The finishing touch system

Chapter 316 The Tragic Mo Fat and Mo Hei

Chapter 316 The Tragic Mo Fat and Mo Hei
"Hahaha, you are still laughing at me, haven't you been struck by lightning as well?" Mo Fatty stood up from the ground, wiped the burnt black on his face and laughed.


The thunder flashed again, and all of Mo Fatty's hair stood on end, and his whole body was sluggish and motionless.

"Pfft, you were struck by lightning twice, hahaha." Mo Hei laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up.

Those men in black who were originally carrying a murderous aura around them also tensed up at this moment, wanting to laugh but not daring to do so.

Mo Fatty plucked his hair, and stared fiercely at the men in black around him.

He raised his right hand and pointed to the sky, and shouted: "God, if you have the ability to hack me again, I won't fucking believe it."


Among the white thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning with purple light suddenly fell and slammed on Mo Fatty's body.

For a split second, he trembled all over, and fell to the ground unsteadily.

The miserable appearance covered in green smoke made everyone stunned.



Countless laughter came, including those men in black who laughed so hard that they couldn't stand up.

The murderous aura that he carried before was completely gone.

"Laughing ass, didn't you notice something was wrong? How the hell did you hack people several times in a row?" Mo Fatty cursed angrily.

When he said this, the people around him also reacted, and then frowned.

"Mo Fat, are you saying that the lightning is man-made? Impossible." Mo Hei said in disbelief.

This terrifying ability to control the weather is horrifying to think about.

"It should be something like a formation. I didn't expect Yuxianzong to have such a terrifying ability. It seems that we have been discovered." Mo Fatty said solemnly.

"Then do you still want to go to Yuxianzong?" Mo Hei asked.

"Go, must go, this is the order of the devil, we must complete the task." Mo Fat said firmly.

He knew the terrible consequences of not completing the mission, so he would rather die here than fail the mission.

"Okay, let's speed up and rush forward." Mohei agreed.

"Huh? Why is it hailstorming? It seems that there is still snow." Fatty Mo asked puzzled.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless thunder lights suddenly flashed at this moment, appearing suddenly among the countless men in black.

A large number of men in black fell to the ground in tears. They were scorched and motionless, obviously suffering from terrible injuries.

But it didn't end there, as even more horrific attacks loomed.

Small tornadoes appeared in rapid succession, raging crazily among the men in black's team.

A large number of men in black were swept to a high place by a small tornado, and then fell from a high place, dying tragically on the spot.


Countless sharp hailstones mixed with blizzards swept towards all the people in the magic palace.

The plummeting temperature made everyone feel cold.

Such a terrifying scene completely shocked everyone.

Those people in black looked at this scene in disbelief, and the application was full of horror.

"My mother, what is going on? Why is there such a horrible weather?" Mo Hei said in a loud voice.

He was really frightened and shocked.

This kind of ability is simply more terrifying than the might of the Demon Lord.

"Stop thinking about it, rush to Yuxianzong, or our mission will be over." Mo Fatty roared anxiously.

Although the two were very worried, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue charging towards Yuxianzong.

It's just that along the way, they feel as if they have walked for a century.

Thunder and lightning, hail, tornado, storm, blizzard, low temperature, gloomy weather.

Arguably, they had the most horrific experience ever.

After countless difficulties and obstacles, they finally arrived at the mountain gate of Yuxianzong.

But at this time, they are as embarrassed as they want, and there are not many people left.

There were countless black-clothed men in the dark, but now there are only more than 30 people left, and all of them are injured.

Even Mo Hei and Mo Pang have bristling hair and scorched faces.

"Finally, I've finally arrived at Yuxianzong, I'll fucking kill you!" Mo Fatty roared angrily.

Then, they took more than 30 men in black to kill Yuxianzong.

But they had just stepped into the sect, and what greeted them were countless traps and poisonous needles.

Casualties appeared again.

Because they were already exhausted and scarred, the men in black died more quickly.

On the short mountain road, a large number of corpses were left behind.

When they finally reached the top of the mountain, they were greeted by countless female disciples armed with swords.

And above the sky, there are two Martial Kings waiting for them.

Seeing such a scene, Mo Fatty's pupils shrank.

"How did this happen? Didn't the news say that they only had the Ninth Elder and one Martial King? When did they get another Martial King?" Mo Fatty said incredulously.

"That's right, isn't that boy with purple hair and golden pupils Qin Tianyu? Why is his aura also a Martial King? Could it be that he has become a Martial King?" Mo Hei said in disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible, a few months ago he hadn't cultivated any profound strength, why has he become a Martial King now? This is absolutely impossible." Fatty Mo said incredulously.

"Don't worry about it so much, kill it, even if you die, you will die here, otherwise you will die if you go back." Mo Hei clenched his fists and said.

"Okay, little ones, rush for me!" Mo Fatty roared.

After shouting, five scarred men in black killed them, and then disappeared.

Mo Hei looked at the man in black with missing arms and legs, the corners of his eyes twitched, and at the same time, mad anger filled his heart.

"Mohei, we have to deal with one of them. Both of them are in the early stage of King Wu, and we are in the middle stage of King Wu, so we can easily kill them." Mo Fatty said loudly.

"Okay, after killing these two people, the two of us can also destroy Yuxianzong." Mo Hei clenched his fists and roared.

Having suffered countless attacks in succession, they were already burning with anger, and they already wanted to vent their anger and kill people.

And now, it's finally time to kill.

It's just that the two of them didn't notice.

Qin Tianyu, who was holding a silly and cute little beauty in the sky that day, showed a trace of coldness in his eyes.

He gently put the cute Fifth Sister on his shoulder, and then grinned.


A sky-shattering roar resounded through the sky, as if it wanted to tear the world apart.

And between the sky and the earth, a huge white tiger with a height of tens of meters appeared, appearing domineeringly with an incomparably violent posture.

The moment it appeared, the entire land was shaken, and countless animals fled in fright, trembling.

The berserk momentum and wind pressure raged wildly in all directions, blowing and swaying countless plants and trees.

And Mo Fat and Mo Hei who were about to do it were completely dumbfounded, they stared blankly at the terrifying giant beast.

Two people have fallen into petrification.

"The killing can begin!"

 There is another chapter, the subscription has skyrocketed recently, and it was originally planned to be updated suddenly.

  It's a pity that I feel very uncomfortable. I don't know what's going on, so I went back to the hospital for an examination.

(End of this chapter)

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