The finishing touch system

Chapter 323 Who Did It?

Chapter 323 Who Did It?

Obviously in the Xuanwu world, the Man of Destiny guarded by King Chenlong died in battle, which made him hate the man in the black cloak very much.

It's a pity that the man in the black cloak remained silent from beginning to end, hiding himself in the darkness.

"Moying, I will wait for you in the next world, and peel your skin off." Dragon King Chen stared at the man in the black cloak and said coldly.

"Hehe!" Moying sneered, with disdain in his voice.


King Chenlong clenched his fists violently, and there was a bang in the space instantly, and even the surrounding air was slightly rippling.

Obviously Chen Longwang was really angry.

"Kill all the people in my city and improve my physique, Dragon King Chen, you are more like a demon than me." Moying said coldly.

"So what? For the sake of power, I would rather kill all the people in the world." Chen Longwang said indifferently.

That attitude, as if there is nothing wrong with doing so.

Qin Tianyu, who was not far away, narrowed his eyes.

The ruthlessness of this Dragon King Chen was even more terrifying than he imagined, so he clenched his fists tightly and decided that when he went to the new world, he must get rid of this scourge.

"Everyone, your mission is to protect the people of destiny in the form of guardians. This time, Moying, you must also choose the guardian, otherwise you will be kicked out." The demon tower consciousness suddenly said.

"Huh? Have you repaired so much? It seems that there is no way to do it like last time, but it doesn't matter if you protect it." The black cloaked ghost said coldly.

"Then please enter the teleportation array, I hope the people you guard will not be killed." Demon Tower said.

The words fall.

The three of them walked into the teleportation array silently, standing in the three corners where they were hostile to each other, waiting to kill each other as soon as they came to the new world.


The colorful teleportation array started to operate, and the gorgeous light began to ripple.

Soon, the three of them disappeared under the beautiful colored light.

Eternal Continent, Yongan City, Chen Family!
"I didn't expect Chen Xuan to have the qualifications of cultivating immortals. It's really amazing."

"Yes, I heard that he has been looked down upon and suppressed because of his illegitimate child, and now he has turned around."

"Isn't that right? Just now I saw him taking a group of guards and bragging about going to Shunfu Building."

"No way, his father saw that he was qualified, immediately announced that he recognized his ancestors and sent a large group of guards to protect him."

"I heard that his father also promised that as long as he succeeds in cultivating immortals, the Chen family will be his. This is really a great thing."

Common people in ordinary clothes were discussing on the street, all looking in the direction of Shunfu Building.

At this time, a figure wearing a bamboo hat passed by them and walked towards Shunfu Building.

Shunfu Building, second floor!

Chen Xuan continued to eat food with chopsticks, enjoying it under the protection of the guards.

"It's a wonderful life. I used to eat this chicken leg less than twice a year, but now I can eat it every day. It's really cool."

Chen Xuan put down his chopsticks, took a chicken leg and ate it with big mouthfuls, his mouth was full of oil.

"Master, there are too many people here, let's go back." An old man with gray hair persuaded.

"Alright Bo Lin, I'll finish eating right away." Chen Xuan responded.

This Lin Bo never bullied him, and even helped him, so Chen Xuan respected this old man very much.

Yet at this moment.

There was a scream, and before everyone could react, they flew towards Chen Xuan like lightning.

It was an arrow, an arrow smeared with poison.

The arrow came very suddenly, just when Lin Bo was talking to Chen Xuan.

Such a sudden attack was very tricky, and it was too late for Lin Bo to rescue him.

Because the arrow was too fast and too domineering.

and so.

People could only watch the arrow fly towards Chen Xuan, but they could do nothing, there was nothing they could do.

A stream of light flashed by, and the arrow burst suddenly, scattered on the ground.

"Protect the third young master!"

Only at this time did the guards react. They hurriedly protected Chen Xuan in the center and looked around vigilantly.

But they didn't see any attackers.

The only thing they could see was a figure wearing a bamboo hat, leaving Shunfu Building straight away.


The captain of the guard yelled at the figure in the bamboo hat, wanting to intercept it.

But he was stopped by Lin Bo.

"He's not the attacker. The attacker came from outside the window. Wait, this person may be the one who saved the young master." Lin Bo suddenly thought of something and said.

"What? Come on, hurry up, wait for me to go there in person." Chen Xuan stood up quickly and said.

"Master, be careful!"

The captain of the guard hurriedly protected Chen Xuan, and then ran downstairs to look for the figure in the bamboo hat.

But when they came downstairs, the figure with the bamboo hat had disappeared.

"Master, that man is gone."

The captain of the guard looked around, but he didn't see the figure in the bamboo hat.

You must know that they went downstairs very fast, but the other party disappeared in a blink of an eye.

This made them feel very puzzled.

"Are we dazzled? No one?" the captain asked doubtfully.

"It's impossible to be dazzled. This person is likely to be a master, and a very powerful master." Lin Bo said solemnly.

"A master? Is it better than Lin Bo, a master-level master like you?" The captain of the guard continued.

"Yes, if my guess is correct, the other party may be a cultivator." Lin Bo glanced at the broken arrow and said.

"Cultivator? My God, is it true? Is it really a cultivator?"

The captain of the guard was terrified. He thought of his "stop" just now, and then his whole body began to tremble.

"That arrow is very powerful. Even as a grandmaster, I didn't expect it. It is obvious that the person who released the arrow is definitely an outstanding master." Lin Bo said solemnly.

Listening to Lin Bo's explanation, the captain of the guard turned pale with fright, and even his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Obviously, he just walked through the gate of hell.

If Lin Bo hadn't stopped him, maybe he would have died in the hands of the immortal cultivator.

"Thank you Lin Bo, I will never forget your kindness." The captain of the guard bowed to Lin Bo.

"It's okay. In the future, you should calm down and don't be too impulsive." Lin Boyu said earnestly.


"Dead, dead!"

A sharp shout came from the Pengyue Restaurant not far away, and the voice was full of panic and terror.

"Go, go and see!"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he immediately went to the Pengyue Restaurant.

Lin Bo and the captain of the guard wanted to stop it, but seeing Chen Xuan's firm appearance, they had no choice but to give up.

They soon arrived at Pengyue Restaurant.

I also saw the body that fell on the second floor.

"It turned out to be a master-level powerhouse, a killer!"

When Lin Bo saw the dead man's body, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because the strength of the killer is stronger than him, and what is even more frightening is that this person has very powerful archery skills.

He had assassinated at least three master level powerhouses.

And such a super expert was actually killed.

He was stabbed in the heart with a sword.

"Could it be, could it be the man with the bamboo hat? Come on, call Xiaoer over quickly."

 There are more and more subscriptions, and it was supposed to be updated suddenly, but unfortunately something went wrong with the heart check, it's really sad.The doctor advised me to rest more and not stay up too late, but I have to write a book at night, which is uncomfortable.I try my best to keep updating this book. If I can't keep up, it may be finished next month, or the next month.Tired!
(End of this chapter)

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