The finishing touch system

Chapter 314 Attack of the Demon Palace

Chapter 314 Attack of the Demon Palace
"Meet the devil!"

More than a dozen figures exuding terrifying energy fluctuations respectfully knelt down and kowtowed to the red-haired man.

"Huh? Where's Mo Mei?"

The red-haired demon lord glanced around and found that someone was missing, a subordinate he trusted very much.

"Father, Mo Mei is dead." Young Master Mo walked out of the crowd and said.

"Dead? Are you kidding me? She is King Wu. How many people in this world can kill her?" the red-haired demon lord said coldly.

"Father, Mo Mei's fire of life has been extinguished." Mo Gongzi said with a sigh.


The dark basement suddenly emitted terrifying energy fluctuations.

The fluctuation instantly crushed everyone, and even vomited blood from their mouths.

Even the devil is no exception.

"She's dead, what are you still doing here, hurry up and catch the enemy, I'm going to cramp and skin them." The red-haired devil yelled frantically, clutching his head with both hands.

"My lord, it was made by Xuanyin Sect. No, it was done by Li Xian'er of Yuxian Sect. She is the only one who can kill Mo Mei in that area." A man as fat as a ball hurriedly said.

"Li Xian'er? Damn woman, I must kill you." The red-haired devil yelled while biting his finger.

Seeing this scene, the kneeling people around were all trembling with fright, and even the devil gritted his teeth tightly.

But he was silent for a while and then spoke again.

"Father, I have received news that Li Xian'er's strength has greatly improved. The best way is to test it out first."

"Testing? You mean I'm not as good as her?" The red-haired demon lord said with cold eyes.

"No, Father is very powerful, but Xuanyin Sect has two Martial Emperor peak powerhouses, so I suggest defeating each of them." Mo Gongzi said hastily.

"Destroy each of them? Alright, let's kill those old guys first, and then deal with Li Xian'er." The red-haired demon lord said with a sneer.

The people around finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene, and they looked at Mr. Mo with a lot more kindness.

At this time, the devil boy brought a smile.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye!
Xuanyin sect.

Chen Longwang sat in his small courtyard and practiced, silently improving his profound strength.

He was grounded and not allowed to leave the courtyard.

However, it did not prohibit him from practicing, and even provided him with a new exercise, allowing him to practice as much as possible.

And such a result, Chen Longwang is acceptable, after all, the level of the new technique is higher, and it can be practiced to a higher level.

So he practiced in the small courtyard with peace of mind every day.

As for his strength, it is also steadily improving.

The original rank of martial artist, after three months of practice, has finally reached the level of a great martial artist, which can be regarded as very good.

This point also made the elders of Xuanyin Sect look at each other with admiration.

And those old elders calculated that his aptitude belongs to the aptitude of the peak of the prefecture level, which is only one step away from the heavenly rank.

This kind of talent is also envied by many people.

Every time the aunt who delivered food came, she had to chat with him, even if Chen Longwang didn't speak.

The aunt who delivered the meal would chatter for half an hour.

In this regard, Chen Longwang chose to ignore it.

"Now that I've become a great martial artist, with the Mangu Demon Body, I'm more than enough to protect myself in this world. Finally, I don't have to be as worried as before." Dragon King Chen murmured.

Of course, he will not forget his mission.

The Man of Destiny still needs him to protect him.

After all, it is related to his time in this world.

In this world where strength can be improved, he has to stay here for a long time to improve his strength crazily.


The terrifying roar resounded throughout the Xuanyin Sect, and with the roar, even the mountain peak trembled violently.

And such a terrifying sound also made Chen Longwang's face change slightly.

"Could it be that the Man of Destiny was attacked again? This time it seems to be more dangerous. I feel the breath of death."

Chen Longwang sensed the terrifying danger through the ancient demon body. If he got involved, he might die.

"Let's wait and see first. If nothing can be done, then leave immediately, and then go to the sect where Qin Tianyu is located to protect another man of destiny." Chen Longwang said quietly.

He didn't have any rewards anyway, so it was the right way to take the opportunity to spend some time, so he didn't want to continue working hard.

So he chose to wait and see.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless roars came one after another, and a large number of figures flew into the air, fighting to the death.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The fiery red and white phoenix soars in the sky exuding terrifying energy fluctuations.

The ice and flames were scattered towards those enemies wantonly.

"Everyone in the Demon Palace deserves to die!"

"Kill all the people from the Xuanyin Sect, leaving no one behind."

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth shook and the mountains shook, the sky was dark and the sky was dark, countless blood was sprayed, and a large number of men in black rushed towards Xuanyinzong with swords.

Dressed in fluttering white clothes, countless female disciples of the Xuanyin Sect charged down the mountain with long swords in their hands, and killed those people in the Demon Palace without hesitation.

Obviously these female disciples have been slaughtered for a long time.

Of course, these female disciples are all older, and they are all tyrannical disciples who have gone through a lot of trials and tribulations.

And if the Demon Palace chooses to attack Yuxianzong, then the female disciples of Yuxianzong will be in danger.

There are all delicate and lovely girls, and they are all representatives of silly, white and sweet.

It's a pity that Li Xian'er over there is too powerful, and the people of the Demon Palace dare not attack Yuxianzong easily.

They even prepared for three months to attack the Xuanyin Sect.

It can be said.

This time the Demon Palace attacked the Xuanyin Sect, but they had done enough preparations.

All of a sudden, various insidious methods came out one after another, and the Xuanyin sect who killed them retreated in succession, causing countless casualties.

Of course, the people in the Demon Palace also suffered heavy casualties.

And the people in the Demon Palace seemed to be crazy, completely ignoring the casualties, which was very strange.

And the battle here was also transmitted to Yuxianzong through special channels at the first time.


"Tianyu, I will leave this place to you after we leave. You must protect our sect." Li Xian'er said, holding Qin Tianyu's hand.

"Can't I go with you? My strength is already very strong." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

"I know you are very powerful, but I am worried about Yuxianzong. Can you help me protect Yuxianzong, please." Li Xian'er looked at Tianyu prayingly.

She was actually worried that it would be dangerous for Qin Tianyu to follow her, so she pretended to find a reason not to let Qin Tianyu follow her.


Qin Tianyu looked at those silly and sweet female disciples, and he sighed.

"Okay, leave it to me here, and you have to be careful. If you encounter danger, you must protect yourself. I don't want anything to happen to you, or I will go crazy."

"Well, don't worry, our two Martial Emperors are strong enough to defeat the Demon Palace." Li Xian'er said confidently.

"it is good!"

After saying that, Li Xian'er and several powerful elders disappeared in the energy-consuming teleportation formation.

Qin Tianyu, a young Ninth Elder, and countless silly and sweet female disciples were left behind.

After Li Xian'er left, Qin Tianyu silently opened the perspective of God, observing all directions.

Suddenly, his gaze became sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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