The person you like lives next door

Chapter 9 Doing happy things with a lover, don't ask if it's a disaster or fate.

Chapter 9 Doing happy things with a lover, don't ask if it's a disaster or fate.

There is heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.The crew's first night in Suzhou happened to be the Hungry Ghost Festival, commonly known as Ghost Festival.

During the day, I made up a few shots in Hengdian, which delayed the crew’s departure time. When they arrived in Suzhou, it was completely dark, and due to the negligence of the staff, there were not enough rooms in the hotel. Liang Xiaoqing had to temporarily share a room with the choreographer.

The director was already asleep when Xu Sinian called to ask her if she checked in smoothly.

Liang Xiaoqing tiptoed to pick up the phone in the corridor, but he heard the flaw: "Are you not in the room?"

"That's right, it's in the corridor. My roommate is asleep." She leaned against the wall and looked left and right. The corridor was empty. She didn't know if it was her psychological effect or what was going on. Believe it and don't care.

But Xu Sinian felt distressed: "Go in and sleep, I'll call you tomorrow."

"I..." she said cheekily, "I want to hear your voice."

In Xu Sinian's room, only one desk lamp was turned on, and the dim and warm light was like a round moon. Su Yemei cooked some pears with rock sugar at night and asked Su Su to deliver them from room to room. Know whether to go in and disturb.

It was the first time for her to see Brother Sinian's eyebrows and eyes so gentle, she must really love Liang Xiaoqing.

She was a little envious, and remembered what she had said and done when she was self-willed before, and she couldn't bear to look directly at it like black history.She thought about it, and decided not to give her brother the bowl of pears secretly, so she slipped back to the room, but bumped into Yue Lu who came out of the bathroom at the corner of the corridor.

Jujingtang has a dormitory for the apprentices, but some time ago, due to the incident of a boy eating soil sanqi by mistake, many apprentices left with excuses, and now only Yuelu still lives in the medicine hall every night.

In the middle of the night, and it was the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, a dark figure suddenly jumped out, scaring her so much that she was about to shout out instinctively. Fortunately, Yue Lu reacted quickly and directly covered her mouth.

"it's me."

After Su Su saw her clearly, she calmed down. It was just that some of the rock sugar pears in her hand spilled out when the two collided with each other just now, staining the front of Yue Lu's clothes. He didn't care, looked down, and simply took the T-shirt He took it off and threw it into the laundry basket in the bathroom.

It doesn't matter if you take it off, Su Su is just stupid.

She had seen Yue Lu's skills that day, but she didn't expect that his body is muscular, and the mermaid line is not something that anyone can practice casually.She couldn't help staring blankly, it was Yue Lu who noticed her gaze, stretched out his hand and shook in front of her eyes: "Don't look."

Su Su woke up like a dream, he was really curious, and couldn't help poking his chest muscles.

"My God, is it true?"

Yue Lu couldn't laugh or cry: "This can be fake."

"I thought..." Forget it, don't think so, she asked, "How did you practice?"

"Since elementary school Taekwondo, I like sports very much. I like basketball, tennis, volleyball, and swimming. I usually insist on doing push-ups and abdominal crunches. After a long time, I gradually developed them."

Su Su asked, "Are you going to the gym?"

"I will go sometime, what's the matter?"

"Bring me one! Take me one!" Su Su was very excited. In fact, she also wanted to practice the vest line. She had tried hard before, but the method was wrong and the results were insignificant. She didn't expect that there was a fitness madman in front of her, so she grabbed Chance begged Yue Lu to take her with him next time.

Yue Lu didn't care, he agreed happily, and on the day of fitness, he and Su Su made an appointment to meet at the gym.The gym is not far from the medicine hall. When Su Su arrived, Yue Lu had already run 1000 meters on the treadmill. She changed into a quick-drying sports suit and followed suit, but she was out of breath just after running 400 meters. If she didn't go on, she was taught how to breathe, but she was struggling to learn, so she simply gave up running.

Hearing that the gym has a swimming pool, she changed her strategy and went swimming.

But she is also a half-bad swimmer, after a while Yue Lu heard a commotion in the pool, he ran over and saw Su Su struggling in the water, immediately jumped down without saying a word, when she was brought up, she was unconscious, The onlookers hurriedly called 120. Yue Lu himself was a student of the medical school, so he immediately dispersed the crowd and gave Su Su first aid. Fortunately, after artificial respiration, Su Su finally vomited water and woke up leisurely.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Yue Lu's nervous face.

"How is it? Do you know me? How much is it?" Yue Lu stretched out five fingers.

Susu ghost slapped it up by mistake: "give me five?"

"Okay, my brain is not bad." Yue Lu heaved a sigh of relief and pulled her up.

Su Su tried to get up, but found a sharp pain in her right leg, which turned out to be a cramp, and she couldn't move at all.

"That's fine."

Yue Lu had nothing to do with her, so he simply bent down and hugged her princess.Su Su was wearing a bathing suit, while Yue Lu's upper body was naked, and their faces were a little red when they touched each other. Su Su huddled in Yue Lu's arms and felt her heart was uncontrollable. She felt like she needed to inhale oxygen every minute.

With sunlight coming in from the window, she looked up at Yue Lu's tightly pursed lips and frowning, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to smooth out the wrinkles between his brows.Yue Lu originally wanted to hide, but in the end he followed her intention and slowly stretched his eyebrows.

He said, "You're such an idiot, you can drown if you swim well."

Su Su was speechless, a little aggrieved, and felt that what he said was right, so he obediently admitted his mistake: "Yes, I am a big fool."

"Still stupid."

"...Okay, stupid."

Usually, Su Su bullies him, but today he can take revenge, and he gets carried away: "I'm also mentally retarded."

Su Su raised his head and glared at Yue Lu, then stretched out his hand and squeezed his ear: "Yue Lu, let me tell you, you're almost done!"

"Oh, it hurts!"

The advantage of being a stand-in is that there are no lines, and it mainly relies on its figure to make money. Liang Xiaoqing's last stand-in scene happened to be the end of the movie, and she still had to hang on to Wia.

Accompanied by graceful dancing, she descended from the sky.With special effects added later, this scene will be extremely alluring, but at this moment, she only feels hot and suffocating.

She had sent Xu Sinian a message before, telling her that work was over on Saturday and that she would be able to go home afterward, but she did not expect that Xu Sinian would come to pick her up.So when she saw Xu Sinian in the crowd, she was both surprised and delighted.

The stand-in was originally insignificant, but because she has received too much attention recently, and her love history with Pei Chanhe has also been exposed, many people in the crew rushed to curry favor with each other. When the scene ended, everyone surrounded her, and the farewell words were sour , she didn't really know many people, but she was flattered by the enthusiasm.

Xu Sinian stood silently waiting for her, noticed the footsteps beside him, and glanced casually: "How are your eyes recently?"

Pei Chanhe: "I have used your prescription, and there has been no recurrence recently."

Xu Sinian's gaze still stopped on Liang Xiaoqing, and he said, "That's all I can do, and it will depend on your fate."

He didn't say much extra, and seeing Liang Xiaoqing get out of the crowd, he rushed to meet her. He also held a hand-held electric fan in his hand, specially prepared for fear of her getting hot.

He also brought a lot of gifts this time, and specially distributed them to the crew, in the name of thanking everyone for taking care of Liang Xiaoqing. There are many high-quality and precious medicinal materials in these gifts, and everyone who sees them will have a share.After his extravagant appearance, within a short while, all the crew knew that Liang Xiaoqing had a boyfriend.

This success caused an uproar. With such a boyfriend who is both internal and external, there were rumors of an unresolved relationship with Pei Chan some time ago. Liang Xiaoqing has a lot of skills.

Everyone was envious and jealous. When Liang Xiaoqing went back to the hotel to pack her luggage, the director even said to her: "Your boyfriend is not bad, he is handsome, elegant, and the key point is very generous."

In her hand is a box of bird's nest, which is rare in the market.

"Xiaoqing, to be honest, I'm also curious, have you really dated the director?"

Liang Xiaoqing stopped packing her clothes. In fact, thinking about it now, they really didn't seem to be in a relationship at that time. They each had something to be busy with. At most, they went to the cafeteria to eat together after class every day. Later, they gradually got used to it.Now being asked this question, she feels that since she has set foot in the entertainment circle, although she has indeed had a relationship with Pei Chanhe, it is not suitable for her to be popular as a "first love girlfriend".

She smiled at the director, and said calmly: "How is it possible, we are just alumni, we just know each other."

The filming in Suzhou is over, and the shooting of "Leifeng Pagoda" is coming to an end, followed by nearly four months of post-production.Maybe it's because the filming process of this movie was very smooth, and the whole team is also very loving. Everyone has been very relaxed in Suzhou these days.

In particular, when Xu Sinian visited the set, the crew became more active.

The choreographer helped Liang Xiaoqing take the luggage downstairs, and nodded when he saw Xu Sinian.

There were orange peels and motion sickness medicine in Xu Sinian's car, and Liang Xiaoqing handed them to her as soon as he got in the car, but she was very resistant to all medicines and refused to take them.

"You don't want to fool me to sleep." She threw the motion sickness medicine into the storage box and asked solemnly, "Pei Chanhe hasn't made things difficult for you recently, has he? I had a showdown with him a few days ago and said some harsh words. I'm afraid He couldn't do anything to me, so he turned to you."

"That's not true." Xu Sinian recalled it carefully, except that when he first came here, he threatened to cure his eyes and rob him, and he was reprimanded by a few words. Since then, he has never overestimated himself. Pass.

"Don't you think I'm more suitable for her than you?" Pei Chanhe asked at the time, "I can fulfill her stardom, but what can you, a Chinese medicine doctor, do for her? Doctor Xu, it's not that I'm meddling in my business. I don’t understand that you don’t want to do business in traditional Chinese medicine with huge profits, but you still want to perform the duties of a doctor in the market place, I don’t understand, do you really want to live in seclusion in the world?”

"Didn't you also choose the latter between the successor and the director?" He asked back.

"That's different." Pei Chanhe retorted, "I just chose the latter for the time being, and all of this is for the purpose of maximizing profits. The young shareholders who should have enjoyed the profits will direct them after returning to China, and they have a strong team and huge investment. Not to mention the talent of the director and the reputation of the actors, but the lineup and publicity alone are beyond the reach of other teams."

The two held their own opinions, the smell of gunpowder was strong, Xu Sinian smiled lightly, and had no intention of continuing to argue.

Pei Chanhe was aggressive and refused to admit defeat: "I have known Qingqing University since."

Xu Sinian laughed at his words: "So what? I have known her longer, longer than you."

He looked at Liang Xiaoqing who was playing with his mobile phone beside him. He knew that she had forgotten those childhood events, but he remembered them all.

Once upon a time, a little girl with braids called him "little brother" sweetly.

It was already very late when they returned to Hangzhou, Xu Sinian asked her to rest well, Liang Xiaoqing was also exhausted, and the workload during this time was heavy, she took off her makeup, washed her face, washed her face casually, and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, she was pleasantly surprised to find that her aunt was at home and had made a hearty breakfast.

My aunt also heard a little about her and Pei Chan's reconciliation. She didn't know that they had a relationship before, and now she regrets it. She really shouldn't let Xiaoqing join the film crew just because of Haitang's sponsorship.

The aunt feels guilty, and at the same time, she is also concerned about Xiaoqing's marriage.She knew that young people didn't like urging marriages, so she hesitated for a long time at breakfast before asking, but fortunately Xiaoqing didn't object, she smiled shyly and said, "Auntie, actually I already have a boyfriend."

"Really?" My aunt was surprised. "Who is it? Where is it from? How does it look like? Are there any photos? How tall? How many brothers and sisters in the family?"

Knowing that her aunt has always treated her like a daughter, she was moved and happy in her heart. Faced with the sudden problem, she simply reported her name: "Oh, there are too many problems. Anyway, he is Doctor Xu Sinian Xu from Jujingtang. If you know something, just go to him and ask."

Xu Sinian?
When my aunt heard this, a picture instantly appeared in her mind. It turned out to be the Xu family.

She has been in this circle for so many years, and she is also an old senior. She has seen a lot of separation and reunion, and she is blinded by profit. She really admires Xu Sinian, a junior.

She picked up a shrimp dumpling and put it in a small green bowl: "Okay, okay, this boy is okay, we live next door, and I also watched him grow up as a child, he is a calm and good boy, if you have time some other day, call him to the house Have a meal."

Since my aunt offered to eat, Liang Xiaoqing quickly carried out the task and informed Xu Sinian of the matter.Xu Sinian knew that she was brought up by her aunt, and apart from her parents, she had the best relationship with her aunt, so she agreed to the appointment soon.The day before they went to eat, they made a special trip to the mall. He listened to Qingqing's suggestion and bought a sweeping robot for his aunt as a gift, and then went to the supermarket on the basement floor to clean up. Throw something in the car.

Xu Sinian was more concerned about the first official meeting with Qingqing's elders, and asked some aunts about their preferences.

Liang Xiaoqing put mangoes, coconut greens, and Yakult into the car, and said, "My aunt likes dancing, yoga, and keeping in good health. Xiao Xu, please behave well. As long as you pass my aunt's test, the queen may consider taking you back home." New Year's Eve at home."

Xu Sinian's eyes lit up like stars when he heard this: "The bill will be settled later, let's go home and visit the phone area."

"doing what?"

"Buy more things and bribe your aunt."

Liang Xiaoqing couldn't help laughing.

There was a long queue at the cashier counter, but they didn't know that they would be there in the year of the monkey, so the two of them joked around for a while, and it seemed like it was over.Liang Xiaoqing suddenly remembered that she had run out of lipstick, so she told Xu Sinian to wait, and hurried back to the daily necessities area to find lipstick.

There are various styles and fragrances on the shelf. She hesitated to choose one, and finally chose a mango flavor.

It's just that the supermarket is too big, and she couldn't find the way back after going around.She pondered which way to go according to her memory, but her eyes were attracted by the products on the shelf beside her. They were all neat small boxes, about the size of a cigarette case, with exquisite designs, like chewing gum packaging.

She has always liked sweets, and when she saw such a fresh package, she stopped and wanted to try a box, but the box was all in English, so she had to ask a shopping guide.

The shopping guide took a meaningful look at the product in her hand and said, "There are strawberry, pineapple and apple flavors."

Liang Xiaoqing was still struggling with which one to choose, when someone behind him reached out and took the strawberry flavored one away.

"Just it."

She turned around and saw Xu Sinian, who smiled at the shopping guide and said, "Thank you."

After the shopping guide left, he looked back at Liang Xiaoqing, a fool: "Do you know what you bought?"

"Strawberry flavored chewing gum."

Xu Sinian smiled maliciously: "It's really something to eat, but unfortunately it's not candy."

"What is that?" She wondered.

Xu Sinian leaned close to her ear: "Let's go back and try it tonight, and you'll know."

Liang Xiaoqing's face quickly turned red like a ripe persimmon, she knew, it was that one.

She really wanted to find a place to sneak in, she only knew Durex for this kind of thing, how did she know there were other brands.

It's too embarrassing, no wonder the shopping guide didn't look right at her just now.

They agreed to have dinner with their aunt at home on September [-]st, and Xu Sinian agreed, but the night before, he suddenly remembered that the next day was Susu's school day, and he was supposed to be responsible for sending her to report at school.

After much deliberation, he still felt that meeting Qingqing's family was more important, so he finally bit the bullet and knocked on Susu's door.

Su Su was reading the comic book that Yue Lu lent her in the room, when she heard Brother Sinian's voice hurriedly shouting "Come in".

After all, Xu Sinian didn't know how to speak because he broke the appointment. Su Su saw that he didn't speak, so he put down the comic book and asked, "Brother, what do you want from me?"

So Xu Sinian went all out and told the reason frankly. When Su Su learned that his brother was going to see Liang Xiaoqing's family tomorrow, he felt a little bitter and relieved.During this period of time, she could see that her brother had a deep affection for Liang Xiaoqing, not to mention that she and him were not related by blood, even if it was someone else, perhaps a woman who was more beautiful and better than Liang Xiaoqing liked her brother, I am afraid that her brother was not Liang Xiaoqing either. Impossible.

She has no jealousy in her heart, but now she is a little gossip.She asked curiously: "Brother, there are many girls who have chased you since childhood, why do you like Miss Xiaoqing?"

He was stopped by the question, and he thought about it for a while. He couldn't answer why, but after meeting her, he felt that the vacant place in his heart finally had an owner, like two puzzle pieces suddenly found the other half. .He didn't know how to describe this feeling to Su Su, so he had to borrow an ancient poem to answer: "'Once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud', maybe one day, when you meet the right person, you will naturally understand .”

Su Su was dizzy after hearing this, and raised his head to ask him, "Then who will send me to school tomorrow?"

She pointed to the packed luggage in the room, two suitcases, a quilt, and a mattress. She couldn't carry these things by herself.

Xu Sinian had already made arrangements: "School starts tomorrow, and Yue Lu will also go back to school. I have already made an agreement with him to drive you to school in my car."

Hearing Yue Lu's name, Su Su's heart lost weight for no reason, the feeling was so subtle that she didn't notice it for a moment.She just remembered that he had given her artificial respiration that day, and when he carried her away from the swimming pool, the sunset in the evening made his facial features extraordinarily deep.

Yue Lu has been an apprentice in Jujingtang for three years. She lives in Quanxiangtang with her parents because of her studies. She only meets Yuelu occasionally when she comes to see her brother. , it was only during this period of time that because the Quanxiang Hall was smashed, she and Yue Lu bowed their heads and looked up. It was very boring to see him seldom talk before, but this time I realized that he is so good in skill and good in figure...

God, where did she go?

She heard her brother ask her if this arrangement was appropriate, she quickly recovered and nodded indiscriminately.

"That's it, I can do it."

On September [-]st, the first day of school in colleges and universities across the country, another batch of fresh meat entered the university.

According to Xu Sinian's instructions, Yue Lu helped her send her to school, went through the admission procedures for her, sent her luggage and bedding to the dormitory and settled down before completing the task.Susu is a local, and he came early. The other three friends in the four-person dormitory hadn't come yet. Seeing the time for lunch, Yue Lu said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the cafeteria to apply for a meal card, and I will accompany you around by the way. .”

It was meal time, and the cafeteria was crowded with people, Yue Lu asked Su Su to occupy a seat, and he went to cook.

There are seven or eight dining windows on the first floor of the cafeteria, and the one with casserole noodles is especially popular. Yue Lu waited in line for a long time before returning.He brought a pot of steaming casserole noodles to Susu: "The buckwheat cold noodles have more vegetables, more vinegar, no spicy, no coriander, right?"

Su Su stared at him blankly, surprised that Yue Lu knew her eating habits so well.

"How do you know?" she asked.

Only then did Yue Lu realize that he had slipped the tongue, he stammered, "Yes, it was your brother who told me."

"Oh." Su Su didn't think much, and accepted the explanation.

When they were about to finish eating, there were a lot fewer people in the cafeteria. At this time, a group of seniors who had just finished playing basketball came to eat in the cafeteria. One of the boys, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, saw Yuelu sitting by the window eating with Susu , Busy laughing approached, sat next to them.

"Hey, isn't this my brother-in-law? I said you didn't come to play basketball with you, so you were here with your girlfriend."

The others also giggled and leaned closer, looking at Su Su all the time, and they all laughed at each other.

"This is our sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law doesn't look very old?"

"Which major is sister-in-law?"

Su Su's face was covered, but Yue Lu couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Can you be quiet, it scared her, she is a freshman, today is the first day of school, can you act like a senior ?”

After being reminded by Yue Lu, everyone immediately put away their idleness, and became serious in the blink of an eye.

Yue Lu sent them away with a few words, and comforted Su Su: "Don't talk to them, they are all sand sculptures."

Su Su smiled: "Your friend is quite interesting."

"Interesting?" Yue Lu suddenly felt a sense of crisis. The 1.9-meter boy just now was a typical tall, rich and handsome man. The girl chasing him was in the downstairs of the dormitory. He didn't want Su Su to be possessed by demons. A cookie-cutter skin is not as interesting as my one-in-a-million soul."

Su Su didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Seeing that she had almost eaten, Yue Lu put away the plate for her. On the way back to the dormitory, he told her where is the bathroom and where is the water room, and sent her to the downstairs of the dormitory nagging all the way. Seeing that she was about to turn around and go upstairs, he immediately called her to stop.

"Wait a moment."

Su Su looked blank: "What?"

The boy rubbed the back of his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "We have a game this afternoon, do you want to come and see it?"

Su Su didn't think much about it. Anyway, it's okay to start school anyway, so let's go, she nodded: "Okay."

Yue Lu watched her go upstairs, and he was relieved to see her disappearing at the corner of the stairs. God knows that his heart would jump out every time he was alone with her.

Liang family.

My aunt seldom cooks, but Liang Xiaoqing knows that my aunt's cooking skills are excellent.She and Xiaoqing inquired about Xu Sinian's taste, and made five dishes and one soup for lunch. Although there were only three of them, they were easily empty.

After the meal, the three of them sat on the sofa and chatted while watching TV. Liang Xiaoqing found out through the conversation between her aunt and Xu Sinian that her aunt and the Xu family were actually old friends. When I was old, my aunt was not busy with work at that time, and the neighbors took care of each other. Once my grandfather went to the mountains to collect medicine and broke his leg, it was my aunt who took someone to carry him back.

It was only later that Xu Sinian's grandfather converted to Buddhism, the Orange Well Hall was taken over by Xu Sinian, and his aunt didn't come back often, so the two families were not as close as before.

Auntie liked Xu Sinian no matter what he looked at, so she took a group photo with her mobile phone and sent it to the family group while the two were not paying attention, and soon the group exploded.Before Liang Xiaoqing told her parents about her relationship, her mother immediately sent a voice message when she saw Xu Sinian's photo. She pressed to listen, but the phone automatically played the public broadcast.

Her mother said: "This is Xiaoqing's boyfriend? Why does this boy look at my daughter?"

This is really a real mother.

Liang Xiaoqing glanced at Xu Sinian, and found that he was smiling indulgently.

She said: "Don't be proud, my parents are actually very difficult to deal with, you have to be prepared."

Xu Sinian calmly said, "Understood."

She was slapped in the face in the next second.There was a new message in the group, and she looked carefully. It turned out that her aunt had dragged Xu Sinian into the group. He introduced himself generously to the elders. The uncles and aunts who had been diving in the group for a long time welcomed her warmly. Her parents also parted ways. Sent two red envelopes.

Liang Xiaoqing collapsed, what, these two people are so unreliable, they have never even met Xu Sinian, and they sold her just by the photos.angry.

My aunt still has something to do in the afternoon, seeing the two of them chatting and laughing is not a good way to disturb the world of the two of them, so she went upstairs to change her clothes and left first.After the aunt left, only Xu Sinian and Liang Xiaoqing were left in the family. After the welcome ceremony in the family group, everyone went to work on their own. Without saying a word, he looked up at him, only to see his eyes were as deep as the sea, staring at her without blinking.

She looked a little embarrassed: "Why do you look at me like this?"

Xu Sinian hugged her slender waist tightly: "The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days, so take this opportunity to formally introduce you to my parents, okay?"

He has been thinking about bringing Liang Xiaoqing to meet his parents for a long time, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is a good opportunity.

"Isn't that next week?" Liang Xiaoqing suddenly became nervous.

Xu Sinian saw through her uneasiness and uneasiness, and reassured her: "I will make arrangements, you just need to concentrate on cooperating with me."

After he finished speaking, he kissed her on the top of her head, but he smelled a light fragrance from her body, which was very pleasant.

He asked, "What's the taste?"

Liang Xiaoqing blinked her eyes, sniffed the air: "Oh, it's my new lipstick, it smells like mango."

Xu Sinian actually doesn't like cosmetics very much, but it's a different matter to use them on Liang Xiaoqing.There was his aunt just now, he had scruples and could only hold hands with Liang Xiaoqing, now there are only the two of them in the house, there is lust that cannot be hidden between his handsome eyebrows and eyes.

He slowly lifted Liang Xiaoqing's chin and kissed her lips.The kiss was polite and provocative at first, then aggressive and aggressive until it completely possessed her.

He was deeply fascinated by Liang Xiaoqing, and just kissing ignited his wildness.Liang Xiaoqing had no way to resist, and finally lay down on the sofa under Xu Sinian's strong attack, letting him fumble for the zipper on her side as if eager to unwrap a present, and pull it to the end.

Liang Xiaoqing felt that Xu Sinian would be a different person at this time, who would have thought that Dr. Xu in Jujingtang would have such a side?She was thinking dazedly, Xu Sinian had already put his hand into her secret, she couldn't help but reacted, put her legs around his waist, begging him to relax a little.

He stopped as he said, his movements were much softer, and then he took out a small boxy thing from his pocket. He tore it open with his teeth, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want to try?"

After more than an hour, Liang Xiaoqing was fascinated. She felt that her body was not her own, and even her soul was not her own.

At the end, she was carried into the bathroom by Xu Sinian. He put a tub of hot water and carefully put her in it. She was exhausted and snuggled into his arms, finally understanding the theme of the movie "Green Snake". That line in the song——

"Do happy things with a lover, don't ask whether it's a calamity or a fate."

Liang Xiaoqing finished filming "Leifeng Pagoda" and had no follow-up work arrangements, so she returned to the troupe and continued to participate in the rehearsal and performance of the drama.When everyone heard that she was back, they were a little curious about her life on the set. During the lunch break, Liang Xiaoqing and her colleagues went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Everyone asked a lot of questions.

Liang Xiaoqing also learned about the changes in the troupe this month through conversations with her colleagues.

It turned out that the actor who played the role of the green snake in the drama version of "Leifeng Pagoda" was pregnant, and my aunt wanted to re-select the leading role. Everyone agreed that Liang Xiaoqing was the most likely to be elected.

In her heart, she felt that it was impossible. Although her aunt had selfish intentions towards her, there were many excellent people in the troupe. If she chose Liang Xiaoqing, she would definitely be convinced.Hearing everyone's different opinions, she smiled helplessly: "Don't guess, based on my understanding of my aunt, she will definitely formulate a strict selection mechanism."

While she was talking, Xu Sinian called. He said he would come to the troupe to pick her up in the evening and take her to Hefang Street to eat delicious food.She sweetly replied "Okay", and the friends around her gave each other winks, and immediately gathered around after she hung up the phone.

"You have a boyfriend since you came back from the set?"

"Xiaoqing, please be lenient when you confess, is it Pei Chan and the director?"

"No way! The rumors are actually true? You are so lucky, you and the director are your first love!"

"So it's a reunion now?"

Liang Xiaoqing waved his hands again and again: "Oh, you made a mistake, it wasn't him."

Everyone looked at each other in blank disbelief, and it wasn't until the rehearsal of the troupe in the afternoon that Xu Sinian picked her up. At noon, those friends who were keen to eat melons were dubious and gradually confirmed that her boyfriend was someone else.

She hadn't changed her clothes yet, so she asked Xu Sinian to wait for her at the door, but within a few minutes, the troupe was buzzing.Someone secretly photographed Xu Sinian through the glass, and then posted it into the group.

"Wow, is this Xiaoqing's boyfriend?"

"Everyone found out, he's more handsome than Pei Chanhe!"

"I went out to pick up the courier just now, and I took a lot of things. He opened the door for me. He looks so gentle and gentlemanly, Xiaoqing, you made money!"

Liang Xiaoqing glanced at the phone, feeling like he had a splitting headache. These women, who were still standing on Pei Chan's side at noon, immediately turned against Xu Sinian when they saw Xu Sinian. It was too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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