The finishing touch system

Chapter 321 Demon Slayer Lord

Chapter 321 Demon Slayer Lord

"The next one is Chu Wanqiu. It's a pity that she is in the Ice City. If I leave this world, how long will she live?"

Demon Tower spoke mechanically, and his voice gradually returned to a stable state.

Then a drop of colorful water appeared in the air, and finally disappeared in the endless light.

"When you return, this thing will be yours. It's something I gave you within the rules." Demon Tower said mechanically.

The addition of Taling constantly affects its judgment.

It paid more and more attention to Qin Tianyu.


The will of the demon tower is the mechanical will condensed by the tower spirits for countless years.

And now many women who like Qin Tianyu become pagoda spirits, which naturally affects this mechanical will more and more.

This is.

Why does the more tower spirits support Qin Tianyu, the more Qin Tianyu can become the master of the demon tower.


The will of the tower spirit is the will of the demon tower!
Xuanwu World, Yuxianzong.

Qin Tianyu silently looked at the sky and the afterglow of the setting sun.

His mood became melancholy and lost.

Because just now.

The will of the demon tower told him everything, and also told him about the temporarily suppressed Demon Lord.

And it clarifies the terrible disaster facing the demon tower.

It can be said that apart from Chu Wanqiu from Ice City, the Demon Tower has spoken out everything.

Such a result made Qin Tianyu completely silent.

He watched the sunset quietly, watching the beautiful dusk, with mixed feelings in his heart for a moment.

The breeze blows, bringing a faint fragrance.

The fairy-like Li Xian'er flew to his side, hugged him gently, and looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay, I just feel very tired, really tired." Qin Tianyu said quietly.

"Take a rest when you're tired, I'm still here, and I will always protect you, always protect you."

Li Xian'er put Qin Tianyu's head in her arms with her white and tender hands, and gently patted his back to calm his emotions.

And her eyes were looking at the sky, and there were stars in those beautiful eyes.

It seems that she has made up her mind that she must protect her Qin Tianyu well, and protect him forever and ever!
Time is like a passing cloud, and several months have passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Tianyu was wearing armor and holding a blood-red long sword, flying rapidly.

And his gaze was fixed on the front, on the demon lord who was flying in embarrassment.


It is the devil.

After several months of practice.

Relying on his terrifying talent, Qin Tianyu has already cultivated his strength to the peak of the Martial Emperor, the same as the Demon Lord in front of him.

And with such a cultivation base, with the assistance of various magical abilities, the demon lord was defeated and fled.

He chased and killed the devil for thousands of miles.

"Qin Tianyu, don't go too far, I tell you, one day I will kill you." The demon lord yelled while clutching his broken left arm.

"Yes, I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to you killing me, but unfortunately you are about to die." Qin Tianyu said indifferently.

The long sword in his hand suddenly turned into a sharp spear, a sharp spear as black as ink.

Then Qin Tianyu flashed across the sky like a bolt of lightning, fiercely stabbing at the fleeing demon lord.

"You can't kill me, haha, my blood demon magic can make me escape countless times, you will never try to kill me." The demon lord roared pale.

As soon as the voice fell, his whole body was like a sword light, across the sky, and quickly went away.

There was a loud bang, and the whole world trembled violently under the bang.

The terrifying giant tiger reappeared between the sky and the earth.

With an incomparably violent posture, domineering appeared.

The entire land trembled violently the moment it appeared.

The violent momentum and wind pressure spread ragingly in all directions, blowing and swaying countless plants and trees crazily.

And a giant claw that lifted the sky crashed down like a mountain, and slammed on the place where the demon lord was sitting.

Blood sprayed.

The demon master who left like a sword light, just like that, completely disappeared under this terrifying blow.

"Ding! Congratulations on completing the task and earning 10000 points."

"Ding! There are still three days before leaving this world, please be prepared."

The voice of the demon tower's will echoed, and it also silenced the terrifying big white tiger.

"I'm finally leaving, what will Xian'er do?" Qin Tianyu said quietly.

"She must collect this world before all the clones can leave, otherwise it will cause great harm to her." Demon Tower Will said.

"I know, just spend these three days with her well."

Tian Yu sighed, turned into a human form and flew towards Yu Xianzong.

The demon lord is dead, but the man in the black cloak has not been found so far, so Qin Tianyu can only give up.

Of course, after he left this world, the man in the black cloak would also leave.

Because in this world, they can only stay for one year.

So don't worry.

Return to Yuxianzong.

Qin Tianyu didn't do anything, he just carried Li Xian'er in her boudoir and played with Hu Tianhai for three whole days.

Until the last moment, he was hugging this fairy who fascinated him.

It's a pity that the song ended.

In the end, Tianyu left this world, and disappeared under Li Xianer's reluctant eyes.

The sixth floor of the demon tower.

Qin Tianyu stood quietly, a small water droplet exuding colorful light slowly merged into the depths of his soul.

And he also gained the ability to do good deeds, gain gratitude, and condense special small water droplets.

Unfortunately, Qin Tianyu was not very happy.

Because Qin Yue and the others became pagoda spirits, they completely lost their freedom.

"Your cultivation base has reached the peak of Martial Emperor, you can exchange for 10000 points, do you want to exchange?" Demon Tower Will asked.

"Exchange it!" Tian Yu said quietly.

After his words fell, colorful rays of light shone, quickly enveloping him and absorbing his cultivation.

"You now have 2 points, you can upgrade the infinite body to the intermediate level, and the undead bloodline can also be upgraded to the advanced level, do you want to use it?" Demon Tower Will asked.


"Used successfully, congratulations on obtaining an intermediate infinite body and an advanced undead blood."

"You have three days to rest. After three days, you can enter the seventh-floor demon tower and continue to improve your strength."

"By the way, King Chenlong and the man in the black cloak will also enter together." Demon Tower said.

"I see!"

Qin Tianyu nodded, opened his data panel, and checked it.

Name: Qin Tianyu
Permanent Summoned Beasts: Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex, Iron Marmot
Infinity: Intermediate
Undying Blood: Advanced
Six-color soul: 6% [Soul link is slowly increasing]


Looking at his data panel, Qin Tianyu didn't say anything, but disappeared in a teleportation array.

He needs three days of rest, three days of good rest.

Then fight the seventh floor demon tower.

(End of this chapter)

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