The beginning of the soul wears Marvel: I became the Holy Lord

Chapter 30 Jin Bing: You forced me to do this!

Chapter 30 Jin Bing: You forced me to do this!
At this moment, the cynical bullseye that had been following behind Jin Bin also moved.

Bullseye flashed a few times and came directly to the middle of the hall.

A few flashes of cold light flashed in his hand, and he looked straight at Wolverine, who was moving quickly on the pillar in front of him.

The eyeballs kept turning, as if they were locking on.

"Get me down!"

The throwing knife in his hand flew straight towards Wolverine.

The throwing knives are extremely tricky, and each one is aimed at the deadly parts of Wolverine.

And Wolverine happens to be off the last stone pillar and is in the air.

Unable to borrow power in the air.

This is the best target for bullseye!

At the same time, the white wolf beside Kraven rushed forward.

Kraven had already noticed the appearance of Bullseye, and immediately understood his intentions.

Kraven's pet white wolf is connected with him.

Up and down, there is no hiding!

Wolverine's face remained unchanged, but instead he went towards the attack of the two.

The steel claw in his hand fluttered, and he swung towards the flying knife, and the flying knife in front of him flew back at a speed several times faster than when it came.


Bullseye turned pale with fright, the original winning blow was actually cracked like this.

A jump, want to avoid the attack.

But how could he avoid the speed of the flying knife.

The flying knife flashed a cold light in the air, stabbing Bullseye's arm.

The huge power carried by the flying knife brought it far away.

This is because he hid in time, otherwise, the flying knife would have stabbed him in the chest.

You must know that as early as a few years ago, Bullseye was replaced with a skeleton made of Edman metal.

It can be said that it basically has the same defense as Wolverine.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the self-healing factor of Wolverine.

This throwing knife was no less powerful than a heavy sniper's bullet, and just one blow made him lose his fighting power.

If it weren't for the Adamantium metal skeleton, his arms would have been reduced to pieces.

Even so, everyone could see the silvery white luster shining between the flesh and blood.

The hunter Kraven on the side didn't look at him at all, but stared at his own white wolf. As long as the white wolf can perform meritorious deeds, these are nothing.

Wolverine looked at the white wolf pounced on him, still waving his hands in the air, resisting the throwing knife.

"I won't play with you anymore!"

Wolverine has a preliminary understanding of his current strength, so there is no need to play this kind of game anymore.

He kicked forward violently.


The white wolf howled and flew out.

Huge force wrapped around the body of the white wolf, and hit the hunter Kraven at once.

"No! I haven't hunted a stronger prey yet! I can't die yet!"

A look of disbelief flashed in Kraven's eyes.

The sound of bones breaking continued to be heard.

Exhausting his last strength, the spear in his hand flew directly towards Bai Ye.

"Let's die together!"

Hunter Kraven became extremely crazy.

The spear turned into a stream of light in the air and flew past Wolverine.

The hunter Kraven's strength is two tons, but the strength under the dying is blessed on the spear.

Makes the spear extremely fast!

Not even Wolverine reacted.

Let alone Tru.

Jin Bin from behind watched this scene with joy in his eyes!
As long as Bai Ye is killed, everything will be saved!
With no response on Bai Ye's face, he waved his finger.

The spear that was heading straight for him turned a corner in the air, drawing an arc.

The speed was actually much faster than that thrown by Hunter Kraven.

The hard spear pierced the rhinoceros man who was lying on the ground.

The rhinoceros was originally rough-skinned and thick-skinned, but Tru's throw just knocked him out.

It is actually quite troublesome to actually kill him.

But the rhinoceros never thought that it was his teammate's spear that killed him.

Bai Ye just now not only turned the spear, but also increased the speed of the spear.

With just one click, it went straight into the Rhinoceros's head, piercing him through.

Hunter Kraven stared blankly at this scene.

He experienced too many impossibilities on this day.

Spit out a mouthful of blood, stared at Bai Ye tightly with both eyes, and finally fell down slowly.

At this point, the four subordinates that Jin Coin found were all dead except for Bullseye.

Bullseye sees these and dare to stay in this area.

He can be regarded as a person who has died once, and he knows how precious life is!
Struggling from the ground, he wanted to run in the direction of Jin Bin.

"Boss! Run away!"

The strength of Bai Ye and others has completely cut off his courage to continue fighting.

He never thought that he would meet such a powerful opponent.

So strong that he has no power to resist!

Before he could take a few steps, a pile of shadows had already appeared around him.

Long knives entered Bullseye's body from all directions.

The sound of swords entering the body and the sound of metal clanging continued to be heard.

The area around the bullseye seemed to be surrounded by shadows.

The wailing sound continued to be heard in the shadows.

But after a while, the shadow dissipated, and there was no shadow of Bullseye on the ground, but it was just a pile of silver-white bones.

Do not!Not even the bones remained.

Ripples appeared under the bones like the surface of water, and the adamantium metal skeleton slowly sank into the shadow realm.

In any case, it is also made of Edman Metal, which is still very valuable.

So far, all Jin Bing's men have been wiped out!

"Jin Bin! Are you fighting me with these trash?"

Bai Ye didn't even look at these wastes, just looked at Jin Bin in front of him, and sneered.


I thought I could still see a big battle, but I didn't expect it to be so boring.

"Do you think you've won?"

Jin Bin looked at his fallen subordinates and became a little crazy.

His eyes were red, shining with a bloodthirsty light.

"I am the underground emperor of Niu Yue! Do you think you can beat me like this!"

As a gambler, he has decided to place his last bet.

His subordinates were killed in an instant, and Jin Bing didn't know that he was definitely not the opponent of these people.

Originally, he thought that he would recruit a few super villains, even if he encountered mutants, he would be able to fight one of them.

You must know that these super villains are well-known and have countless dazzling achievements.

Originally, he thought that using these to deal with a Walloon would be enough.

But it was unexpected that not only did Valon himself hide his secrets, but he also hid two such powerful subordinates.

If I had known this earlier, I should have recruited more manpower.

But the white night really came too fast.

In the past, there were many battles among the underground forces. Who didn't have to prepare for a long time before coming here!
Who knew that Bai Ye was so ignorant of the rules that he would come here in the middle of the night.

Now Jin Bing knew why Bai Ye was so confident.

Having such a group of subordinates is enough for him to act recklessly in Niu Yue.

"Do you think you've won?"

"You forced me!"

Jin turned back and rushed into the office.



(End of this chapter)

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