The person you like lives next door

Chapter 13 You are my world, you have everything I want.

Chapter 13 You are my world, you have everything I want.

There are different opinions on the Internet about whether Wen Wan was "pushed" into the hospital by Liang Xiaoqing. Chunfeng Media only sent a lawyer's letter to warn everyone not to spread rumors, and other measures are almost zero.

Liang Xiaoqing knew that the company had considerations for the company, so she came back from Lingyin Temple and realized something.

No matter what they say on the Internet, she acts upright and sits upright without fear.

A few days ago, she went to audition twice for the role of the lead actress in the Republic of China drama "Jinling Autumn", but was told that the director had cast Wen Wan as the lead actress. She was in a good mood, thinking that Wen Wan made her debut earlier than her The stuntman has just signed with the company, and being able to play the role of a top MV heroine is already a very good resource, and he never thought that he would accept the role immediately.

Unexpectedly, only a day later, the executive manager told her in the group that the director had changed his tune, that this drama might not be gentle, and that the lead actress had been changed to her.

Of course Xiaoqing was happy to hear the news, but what happened to Wen Wan?

It's over, this has to be another bloody storm.

It turned out that her premonition was correct. In the evening, a marketing account revealed the cast of "Jinling Autumn". Bloggers obviously praised her and mentioned the news that Wen Wan was screened.

The comments exploded again—"Take away my family Wanwan, no appointment without official announcement", "Congratulations to Liang Xiaoqing for getting the role, but this drama has nothing to do with my sister", "Did the blogger take money? Do you have to step on Wanwan?" Do you want to give up with one kick?"...

She also felt strange, and after much deliberation, she still sent a message to the executive agent to ask clearly: "What's the matter with the heroine of "Jinling Autumn"? Isn't it all set to be gentle?"

The executive manager quickly returned the voice: "We showed the director the complete video that you tweeted Wen Wan in the troupe that night. If there is no accident, the marketing account will post the videos one after another after eleven o'clock tonight. Wen Wan The video was secretly shot, edited and processed by herself. Our video was found from the surveillance of the dance hall of the troupe. The picture is clear and complete, and even the sound is clearly recorded. The director knows that once this video is sent out, Wen Wan will be over , I don’t want to blackmail my work, so I’ve decided on you. And I heard that Wen Wan has already been blocked by Haitang because of her troubles last time, and Pei Chanhe really minds her sneaky tricks.”

After being reminded by the executive agent, Liang Xiaoqing remembered that the theater company had surveillance, but it was never used. She thought it was a decoration, and she didn't even think about adjusting the surveillance. It turned out that the company had already collected evidence for her in private.

She carefully recalled the conversation with Wen Wan. Not only did she mention Wen Wan's plastic surgery, she even verified with her face-to-face the last late-night private meeting with Pei Chanhe. Once the full video was sent out, Wen Wan's plastic surgery was confirmed And let her take the blame, Wen Wan is that no matter how popular the audience is, she can't stand so many black spots being exposed at the same time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sweat for Wen Wan.

She didn't want to kill them all, so she called her manager and asked, "Can you release the full video, but erase the sound?"

"Are you sure?" The manager regretted, "This is an excellent opportunity to take Wen Wan down, the sound effect will be very different if you let it go."

Liang Xiaoqing thought about it seriously: "The full video is enough to show that I didn't push her, and the rest is fine. Since she was banned by Haitang, it must not be possible to get her back overnight. She has learned a lesson. I just want everyone to know that I didn't push her." She's enough."

The agent sighed: "Okay, I see."

Liang Xiaoqing's guess was correct. After the company's operation, this incident quickly aroused widespread discussion. The netizens who scolded her for being scheming on the Internet also changed their tune and apologized one after another.And Wen Wan quickly responded, she posted a Weibo, explaining that the previous rumor that Liang Xiaoqing pushed her was just a misunderstanding, but in fact she suddenly fell to the ground with stomach bleeding, Liang Xiaoqing called the emergency number to send her to the hospital.

Liang Xiaoqing was quite surprised that she was able to post Weibo to explain the ins and outs, but soon she understood that this was not Wen Wan's original intention, but Pei Chanhe forced her to post it.

After signing the contract with Chunfeng Media, Liang Xiaoqing and her aunt formally resigned from "Leifeng Pagoda". When she heard that she was going to formally enter the entertainment industry, her aunt expressed her admiration for her courage and wished her a bright future.She also heard from her aunt that the new heroine of "Leifeng Pagoda" has been decided, and finally a young girl who has just joined the group for less than a year has been selected.Liang Xiaoqing thought that she hadn't watched the whole play of "Leifeng Pagoda" for so long, so she chose to watch the show as an audience before "Jinling Autumn" started to join the group.

The ticket she asked her aunt to save for her is in the middle of the second row. It stands to reason that there will be no vacant seats in the first two rows, but until the performance started, no one came around her, and there were audiences in the back row thinking that the front was empty. When I came over, I was stopped by the staff.

After she inquired curiously, she found out that someone had reserved the other positions in the first three rows.

The show was about to start, and the lights dimmed, but the seat next to her was always empty, and she didn't know which rich man spent a lot of money, and the people who bought tickets didn't come, so she put her bag in the empty seat next to her.

Unknowingly, in the middle of the performance, someone suddenly sat down on her left. She was so focused that she didn't realize that something was wrong until the person coughed. Pei Chanhe in the dark.

He said, "Sorry to bother you."

She was a little surprised, and quickly returned to normal: "You decided on the positions in the first three rows?"

"Well." He looked at the stage in front of him, not at her, "I think you don't want to see me, so you used this method."

"I really don't want to see you." Liang Xiaoqing didn't show him mercy, and shifted his gaze to the center of the stage again, "You and Wen Wan have designed to frame me twice, I can't agree to meet you, who knows what other tricks you have. "

Pei Chanhe didn't speak, and said after a while: "Wen Wan went to look for you, I didn't know, I've already taught her a lesson, and she won't trouble you again in the future."

Liang Xiaoqing sneered: "It's better like this, I don't want to make enemies right after entering the entertainment industry."

"I came to you this time to apologize to you."

"That's not necessary," she said. "I can't afford it."

Pei Chanhe sighed, and simply said bluntly: "Actually, I'm here today, besides apologizing, I also want you to do me a favor."

She really didn't expect that Pei Chanhe would ask her for help, and she was a little surprised: "What can I help?"

"The movie version of "Leifeng Pagoda" will be released in the first half of next year. Wen Wan is the heroine, but the recent incidents have caused her to have a bad reputation. I hope you can help her. After all, this movie is the debut film I invested in and directed. , I don't want it to gain a good reputation because of the heroine."

"Isn't it all because of you that she has a bad reputation?" She made up the knife silently.

Pei Chanhe was embarrassed: "Actually, after "Leifeng Pagoda" is released, Wen Wan will gradually withdraw from the entertainment circle. I gave her today, but she violated the rules and troubled you without authorization, so I I will also take back all this and let her suffer."

Liang Xiaoqing understood, after all, Pei Chanhe wasn't pleading for Wen Wan's sake, he just didn't want his debut work to be affected, and she felt a little pitiful for Wen Wan.

She thought for a while and said, "Director Pei is really selfish. I heard from Wen Wan that she got plastic surgery to look like me because she likes you, and deliberately approached you, but you use such affection as a chess piece, and once you achieve your goal, you abandon it." Rulu is too heartless and cold-blooded."

"I said from the very beginning that I don't love her, she is willing."

Liang Xiaoqing had nothing to say: "Okay, I'm not good at commenting on the things between you, just say me and you, I can promise you, the method is also very simple, anyway, the previous videos were sent by the marketing account, as long as I Take a selfie with Wen Wan, and I can post a Weibo to prove that we have a good relationship, but I have conditions."


"In the future, you Haitang can't compete with me for any resources that I absolutely need." Liang Xiaoqing said loudly.

Pei Chanhe was very surprised, he suddenly found that the person in front of him was a little strange.

Liang Xiaoqing would not negotiate terms with him, she has always been kind and soft-hearted.

"What's the matter?" Liang Xiaoqing was amused seeing his surprised look, "Do you think I've become someone you don't know?"

Pei Chanhe nodded: "You are different from before."

"It's not that I've changed, I've always been like this, it's just that you don't understand me."

Liang Xiaoqing said: "In your heart, I should be quiet, well-behaved, unambitious, and always need to be cared for and supported by others. Only in this way can you arouse your desire to protect, just like when I had problems with the accompaniment in the competition, your hero rescued me." That’s beautiful. But you’re wrong. I’ve never been a little white rabbit. I have ambitions and I want to win. When I was in college, I wanted to audition for a big director. I wanted to be popular, but I didn’t have confidence, I didn’t have confidence, and I was afraid of failure. , so I hid all my ambitions, tried my best to show no desires and desires, and let others think that I don't care, so that I won't be embarrassed if I lose. But I met Xu Sinian, and he said let me spread my wings and fly, Don't be afraid. He encourages me to do whatever I want, and he is always behind me. He is not in the same industry as you, without your resources, and will not help me pave a smooth road, because he knows that I will not Need, what I want is never the glass cover that protects me intact, what I want is to take risks in person, walk out of my own path step by step by myself, he only needs to help me when I fall, and that's enough. So Pei Chanhe, think about it carefully, in fact, you never really loved me, what you loved was the Liang Xiaoqing you imagined, you thought I had the appearance you liked, but it wasn't."

After she finished speaking, the lights on the stage went out, the music stopped abruptly, and the audience burst into warm applause.

The show is over.

After the applause stopped, all the actors came to the stage to express their thanks, and then the audience left one after another. Only she and Pei Chanhe were still sitting in the middle of the second row, unmoved.

I don't know how long it took, Pei Chanhe got up slowly, and said: "I did too much in the past, and it caused you trouble. I agree to your request."

After that, he took the initiative to extend his hand: "Miss Liang, congratulations on signing with Chunfeng Media."

Liang Xiaoqing also held his hand generously: "Mr. Pei, I wish your eyes a speedy recovery."

Pei Chanhe didn't say anything more, withdrew his hand, and strode out of the arena.Not long after he left, Xu Sinian flashed out from the corner.The lights in the theater had already been turned off, only the green signs on both sides of the safe passage exuded a quiet light. He sat on Liang Xiaoqing's right hand and grabbed her hand: "Did you explain everything to him as I said?"

"En." She nodded in the dark, finally letting go of a stone in her heart.

Xu Sinian said that whether it was a scandal or Wen Wan deliberately troubled her, it was all because of Pei Chanhe, because Pei Chanhe hadn't given up pursuing her, so she became the target of everyone.It would be fine if she was just an ordinary person, but she is a person who wants to make a living in the entertainment industry. If she continues to get involved with Pei Chanhe, the problem will snowball in the end. Why don't you find a chance to get rid of it all at once? problem solved.

Because he left without saying goodbye back then, Pei Chanhe always felt guilty towards her.Wen Wan shot herself in the foot, causing her to decline in the industry, which would affect the reputation of Pei Chanhe's debut novel "Leifeng Pagoda".Pei Chan and Yu Qingyu will find her in the near future, begging her to come forward and play plastic sisters with Wen Wan in front of the public.

In the past, she deliberately kept a distance from him, unwilling to owe him favors, but he became more frustrated and courageous, feeling unwilling.

Going the other way this time, why not make a deal, agree to help him, and at the same time show the most greedy face, and use his resources to open a way for himself. Since he stumbled and recognized her ambition, I am afraid that from now on, she will not easily move her mind, and maybe she will stay away from her.

Although she said those words in order to deal with Pei Chanhe, Liang Xiaoqing knew that every word was the voice of her heart that she had endured for a long time.She sat there, looking at the darkness in front of her eyes: "I am so ambitious, do you love me too?"

The people around him sneered: "Do you think the desire to become the most powerful Chinese medicine doctor in the world is ambitious?"

She fell silent.

"So, there's nothing wrong with being ambitious."

After he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, the lights on the stage suddenly turned on, and images appeared on the screen.Liang Xiaoqing was a little dazed, and it took a few seconds to realize that Xu Sinian secretly took her video. There was a video of her being drenched in the rain on the mountain road before, and she was sleeping on the deck chair in the Jujing Hall with a high fever, and she was on the stage. Dance lightly on the screen... Scene after scene, he edited it into a micro movie, strung together into a timeline of love.

She felt a little blurry in front of her eyes, but when she turned around, she saw Xu Sinian holding a lacquer box.

He said: "The last time I gave you a ring, you said I was sloppy. Today I made up a formal one. Qingqing, will you marry me?"

As he spoke, he opened the box, and it turned out that it contained a complete set of hardware and jewelry. He knew her very well, and the styles he picked were all she liked.

Liang Xiaoqing couldn't laugh or cry, people always propose with small and exquisite diamonds, why is it Xu Sinian's turn to have such a weird painting style?
He is likely to be the first to propose with a lacquer box.

Winter in Hangzhou always comes very late, and it is not until November that there is some coolness that belongs to winter.Liang Xiaoqing has officially joined the filming crew of "Jinling Autumn". As early as a month ago, after the photo of her and Wen Wan was released, the two fans finally stopped fighting each other, and the Internet gradually returned to calm.

Liang Xiaoqing was filming on the set, and occasionally Xu Sinian would go to Hengdian to visit the set.During this period, Liang Xiaoqing heard that every year he would spare two months to participate in public welfare activities, go to remote areas to popularize medical knowledge, and take this opportunity to send advanced medical equipment to areas with backward medical conditions.After cooperating with the TV station to film a documentary about Chinese medicine, he began to plan this year's public welfare trip. As usual, he released a call for activities on the medical forum. In the end, [-] college student volunteers passed the written test and interview, and Yuelu was one of them. Recently they The activity time has been confirmed, and it is estimated that I will not be able to see her again next week.

Liang Xiaoqing was of course a little disappointed when he heard about this, two months was really too long, they hadn't been in a different place for such a long time.It's just that what he did was very meaningful. She was reluctant to give up, but she supported him from the bottom of her heart.She insisted on going to see him off, but in desperation Xu Sinian set the departure time on her vacation day.

Now that she is a well-known actress, she can no longer be as free as she used to be when she swaggered and ate stinky tofu in Hengdian. Fortunately, it is winter in Hangzhou, and she is comfortable wearing a hat and mask.

Xu Sinian went into the mountains this time, without a train, and booked a 35-hour sleeper.Liang Xiaoqing came back the night before and prepared a suitcase for this long journey for him.The train station did not allow drop-offs, and when the time for ticket inspection came, Yue Lu took everyone to wait in line first, and gave Xu Sinian and Liang Xiaoqing some time to be alone.

Liang Xiaoqing reluctantly grabbed the corner of his clothes: "You have to call me every day."

"it is good."

"miss me."

"I will miss you very much."

"You must reply when you see my message."

"Don't worry." Xu Sinian smiled, "What else can I explain?"

She thought about it, and said pitifully, "Pack me in the suitcase and take me away."

Xu Sinian had nothing to do with her, he patted her head and said, "I think so too, will you come with me?"

She shook her head, a little aggrieved: "I can't leave, I have to film."

Xu Sinian couldn't help laughing: "Otherwise, stop filming and elope with me. Tomorrow the production crew can't find people all over the world looking for you, and you can become popular again."

Liang Xiaoqing finally laughed, stretched out his hand and gave him a gentle thump.

He said: "Go back quickly, you were exhausted last night, go home early and rest."

He clearly meant well, but Liang Xiaoqing's memory was awakened, from blushing to the ears.

This person had the nerve to say that she came back after twelve o'clock at night just to take him to the station this morning.Xu Sinian was already asleep when she got home, she tiptoed to wash up and lay down, but he suddenly turned over and tossed her until dawn.

She shyly pinched his arm hard. Xu Sinian didn't know why, so he let out a "hiss" in pain, and the students waiting in line were flirtatious and forced to stuff a wave of dog food, each of them turned into a lemon Fine, laughing and watching the majestic Doctor Xu sometimes being unable to fight back.

The ticket check was about to start, Liang Xiaoqing felt sore when she thought that she would not see him in the next two months.

Xu Sinian was afraid that she would cry, so he didn't give her time to build up his emotions, so he hugged her into his arms unexpectedly, as if he could absorb some energy from her, and didn't let go for a long time, until the announcement reminded them that the train number would start to check the ticket. He decisively picked up the luggage at his feet, then quickly whispered something in her ear, turned around and walked away gracefully.

Liang Xiaoqing stood there in a daze, watching his leaving back, couldn't help laughing.

He just said in her ear: "When I come back, let's get married."

Xu Sinian went to the hinterland of the Southwest, where the transportation is inconvenient, and it is also a high-incidence area of ​​various natural disasters, and the mobile phone often has no signal.Liang Xiaoqing usually kept in touch with him through WeChat, and occasionally connected to the video, and got stuck within 2 minutes of chatting, so she didn't say a few words, but she intercepted a lot of Xu Sinian's goofy emoticons.

The past two months have been fast and fast, the production team has a fast pace of filming, and the work intensity is high. She is a newcomer, and the boss invited an acting teacher to the production team for her. She almost works during the day and studies at night. Fortunately, she is relatively savvy. As an artist, the director is quite satisfied with his performance on the set.

In this way, on the new year's day, the long-suspended "Leifeng Pagoda" official Weibo released a 2-minute clip, and officially announced the news that it will be scheduled for the first day of the new year.When this movie was first filmed, Wen Wan was a floret on the rise, but the male lead was not well-known. Now that a few months have passed, Wen Wan has opened a Taobao store, and has never taken on a new movie. Apart from symbolically reposting the clip on Weibo There are no other voices, but the male protagonist is different. He became a top-ranking film and television drama because of an IP adaptation two months ago, and he jumped into the camp of popular niches.

Liang Xiaoqing swiped Weibo on the crew, thinking that what Pei Chanhe was worried about would not happen. Now the box office of "Leifeng Pagoda" can be guaranteed only by the hero's fan base, and Wen Wan is probably really offended Pei Chanhe, there is no possibility of turning over.

A few days ago, Pei Chanhe contacted her alone and invited her to watch a private screening of the movie, but she refused on the grounds that she was filming on the set.

She talked about this with Xu Sinian, but his attention was on the distant mountains and rivers and the starry sky above his head.The two-month voluntary activities are coming to an end in the tiring journey. The last stop of this trip is Tacheng Township, and then we can return.Tacheng and rural areas in Sichuan are located in a remote area, but they have unique natural scenery.The lush grassland, the auspicious half-moon-shaped terrain, and the five sacred mountains surrounding it...

Words are not enough to describe the beauty here, so he took a photo and sent it to Qingqing. When she saw the photo, she didn't bother to mention Pei Chanhe anymore. She sighed "It's so beautiful, I really want to go", and she sat up again after lying down , use the map to search for the location of Tacheng Township.

Xu Sinian said: "Young people are full of energy, and they must celebrate the new year. Everyone is sitting around playing truth or dare. They just drew me. I chose truth. a girl."

He stopped at this point, deliberately whetting Liang Xiaoqing's appetite.

She asked: "How many?"

"Do you want to know?"

"...I don't really think about it, you like to talk or not." She pretended to be angry to cover up her shyness.

Xu Sinian stopped teasing her and said, "You, only you."

She was gentle in her heart, she didn't know if what he said was true or not, but she was very happy to hear it.

The hour hand reached zero unknowingly, and the new year was approaching. Suddenly, she heard a commotion from Xu Sinian's side, as well as cheers and laughter.

He said, "It's fireworks."

Liang Xiaoqing lifted the quilt and looked out the window, Hengdian was completely silent, and fireworks were restricted in the city, so she could only listen to the excitement far away in Sichuan.

"Happy New Year." Xu Sinian said.

The winter in the south is cold and wet. She is from the north and has never been used to life without heating.But because of his words, she suddenly felt warm all over her body.He has been away from Hangzhou for so long, and she has never missed him so much like this moment, missing his embrace, his body temperature, and the smell of his shirt.

She smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, please give me your advice in the new year."

Liang Xiaoqing slept very deeply that night. Although there is a three-day holiday on New Year's Day for the office workers, the crew still started working as usual.She was woken up by the alarm clock at four o'clock. She washed her face indiscriminately and went to the dressing room to change clothes and put on makeup. But it was terrible, she grabbed the little makeup artist girl beside her and asked, "What did you say about Sichuan just now?"

The little girl's family is from Sichuan, her eyes were a little swollen, and she said, "There's an earthquake."

Liang Xiaoqing panicked, and immediately looked at Weibo, there was already news——

"An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 occurred in Kang'an County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The epicenter was [-] kilometers east of Tacheng..."


Liang Xiaoqing dug out the WeChat chat history, looked at the address that Xu Sinian had sent her on the screen, and was speechless in a daze.A few hours ago, he took a picture of the scenery he saw with his own eyes and shared it with her. How could it be...

She ordered herself to calm down. The news said that there were no casualties so far, so she couldn't scare herself.

She called Xu Sinian, but no one answered, and she called again, still the same.

She couldn't sit still, stood up in a daze, and didn't know where to go. The assistant director knocked on the door and asked her if she was ready. She just felt that her mind was blank.This drama is a drama of the Republic of China. In the weather of minus seven or eight degrees, she only wore a cheongsam. Although she was wearing a coat, it was still freezing cold. Before she even got to the set, she slipped on the soles of her feet and fell to the ground. , the assistant panicked and knelt down to help her, but she couldn't stand up, until the director noticed something was wrong, came over and saw her sitting on the ground, and asked her what was wrong.

She raised her head in a daze, looked at the director, and then at the people around her who cared about her, and finally broke down and cried.

Liang Xiaoqing had a dream. In the dream, there were ruins and ruins. In front of her eyes was a dark cave with the sound of running water outside the cave.A firefly flew in, illuminating the scene in the cave.All kinds of birds and beasts are painted on the stone walls in the cave. Some of them know it, but most of them don't. It's like the strange beasts recorded in "Shan Hai Jing".

There was a sarcophagus in front of her, the lid of the coffin was cracked, and a flower bloomed from the crack in the stone, it was extremely coquettish.

In front of the sarcophagus, she didn't feel afraid, but was encouraged by a force to push the coffin lid open.

Xu Sinian was lying there with a peaceful face, and fell asleep quietly, but in fact he had already stopped breathing.

She put her fingers under his nose, wanting to confirm whether he was alive or dead, when suddenly, the earth shook...

She struggled to wake up from the dream, and found that the surroundings were gray, and the little assistant was sitting next to her, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her wake up.

"Miss Xiaoqing, you are going to scare everyone to death."

She managed to sit up, but found that her hand had been injected with a needle, and asked the little assistant, "Why am I here?"

"do not you remember?"

Liang Xiaoqing recalled for a moment, recalling the earthquake. She picked up her mobile phone and pleaded in her heart that it was a dream, but what she saw was the follow-up report of the earthquake by the news media, and 21 people were confirmed dead.

She felt that there was no way to wait like this, so she told her assistant, "Quickly, book a ticket for me, I'm going to Tacheng Township."

The little assistant looked at a loss: "Why did you go to Tacheng Township suddenly? The filming of the crew has not finished yet, and there is an earthquake over there now."

Liang Xiaoqing also felt that her behavior was irrational, so she quickly forced herself to calm down, but she couldn't think of a better way. She calmed down, and as if she had made up her mind, she pulled out the needle in her hand, and then lifted the quilt under the bed. bed.

"I'm going to find the director." She was a little excited and walked towards the door in disorderly steps. The assistant had no time to catch up. Fortunately, someone appeared at the door of the ward and blocked her way.

The person who stopped her was in a suit, holding a blind stick in his hand, followed by his assistant Mandy.

His eyes were wrapped in bandages, and he seemed to sense that she was in front of him, and asked her, "Where are you going?"

Liang Xiaoqing looked at Pei Chanhe in this state, as if someone had beaten him with a sap.

She looked at Mandy, and Mandy explained: "Mr. Pei has been using Dr. Xu's prescription to treat eye diseases. He takes the medicine once a week, and his eyes cannot see light when he takes the medicine. He heard that you fainted and were sent to the hospital, and the medicine is waiting for you." It’s coming over soon.”

Hearing her mention Xu Sinian, Liang Xiaoqing's mood became a little unstable.

She said, "Xu Sinian is in Tacheng Township, I can't contact him now."

"You want to find him?" Pei Chanhe walked in and was supported by Mandy to sit on the sofa.

He said: "Traffic will inevitably be paralyzed after the earthquake, and the roads entering the epicenter will be closed, and there will be aftershocks at any time. It is very dangerous, and ordinary people cannot enter."

He woke her up with one word.That's right, she can't get into the epicenter in this situation.

Ever since she was a child, she has never been the one to fight actively. In her lifetime, whenever she misses something she loves, she comforts herself with the fact that fate will not come. Xu Sinian is different. He is the one she wants to fight for with all her strength. She can't lose him.

She was a little dazed, but when she turned her head and saw the blue glass pendant hanging from the zipper of her bag next to the hospital bed, she finally made up her mind.She walked over, took off Lan Liuli and held it in her palm, turned around and walked in front of Pei Chanhe.

She said: "Fate is cruel, and natural disasters come suddenly. No one can be sure whether the person chosen at the next moment is himself or not. Mr. Pei, you must have a way to go to the epicenter, right? Please, take me to find him."

Pei Chanhe didn't expect that she would "beg" him, and was a little surprised.

He asked, "Have you thought about it? I have conditions."

She clenched her fists tightly, and her face showed a firmness that she had never seen before: "No matter what, I promise you."

Liang Xiaoqing asked for leave from the film crew due to health reasons. The company heard about her and turned a blind eye to the fact that she and Pei Chanhe entered the disaster area together. The drafts were all "Liang Xiaoqing appeared in the disaster area and gave a little love to the people in the disaster area". The setting of her beautiful and kind-hearted person made a lot of noise, and was once praised by netizens and received a wave of favor.

Pei Chanhe's network of contacts extended in all directions, and they arrived in Kang'an the next evening. The epicenter was in a mess, with dilapidated houses and twisted roads everywhere.The first thing Liang Xiaoqing did when he came here was to make a donation through official channels. Pei Chanhe also delivered the supplies to the designated place, and then they rushed to Tacheng overnight to find Xu Sinian's whereabouts.

His mobile phone still couldn't be reached, she called for the last time, a mechanical female voice came from the receiver to remind her that the phone she dialed was turned off, and Yue Lu's phone was also in a state of no answer.

She took Xu Sinian's photo and searched for people in the disaster area, but found nothing all night.

There was another aftershock that night, and all the light sources around her were dimmed due to a circuit failure. She slept in a temporary tent and ran outside when she sensed that the ground was shaking. In the darkness, someone grabbed her. Liang Xiaoqing took her hand, and when they ran to a place with light, Liang Xiaoqing saw that it was Pei Chanhe.

"Thank you."

He waved his hand: "I sent someone to inquire about Xu Sinian's whereabouts, and I just got a reply. I wanted to go to your tent to look for you, but there happened to be an aftershock."

Hearing the news about Xu Sinian, Liang Xiaoqing's face was no longer tired, she asked: "Where is he?"

"A group of more than a dozen of them came here to do public welfare. The goal is big and easy to identify. I heard from the locals that they lit a bonfire outside their residence when the earthquake happened. They went to rescue them one after another, but they didn’t hear that there were any casualties among the group of people. Tacheng was not seriously affected, but many people were injured in the epicenter. They knew that there was an urgent need for medical personnel, so they followed the car to Kang’an in the evening.”


That is, they had just left when she first arrived in Tacheng.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Pei Chanhe said: "Today is too late, there is no car, and we will go to Kang'an to meet them tomorrow morning."

At the same time, Xu Sinian searched everywhere for communication equipment as soon as he arrived in Kang'an. The communication facilities in Tacheng were completely paralyzed. He originally expected to be able to make calls when he arrived in Kang'an, but found that it was still not possible.

Yue Lu was also very anxious. His parents knew that he was going to do charity work during the winter vacation, and they must have died of anxiety when they saw the news.

At night, more than a dozen of them huddled together in a tent. In the early morning, they heard someone's cell phone vibrate. Yue Lu's ears were sharp, and he woke up the owner of the cell phone. I only heard the cry of joy and tears coming from inside, and only then did I know that it was my parents calling.

The little girl told her parents about the situation here incoherently, telling them not to worry.Yue Lu looked eagerly at her mobile phone, wanting to borrow it for him when the little girl finished speaking. His mobile phone was lost during the earthquake.But as soon as the little girl hung up the phone, other people surrounded her, and Yue Lu had no choice but to withdraw from the crowd.

Among the students, only three students still had their mobile phones charged, and the battery was not much left. After more than a dozen students took turns to call home to report that they were safe, the mobile phones were dead and automatically turned off.

Yue Lu was sitting on the side with his head downcast, when a mobile phone suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xu Sinian handed him his phone: "Find a place to charge it, and then call home."

Yue Lu accepted the order, and immediately ran out all over the world to find places where he could recharge.

Kang An resumed the communication, even after one o'clock in the morning, the streets were full of people.There was a long queue at the entrance of the canteen, all waiting to use the phone.Yue Lu went into the store to look for power banks, and found that they were sold out long ago.He had no choice but to discuss with the shop owner to charge it in the shop, and then transfer the money to the boss later. The boss smiled and pointed to the socket.

He was completely desperate.

Fortunately, one of them was almost fully charged, and when that person left, he hurried over and connected the phone to the charging cable.There were people coming and going in the canteen, Dr. Xu's cell phone didn't have a combination lock, so he called his family first to reassure his parents, and when he hung up, he remembered someone again, so he found Susu's phone number from Dr. Xu's address book. phone number.

The phone rang a few times and connected.

Su Su shouted excitedly: "Dad, Mom, it's my brother's call!"


"Brother, how are you? Are you safe? How about Yuelu? Is he okay?"

"it's me."

There was a sudden silence on the phone.

"I am Yuelu."

Su Su became nervous: "Why, why is it you? Where's my brother?"

"Hi everyone, I'll help my brother out to charge his phone, and I want to call you to tell you that we're fine."

Hearing that it was all right, Su Su let go of his concern.Because she was too excited to see her brother's number just now, she woke up her parents who were already asleep. The two of them were beside her at this time, but the person on the other side of the phone was Yue Lu, which made her feel a little at a loss.

"Not Si Nian?" Su Ye Mei heard something was wrong.

Su Su blushed: "It's Yue Lu."

Su Yemei understood, quickly saw what was happening, and left the room knowingly, but turned around to see her husband was still listening to the phone, she dragged him away, smiled and said to Su Su: "You guys have a good chat, Let's go back to bed first."

After his mother left, Su Su said to Yue Lu, "When are you coming back?"

"In a few days, there is an urgent need for medical staff here, and the traffic has not yet resumed. We have a lot of people, and we can't find a car to go to the city for a while."

"Then you have to be extra careful outside."

"Well, don't worry."

In the canteen in the early morning, people were coming and going, he pressed the phone close to his ear, and at the moment he heard her voice, he suddenly made a decision.


"What?" The girl's heart beat like a drum for no reason.

The surrounding area is noisy, the queue to use the telephone is getting longer and longer, and the voices of calling family members to report their safety are all in his ears. Yue Lu can't understand the local dialect, but these are not important, and all the voices are reduced to background noise.

He took a deep breath and said, "I like you, you know that, right?"

Su Su was dumbfounded, she thought she had heard wrong.

Yue Lu repeated again: "I have loved you for four years."

Su Su felt that she was going to be out of breath, she stood there for a long time, she really didn't know what to say, she opened her mouth and said, "Shouldn't it be better to talk about this kind of thing in person!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yue Lu to answer, he hung up the phone shyly.

It was almost dawn when Yue Lu returned home after charging the battery. He returned the phone to Xu Sinian and said with a smile, "I confessed to Su Su."

Xu Sinian was a little surprised: "It's promising, did she agree to you?"

"Well... she hung up the phone."

Xu Sinian: "..."

Then you smile so happily?

People were amazed outside. Xu Sinian walked out of the tent and saw snowflakes falling all over the sky. It was almost dawn, but the clouds above were gloomy.He wondered what Qingqing was doing at this time?She must be worried about him these days, right?Is she asleep now?Are you also insomnia?

He wanted to call her, but he was afraid of waking her up. There were children in the earthquake area who were not afraid of the cold and made snowmen in the snow. The snowman was really ugly. He couldn't stand it, so he helped them.After he was done, he took a picture of the snowman and sent it to Liang Xiaoqing.

At this time, Liang Xiaoqing who was in Tacheng only heard a vibration in her ear. She took out her mobile phone from under her pillow and saw that it was a photo sent by Xu Sinian. She sat up suddenly and dialed his number immediately.

Three hours later, Pei Chanhe found a military truck from nowhere, and they were going to Kang'an to deliver supplies. He asked Liang Xiaoqing to go with them to Kang'an and Xu Si's annual meeting.

"how about you?"

"I stay in Tacheng, someone will come to pick me up."

The military truck was full of food, Pei Chanhe helped her up, and Liang Xiaoqing sat among a pile of boxes.After the car started, she waved to Pei Chanhe: "Thank you."

Pei Chanhe stood there expressionlessly, and waited for the car to drive away before he picked up his phone and sent Liang Xiaoqing a message.

He said: "You're welcome, this is a deal, please find me in Room 602 of Yinshan Mansion after you return to Hangzhou."

The car bumped all the way, Liang Xiaoqing stared at this text message, her heart sank continuously.

She knew what he wanted, and what it meant.

Kang'an was badly damaged than Tacheng, Liang Xiaoqing followed the car all the way south, the driver left her at the entrance of a canteen and drove away, she called Xu Sinian at the entrance of the canteen and told him the approximate location.Kang An had just snowed, she was dressed thinly and was a little cold, so she greeted the shop owner and went inside to warm up.

So when Xu Sinian came, she saw him from a distance through the window of the canteen. He was wearing a white coat with blood on his clothes, and hurried to the entrance of the canteen, but he didn't see anyone.He was about to call her, but suddenly there was warmth behind him, and Liang Xiaoqin hugged him from behind.

As soon as he grasped her hand, he turned around and saw her face up to the sky, the exhaustion of consecutive days was finally swept away.

He said: "You are not filming, how can you come here?"

"I couldn't contact you. I was too anxious. I asked the crew for three days off."

Xu Sinian didn't have time to tell her too much. Survivors were discovered one after another, and he would continue to return to the front line. He put Liang Xiaoqing in the tent and wanted her to rest, but she shook her head: "What can I do?" Help? I want to join you."

Seeing her firm gaze, Xu Sinian finally arranged her in the emergency contact camp. Children and their families were lost during the earthquake. The tents were full of children of all ages. The youngest was two years old and the older one was 11 years old. Those who were separated from their parents, they gathered these children here, registered their names, and waited for the family to claim them.

Liang Xiaoqing is very busy here. There is a child who has not been weaned and cried hoarsely. There is no milk powder in the disaster area. Finally, she communicated with the local people, warmed the milk, and fed it to him bit by bit.When Xu Sinian came back from work until late at night, he saw her hugging a little one, trying to put the child to sleep.

After Xu Sinian waited for the child to fall asleep, he helped Qingqing put the child on the bed, covered him with a thick quilt, and the two left the tent to talk outside.

Kang'an was silent at night, they sat on the cardboard boxes in the supply area, watching the Milky Way at night.

"I have to go tomorrow," she said.

He put his arms around her shoulder: "You go first, I will go back in a few days, and when I go back, I will go to Hengdian to see you."

"Yeah." She looked into the air a little bit, and said thoughtfully, "It's hard to get into the epicenter. I panicked when I saw the news that there were casualties. It was Pei Chanhe who tried to bring me to you."

Xu Sinian said "Yes", but he was not surprised, the epicenter was at the most dangerous time, she must have been helped by someone if she could come.He said: "When we go back, let's thank him together."

Liang Xiaoqing didn't speak, she leaned her head on Xu Sinian's shoulder, opened her mouth, and finally gave up.

The plane landed at Xiaoshan International Airport, Liang Xiaoqing was stunned by the sight as soon as she got out of the boarding gate.

At least forty or fifty little girls came to pick up the plane, everyone held a support card in their hands, and shouted slogans loudly. She listened carefully, and it turned out to be "Xiaoqing Xiaoqing, the star of the future".These girls are really cute.There were also one or two male fans among them, holding a DSLR in their hands, and the sound of pressing the shutter kept ringing.

She was taken care of by assistants and security guards and got into the nanny car, so she had time to ask what happened.

The assistant took out her mobile phone and showed her the popular Weibo from the previous two days. It turned out that a reporter had photographed her in the disaster area. In the photo, she was sitting in the emergency contact area, surrounded by innocent children, and there was another picture of her hugging her little one. , The pictures of feeding her milk powder, these photos were originally recorded and spread on the Internet, after some manipulation by the company, they attracted countless fans.

So after her, celebrities tried to go to the epicenter to do public welfare one after another, but the best time has passed, and those who follow suit will inevitably be suspected of hype.

After the assistant explained this, he took out two bound typewritten manuscripts from the bag and handed them to her: "These are the two scripts handed over from the platform, both of which are self-made web dramas, namely "Boundary of Daylight" and " I want to see you today, too, is a modern drama, the boss would like to ask if you are willing to finish filming "Jinling Autumn" and try it."

Faced with the sudden surge in invitations, Liang Xiaoqing was a little flattered, and she said, "I'll take a look first, and then I'll reply after I finish."

This circle is very realistic. Some people have been lukewarm since their debut for several years, and some people immediately became popular when they first appeared. Overjoyed.

It's just that once a person is famous, there are many people who are jealous. Someone soon found out about Xu Sinian's relationship with her. In fact, there is no need to find out. A passer-by photographed it, and later posted a speech in support of Liang Xiaoqing on Weibo. At that time, everyone thought he was just chasing stars, but they didn’t know that he was showing love generously. This time Liang Xiaoqing went to the disaster area, and someone jumped out to say Xu Sinian Also in Kang'an, someone took pictures of the two of them cuddling each other at night.

The agent called urgently and asked Liang Xiaoqing how she wanted to deal with this matter.

She took it for granted: "There's no need to deal with it. Anyway, what they said is true. We are just dating. Maybe we will go to get a certificate this year. There is nothing to hide."


"Boss Jin also knows about this."

The agent was speechless: "But you have just debuted, and getting married will not be conducive to your future career development in the final analysis."

"Oh." She thought for a while, "Then we'll get married in secret then."

The agent had nothing to do with her, and in the end they only issued a symbolic announcement, roughly meaning that they hoped that the media could respect the artist's privacy, but did not deny the authenticity of the news.

The day "Jinling Autumn" finished filming was also the day when Xu Sinian returned to Hangzhou.Knowing that Liang Xiaoqing was in a hurry to leave in the afternoon, they held a lively wrap-up banquet at noon, and she took the car to the airport after dinner.The driver parked the car very discreetly, and Liang Xiaoqing also dressed very low-key.

This trip to the Southwest was hit by an earthquake, Xu Sinian knew that everyone was working hard, so he paid out of his own pocket to book air tickets for everyone on the way back.The children went out for the first time, and the parents were worried. Xu Sinian finally completed the mission by bringing everyone back safe and sound. In the end, only he and Yue Lu were left.

Yuelu's parents were busy with work and no one came to pick them up. He called Didi himself and greeted Xu Sinian: "Brother, let's go together?"

Xu Sinian was proud: "You go, someone is coming to pick me up."

Yue Lu: "..." All right, bully him as a single dog.

When Liang Xiaoqing arrived at the airport, he sent the driver away. The driver was a perceptive man, left the car keys and left without asking any questions.She predicted that the flight was coming soon, so she gave Xu Sinian the license plate number, and then calmly touched up her makeup in front of the mirror, but just after the makeup was done, the car door was suddenly opened, and she was shocked by the sudden cold wind. When he came back to his senses, Xu Sinian had already cupped her face and kissed her deeply.

He was wearing a black down jacket and a peaked cap. He looked like he had worked very hard during this time, and the stubble on his chin hadn't been shaved clean.He felt that this kiss was not enough, and he wanted more, so he rubbed the seat with one hand, and finally found the button to adjust the angle of the seat. After pressing it hard, the seat folded down into a narrow bed .

He took advantage of the opportunity to get into the car, closed the door tightly, and hugged her in his arms. The two of them cuddled tightly together. There was still a chill on his body, but gradually Liang Xiaoqing felt the special feeling through his cashmere sweater. belongs to his body temperature.

Realizing that he was just hugging her and not doing anything else, Liang Xiaoqing couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

He tightened his arms again, took a deep breath on her neck, and said contentedly, "Get energy."

She laughed: "Am I an energy supply station?"

"No." He said, "You are my world, you have everything I want."

(End of this chapter)

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