Chapter 77 is here!Iron Man 1.0!

Sounds from next door?
Bai Ye also felt the slight tremor in the secret room.

This kind of trembling is very inconspicuous, only the dust on the surrounding walls is falling a little bit.

Ah Fu attached his ears to the wall.

"Master Holy Master! It is indeed coming from behind this wall, but it seems to be far away!"

"Supposed to be some kind of explosion."

His senses are stronger under the amplification of the symbiosis, but the wall is too thick, and what he can feel is still relatively limited.

"There's no point in guessing here! Why don't you call and have a look!"

Bai Ye also stared at the stone wall.

Just in time to try the dragon spell that I just got.

What the dragon spell represents is blasting and flames!

"You get out of the way!"

Bai Ye said something to Ah Fu, then pointed to the wall.


On the other side of the secret room, behind the mountain of more than ten meters, there are also messy stone rooms.

But unlike Bai Ye, it is full of traces of modern civilization.

The surrounding walls are not even at all, there are protruding stones everywhere, and there is a monitor on the top that keeps checking the situation inside.

There are all kinds of mechanical and electronic components on the tables under the wall. It's a mess that makes it impossible to see what's inside.

There are also some long, round things that look like missiles in the corner, and there is a humanoid monster made of steel in the corner on the other side.

The position of this steel monster is exactly in the blind area of ​​the iron gate of the stone chamber.

The two of them walked around and operated something non-stop, and sparks flickered from time to time.

"Yingsen, we can leave here tonight!"

In front of the steel monster, a short-haired young man with a sweat towel around his neck said while operating.

Behind him was a man with a big beard who seemed to be a local.

Inson was silent when he heard the man's words.

"Tony, what the hell are you doing!"

It turns out that the short-haired man is the long-lost Tony Stark!

But now he no longer looks like the playboy he used to be. Although he still looks handsome, the wounds on his body and the blue light on his chest all show his changes.

I don't know how long it has been since he was caught here by these people.

Originally, these people asked him to guide missiles, but he used the time to create other things. Compared with these people, he could not wait any longer.

There is not much time left for him,
"You'll find out later!"

As he said that, he quickly walked under the monitor to show his face, then returned to the corner, lifted the armor in front of him, and walked in.

"Inson, help me!"

This is the power armor he made, all powered by a small reactor in his chest.

It is a pity that the current conditions are limited, there are not many materials that can be used, and automation cannot be done.

In dressing, you need other people's help.

Hearing what SK said, Ying Sen froze for a moment, and quickly walked over to help.

The two of them have been busy with this thing for more than half a month, and he didn't know the usefulness of this thing until now.

Pieces of iron were placed outside, and Stark was soon armed.

And in the monitoring room outside, watching the two people suddenly disappear under the monitoring for so long also gave rise to suspicion.

"What's going on! Why are the people inside gone?"

"Go and see!"

One of them pushed the companion next to him, and at the same time took out the communicator, shouting for a while.

"someone is coming!"

After installing the last piece of iron armor, Yingsen also heard the movement outside.

"Yingsen hold me back!"

The person who monitored him was extremely cunning, as long as he did not appear under the monitor for a period of time, someone would come to him, so he had to ask Yingsen to delay for a while.

He still has 30 seconds to activate the armor. Before it moves, this is an iron shell, which has no effect at all!
Here he can only trust Yingsen, after all, Yingsen saved him, and without him, his plan would be very difficult to proceed.

He has no other choice!

Yingsen rushed out without any hesitation when he heard Stark's words.

But now it was too late, those gangsters had already rushed to the iron gate, yelling something non-stop.

Ying Sen's head was dripping with sweat, he knew what it would mean if this person came in, and he argued hastily.

Stark couldn't understand what they were talking about, but the intense speed of speech, coupled with his name being mentioned many times, indicated that people outside urgently needed to see him.

He also became more and more anxious, but time waits for no one, there is still some time before the armor is activated.

But the people outside couldn't wait any longer, and opened the iron gate directly.

Ying Sen's heart seemed to be grabbed at once, and panic and anxiety flashed in his eyes.

His stop is futile after all!
The gangsters outside were dumbfounded as soon as they came in.

What a monster!

The whole body of iron armor completely covers the person, the whole body is made of steel, the arms are full of weapons, the white light glows slightly on the chest, and the dark eyes of the two.

All of this gave him great fear.

Before he could say anything, he shot Stark directly.

Ping bang bang!

Bullets hit the armor and bounced in all directions.

With his shouting, more people from a distance were also attracted.

Although Stark can't move now, the defense of the armor is still there. Ordinary bullets can't touch the armor on him at all.

But he didn't relax at all, as long as more people came, no matter how hard his armor was, something would happen.

Inside the armor, he was a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do. The conditions were really limited, and the rest was to obey fate!
Ingsen, who had been pushed aside, heard the shouts outside, and then looked at Stark who was being beaten passively in front of him.

I don't know where the courage came from, and I grabbed the person who was shooting in front of me.

That man was also a gangster, and he would never have been knocked down by a powerless person like Ying Sen.

But his attention was completely attracted by the armor in front, and he didn't notice Yingsen behind him at all.

In the end, the gun was snatched by one!
With resentment, Yingsen shot and killed the gangster on the ground.

Looking up at Stark in the armor, he turned and walked out.

"Yingsen! Yingsen! Don't go out!"

Inside the armor, Stark kept yelling, his voice was very dull, but it didn't stop Inson's pace at all.

Like a fearless warrior, Yingsen rushed out with a gun in his hand.

In fact, he did this not entirely for Stark, but for himself.

In fact, he should have died long ago!

He should have died when his family was killed.

The rifle in his hand kept spitting out flames, and the sound of the gunfire made him feel a little dazed for a moment.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but slowly blood splotches appeared on his body.

He kept his eyes on the hole in front of him, and finally fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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