Reborn into the careful liver of a paranoid boss

Chapter 664 Not necessarily relief

Chapter 664 Not necessarily relief
It is too early to draw conclusions on some matters.

But one day, whoever told a lie will always show his flaws. When that time comes, that person will not be able to deceive him anymore.

From this point of view, Zhou Haoyu and Peng Zixuan are different. Zhou Haoyu has a soft ear and believes in Xia Xinyan, but Peng Zixuan has his own opinions and is more rational, and will not let Xia Xinyan lead by the nose easily.

Peng Zixuan stood aside for a while, then he turned around and entered the kitchen.

The sun is shining, so it's time to prepare a busy lunch.

Fortunately, he bought a lot of vegetables in the morning, and they are just in use now.

Peng Zixuan was busy in the kitchen, while Su Shihan and Ding Yufen were sitting and chatting.

During this period, Ding Yufen occasionally coughed twice.

"Grandma Ding, on weekdays, don't forget the doctor's advice. You have to take good care of your body. The most important thing is to take care of your body." No matter how good life is, if your body collapses, then everything will be destroyed. It's all in vain, Su Shihan said with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just a little cough." Ding Yufen pretended to be relaxed, she knew her own body best, and she always knew that this sick body would never get better.

It's just that it's fine for her alone to know about this matter, there's no need to say it out, and it will only add to the troubles for others and increase their sadness.

"Tomorrow, I'll go to the hospital with you to have a look." Lung cancer is not an ordinary disease, and it's not something that can be cured just by saying it's cured. You need to go to the hospital for check-ups every once in a while.

In particular, Ding Yufen's illness is not fully recovered, and she has to go to the hospital for check-ups from time to time.

"Shihan, I know you're worried about me, but let's forget it, I'm not going. To be honest, I'm content with living up to now." Looking at it again, it doesn't look good. Why spend that money again, and, in the first place, she didn't have any savings.

For no reason, and neither relative nor reason, it was wrong for her to accept Su Shihan's affection all the time. She could never take it for granted and feel at ease.

Su Shihan can help her here, Su Shihan has done enough for her.

She doesn't want to bother her anymore.

Now she is dying, most of her body has been buried in the loess, if she can survive one more day, let's count it as one day.

Ding Yufen's expression is serene and peaceful. She has long accepted the reality, even in the face of death, she is fearless.

Su Shihan seems to have seen Ding Yufen's thoughts: "Grandma Ding, don't give up on yourself, as long as you are willing to take good care of yourself, I believe, you will definitely get better every day. As for money, you don't have to worry about it, I will take care of it. To find ways to."

"Death does not necessarily mean liberation, being alive is more important than anything else."

"Grandma Ding, it's been a long time since you brought Zixuan up. You definitely want to see Zixuan get married, have children, and live happily ever after, don't you?"

"You have Zixuan, you have hope, then your life will have a bright future. As long as you survive the current hurdle, cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and recover from your illness, in this way, in the future, what you can enjoy, It is the joy of the family with children and grandchildren around their knees."

The darkness will pass, and the dawn will surely come.

Having lung cancer, that's not the worst.

The worst thing is that people give up hope before they try hard.

In that way, people are not far from death.

Lung cancer is not necessarily a terminal disease, so there is still hope for a cure.

Su Shihan hoped that Ding Yufen could be treated well.

(End of this chapter)

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