanyin Sect, like a beautiful picture scroll, which was fascinating.

What's even more amazing is.

There are seven beautiful women flying in the sky, flying towards them like seven fairies.

And the one who took the lead was Li Xian'er, the Suzerain of Xuanyin Sect.

The moment these people appeared, the two elders who were fighting also stopped fighting.

It's just that the sixth elder, the beautiful woman, held the purple-haired and golden-eyed boy tightly in her arms, and refused to let go no matter what.

It seemed that she would kill anyone who dared to rape her husband.

"Don't be afraid, even if the suzerain comes, I dare not give up on you!" The sixth elder of the beautiful woman said, gently patted Qin Tianyu in her arms.

 There is another chapter, which is being coded!

(End of this chapter)

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