Chapter 12 Mere Hydra?
outside the castle.

The wall collapsed and splashed dust all over the sky, covering the sky and covering the ground, like a huge catastrophe.

The three of Rasu squatted, their clothes were covered with dust, and the various cuts made by the gravel made them look in a state of distress.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

They wanted to catch their breath, but the smoke made them cough.

It took a long time before the roar in the castle gradually stopped, and the smoke and dust gradually subsided.

There is no tall castle in front of me, only a ruined wall.

"It's over! All the gold coins on me are gone!"

But the three of An Fen didn't care about this at all, seeing that all the gold coins on their bodies were gone.

Ah Fen knelt on the ground and yelled.

"Mine are gone!"

Zhou sat on the ground decadently, wasting his energy for a long time, and didn't catch a single word. This is simply committing a crime!
"All right!"

Bai Ye's voice slowly emerged from the dust and mist. It was just the king of a small country, and it did not cause any damage to him at all.

Even the suit was not stained with any dust.

Although the three of them could only see one figure in front of them, they didn't dare to overstep at all, and immediately stood up straight.

They had a clearer understanding of Bai Ye's power, especially after Bai Ye was able to fly past.

"Master Holy Master!"

"Get ready to return the appointment!"

With a light wave of his hand, the dust that was still floating instantly sank down.

Bai Ye's figure appeared instantly.

The tall figure seemed extremely mysterious at this moment.


Although there was no guidance from the spell tracker when he came out, the entire misty illusion dissipated because there was no magic support.

"Without the fog, others will find this place soon."

"You have to deal with the remaining things here as soon as possible, and I will leave a team of black shadow ninjas here to help."

Dragons are greedy, and Bai Ye will never let go of this piece of fat.

Although the gold, silver and jewels were taken away, who knows what else is in this castle?

But what a good thing, he wants it day and night!

Walking into the forest, everything around seemed to have not changed in any way, but Bai Ye felt the feeling of spying from the dark getting stronger.

Although he inherited everything from the Holy Master, he is considered a half mage, if there is a magical prying, he can still find some clues.

But now nothing.

"Is it some kind of technology?"

Bai Ye thought in his heart.

Did the second head grow out so quickly?
While Bai Ye was thinking, a strange beam of light shot from afar.

The beam of light hit the tree behind them.

The trees that were originally more than ten centimeters thick were cut off in an instant, and the trunk exploded violently.

The sawdust of the flame carrier flew towards everyone like bullets.

The three Lasu people who were closest to them were lying on the ground long ago, except for a few sawdust stuck in their buttocks, they were basically unharmed.

The hem of Bai Ye's clothes was gently driven by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

His eyes were fixed on the front.

Following the shooting of the beam of light, small four-wheeled mountain bikes continued to fly out from behind the hillside.

This kind of motorcycle is very technological, even the rider above is wearing a black helmet and black uniform.

Looming in the dark forest, it looks very ghostly.

These should be those Hydra people!

Although the three Lasu people behind them had received their injuries, they still lay on the ground with their heads in their arms, like ostriches.

What three idiots!

"You look at the three of them."

After giving instructions to Clive at the side, Bai Ye rushed out instantly.

The two teams headed towards each other.

The team of mysterious people on motorcycles was already fast, but they were in the forest after all, and in terms of agility, they couldn't compare to Bai Ye at all.

As a killer in his previous life, Bai Ye naturally had his own set of efficient killing methods.

Bypassing the surrounding trees, he headed towards the frontmost motorcycle.

Laser beams shot out from the motorcycle, continuously striking Bai Ye's surroundings.

The violent explosion kept rolling the surrounding air.

"Is this a different era weapon?"

Bai Ye frowned, this weapon was completely different from what he had come into contact with in his previous life.

It seems that Hydra's technology is much higher than that of the normal world.

The flames of the explosion became Bai Ye's cover instead.

Rushed in front of the speeding motorcycle, the power of the chicken spell in his body was activated.

The entire motorcycle flew into the sky in an instant.

Losing the traction of gravity, the motorcycle exploded into sparks on the ground.

And the rider is still floating in the sky.

Bai Ye reached out and pointed at the rider struggling to float towards his hand.

With a little force on his right hand, his soul was instantly grabbed out.

The body that lost its soul went limp in an instant, as if throwing it away, Bai Ye threw it out again.

Seeing the terrified soul in his hand, Bai Ye exerted a little force in his hand, and in an instant, the soul turned into fragments and merged into Bai Ye's body.

“It was delicious!”

The delicious soul made Bai Ye move his index finger.

Not only that, he could feel that his control over the sheep spell was stronger.

It used to be necessary to meet the human body, but not now!

His eyes flashed red, and Bai Ye greedily looked at the other mysterious people.

Seemingly feeling the terror of the person in front of them, the few people who originally wanted to eliminate Bai Ye lost their confidence in an instant.

Without any communication, the motorcycles of several people flashed with various lights, and lasers shot at Bai Ye one after another.

Bai Ye made a move with his left hand, and the stones on the ground floated up, forming a round shield in front of him.

In an instant, all explosions were blocked.

Fear flashed in the knight's eyes.

"He's not human!"


Languages ​​with various accents came from under their helmets.

They all turned around and ran away.

Bai Ye slightly clenched the scepter in his hand.

"I just want to run now! It's too late!"

The scepter stomped down, and even the turf around Bai Ye was blown up.

It's like a huge explosion brewing from the middle.

With Bai Ye at the center, everything around was blown up.

Before the motorcycle even ran out, it was taken flying in an instant.

The mud and grass wrapped around the stones stopped and stirred in the air.

Ten meters!

Only ten meters!

The range of ten meters is like Bai Ye's domain, and everything is under his control.

The mud and grass all over the sky, the floating human beings are as wanton as if they are at the bottom of the water.

The knights struggled, their faces flushed.

Without gravity, they can't even circulate blood, let alone breathe.

One by one, they pinched their own throats, as if they were going to cut their throats.

Bai Ye looked up slightly and took a deep breath.

"Gravity doesn't just make people float!"

Bai Ye stretched out his right hand and shook it.

The people who were still floating wantonly in the sky were gathered together in an instant.

Together with the surrounding vegetation and soil, it became a huge mud ball!

With the palm of Bai Ye's hand!
Their faces turned pale.

With the demise of their bodies, white souls floated helplessly in the air.

There was a frightened look in his eyes, and the helpless wail, although he couldn't hear it, made people feel cold all over.

Seemingly aware that Bai Ye could see them, they tried their best to fly outside.

Bai Ye smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and a great suction came from his body.

This suction seems to be only useful for souls, the surrounding vegetation has not changed in any way, only those souls that are desperately fleeing are being pulled back.

Taking a deep breath, the white soul turned into streams of air and sucked into Bai Ye's body.

“It was delicious!”

Bai Ye is really satisfied, just a Hydra, you come with a few heads, I will cut off a few heads.



(End of this chapter)

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