The finishing touch system

Chapter 338 Don't Be Afraid, I Have Everything

Chapter 338 Don't Be Afraid, I Have Everything

The main hall of Zhenqi Sect.

Lei Shan, the leader of the Shattered Alliance, greedily looked at the crystal coffin, and became extremely excited.

The eyes of a strong man around him also flickered.

The strongest Yuki Chihiro of the True Qi Sect died in battle, and they no longer had any worries.

Even Su Yaya of the True Qi Sect is very strong, but facing so many strong people, she is sure to die.

Therefore, these powerhouses of the Shattered Alliance began to move their minds one by one.

Because the next step is to snatch the crystal coffin.

But this broken alliance is a loose alliance formed by many people, and it is not united at all.

This is also why they have the ability to crush the true qi sect, but they have not won here for a long time, and instead dragged each other's legs.


At this time, they were thinking about getting the crystal coffin themselves and preventing others from getting it.

So at this moment, the atmosphere became a little different.

They even started guarding each other.

"Listen to me, first capture Su Yaya and deal with the True Qi Sect, then we will distribute the corpses of the immortals in a martial arts competition, and we can even divide the corpses, so everyone will have a share at that time, so don't drag each other down."

Leader Lei Shan suddenly thought of something, and said with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Huh? That's a good idea."

"Yes, I agree with this method."

"Yes, I, Luo Zhantian, agree. The other Su Yaya will be given to me, and I will play her to death."

"Hmph, it's up to you? I, the old Zisha, have already taken a fancy to this woman. I heard that she is born with amazing luck. Old man, I have to see how strong her luck is."

"Don't talk, I will make a decision after imprisoning Su Yaya in a while, and kill all these disciples first."

Lei Shan roared loudly, and at the same time directed his subordinates to charge forward.


"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill all the male disciples, and keep the female disciples for fun."

A large number of strong men rushed forward, holding steel knives and constantly harvesting the disciples of the Zhenqi sect.

Every time they stabbed, they took away the body of a disciple of the Zhenqi sect, which also made Su Yaya's heart ache.

She rushed to the front angrily, wielding her long sword and beheading thirteen true qi sect masters.

But when Lei Shan and other strong men took action, she became precarious.


Su Yaya's body flew upside down like a kite, hit the crystal coffin, spurted a mouthful of blood, and even stained the side of the crystal coffin red.

And her whole person became even more depressed.

"Hahaha, Su Yaya, although you are strong, but to us, you are just a lamb that can be slaughtered at will, so let's capture it obediently."

"Yes, with your soft and weak appearance, if you still want to resist, you are wishful thinking."

"It's better to be my slave girl obediently, for me to have fun, and serve me well, maybe I won't kill you."

"Yes, yes, and Qin Tianyu's body, I want to cut a big piece, hahaha."

"Yes, Qin Tianyu was so majestic back then, but now he is just a corpse, like a dog."

A group of enemies exuding a tyrannical aura kept talking with foul language.

While insulting Su Yaya, she also scolded Qin Tianyu inside, mocking Qin Tianyu who was out of breath.

"Shut up, you can scold me, but you are absolutely not allowed to scold Brother Tianyu."

Su Yaya's little face turned red with anger, in her heart, the most important person was Qin Tianyu, her elder brother Tianyu.

She absolutely does not allow anyone to insult her brother Tianyu.

So she wiped off the blood from the corner of her lips, struggled to stand up, and continued to guard Qin Tianyu's crystal coffin with her long sword.

"Hahaha, scolding is not allowed yet, so I will scold you, what can you do to me?"

"Yes, now you are a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Not only do we want to scold you, but we also want to show you."

"Yes, cut up Qin Tianyu's body in front of her, and see if she likes it."

The strong people around looked at the weak Su Yaya, and they became more rampant and excited.

It even made Su Yaya so angry that she almost fainted.

Only this time.

Just when these enemies were rampant, Qin Tianyu in the crystal coffin, Mu Ran opened his eyes.

An extremely terrifying aura suddenly swept all directions, and the extremely powerful coercion blasted the entire hall into the air.

Those strong men who were gloating at other times all flew out with their heads bleeding.

Even after they rolled tens of meters away, they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't stand up.

And under this terrifying momentum.

The only ones who were okay were Su Yaya and the remaining dozen or so female disciples of the Zhenqi Sect.

Under this terrifying aura, they didn't feel uncomfortable at all, as if they were bathed in a spring breeze, but they were very comfortable.

This makes them very puzzled, very strange.

Obviously they have reached the verge of death, and they are about to be beheaded by those enemies.

But why, such a scene suddenly appeared?
So they tilted their heads and looked at the center of the hall, at the place where the momentum was exuding.

Then an incredible scene appeared.

The Immortal Qin, who had been dead for ten years, slowly floated up.

Then he stepped on the void and stood in the air, scanning everything.

Those golden eyes are even more shining with endless brilliance.

"Oh my god, Immortal Qin has come back to life."

A female disciple blinked her big eyes and looked at the sky in disbelief.

"Really, really, are immortals immortal?"

"It must be immortal, which is why Qin Xianren's body has been kept until now."

"It's saved, now it's really saved, with Immortal Qin here, we're safe."

"Yes, yes, Immortal Qin was a terrifying powerhouse who overwhelmed the entire world."

"Great, great, woo woo woo."

Weeping with joy, the female disciples of the Zhenqi Sect came under the crystal coffin one by one, looked at Immortal Qin above, and bowed respectfully.

But Su Yaya, a stunningly beautiful woman in white clothes, opened her small mouth and looked at the sky in disbelief, at the handsome Qin Tianyu who made her suffocate.

Her tears kept sliding down the corners of her eyes, dripping like pearls with broken strings. They were tears of joy, tears of happiness for Qin Tianyu's resurrection.

At this time, the strong men of the Shattered Alliance were already terrified. They looked at the sky in horror, each and every one of them was terrified.

They want to escape, they want to leave this place.

But the terrifying coercion made them unable to stand up at all.

They can't even move it.

All they could do was kowtow in repentance and forgive Qin Tianyu.


Qin Tianyu in the sky ignored them at all.

Instead, he waved his hand.

The beautiful Su Yaya below instantly came to the sky

"Yaya, is that you?"

Qin Tianyu looked blankly at the beautiful woman in his arms, with a trace of doubt in his golden eyes.

"Brother Tianyu, it's me, it's Yaya, Yaya misses you so much, misses you so much!"

Su Yaya looked at Qin Tianyu with tears streaming down her face.

She, who was already weak, could no longer hold on at this moment, and could no longer pretend to be strong like before.

At this moment, she completely let go of her emotions and burst into tears in Qin Tianyu's arms.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything!"

 ps: Thank you [Sao Jianlang] for the monthly ticket, powerful and domineering, go out and bump into the beautiful iceberg beauties!

(End of this chapter)

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