Chapter 80 Explosion is art!
Seeing Stark flying out, the gangsters in the ground became even more excited, not only the rifles in their hands kept shooting at Stark.

Even the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles were taken out.

Of course, Bai Ye would not let them do this.

With a pinch of fingers and a snap of fingers, the entire camp began to explode endlessly.

He let Stark leave because he didn't want to show his full strength to outsiders.

If Stark saw it, he would have no reason to let him go away alive.

Only by keeping one hand can you have the possibility to make up for it. This is all to improve the fault tolerance rate!
Stark left, but the entire camp set off fireworks.

As Bai Ye walked forward slowly, clusters of orange flames continued to rise around him.

The flames continued to rise upwards with puffs of black smoke.

Where did those gangsters dare to stay any longer, they all thought that the ammunition had exploded and ran outside.

You must know that this is an ammunition storage point organized by them in Central Asia, storing a large amount of ammunition.

If all explode, there will be no living things within a few kilometers around!
So they fled desperately towards the outside.

Bai Ye made a move towards Ah Fu behind him, and the two flew forward in an instant.

In less than half a minute, they were already a few kilometers away.

Bai Ye looked back to the previous mountain depression.

Whether it's these members of the Ten Rings Gang or the secret room before, he can't let others find out!
Pointing the scepter, the entire mountain col shook instantly.

The explosive power of the Dragon Talisman, together with the ammunition that was ready to move in the mountain depression, erupted with great power.

The huge flame mushroom rose from the Gobi in an instant, and the shock waves generated by the flames and the explosion shattered the mountain and buried everything.

Strands of wind and sand swept outward from the depths of the explosion.

Even though Bai Ye and Bai Ye were several kilometers away, Bai Ye could still feel the strong wind.

Bai Ye looked at everything in the distance with great satisfaction.

Although these were not entirely caused by his own dragon spell, Bai Ye still liked the feeling of this kind of explosion.

This is real art!

Wait until you have all the spells, and your magic power reaches perfection!
At that time, if I use the magic power of the dragon spell again, it will definitely be even bigger than the current scene!

Bai Ye rubbed the flame in his hand, he will soon be able to master the art of explosion!

Stark, who was flying in the air on the other side, found that he could not control his armor at all now.

There is no way, it is the limit to be able to create this function in such a difficult environment, and he can't ask for more.

But he is flying in the air now!
As long as one is not careful, he escaped from the wolf's den just now, and he couldn't be thrown to death all at once!
His arms moved slowly, trying to adjust his current balance, but the parts on his body were rattling.

Obviously this armor has reached its limit.

"I won't just die like this, will I?"

He was thinking in his heart, but the thrust produced by the jet behind him was getting smaller and smaller, and he directly fell down.

The parts of the body also fell off towards the outside.


Without the support of the injector, Stark was like a wild duck whose wings were shot, and fell straight down.

A dull voice came out.

Stark fell to the sand dune.

Fortunately, the place where he fell was a sand dune, otherwise it would really not be easy to survive.

Struggling to knock out a signal flare, he no longer had any strength.

The arm fell limply.

In less than half an hour, several helicopters landed nearby, and the strong wind generated by the helicopters rolled up the surrounding dust.

Ropes dangled from the plane one by one.

Immediately afterwards, a black figure appeared in front of Stark in an instant.

"Tony! I finally found you!"

Stark looked at the very dark-skinned man in front of him, tilted his head back, but didn't speak.

"Where have you been for more than a month? Everyone is very worried about you!"

The speaker is Stark's friend, Colonel James Roddy.

He has been looking for Stark since Stark disappeared.

There has been no news for more than a month, and everyone else has given up. Only he is still looking for it. He believes that Stark will not just die.

"I'm fine!"

Stark said.

"Stop talking, let's go back first!"

James looked around, he couldn't guarantee that it was safe, so he hurriedly called the surrounding medical staff to take Stark away.

Stark struggled not to let them move him.

"I'm not disabled yet!"

He doesn't like these old men touching him, and he is not a beautiful woman, so he has no interest.

James shook his head, he also knew Stark very well, waved to the rest of the people, stepped forward and walked towards the plane side by side with Stark.

"Brother! Where have you been these few days?"

James said pretending to be relaxed, as if Stark had gone on a trip.

Stark looked at the desert behind him.

"I was captured by terrorists, and they asked me to help build the Jericho missile."

Stark's tone was also quite relaxed.

"Then how did you escape!"

James is also a member of the military, so he naturally knows that the situation here is complicated and has various reactionary forces.

And the locals hate the moldy people very much, so they often attack them.

These people are all desperadoes. It is impossible to come back after being caught by these people!

Stark hesitated and said:

"Maybe it's luck!"

The figure of Bai Ye appeared in Stark's mind. Although the time was urgent, he didn't pay too much attention.

But the white hair and the green suit are really eye-catching, and his behavior is really impressive.

After hesitating for a while, he still did not reveal the information about Bai Ye and the two of them.

He felt that Bai Ye was very strange, but he knew that that person would definitely return to the country of mold.

At that time, he will naturally look for that person.

Find out who he is and what his power is!
All of this made her very curious.

James nodded thoughtfully when he heard Stark's words, but he didn't choose to continue asking.

Although he knew that it was definitely not that simple for Stark to escape, as a friend, he still didn't ask much.

"What is that glow on your chest?"


"What do you want to do next?"

"Eat a hamburger! I want double the ingredients!"

Amidst the sound of questions and answers, the two walked slowly towards the helicopter in front of them.

The entire desert returned to calm again, leaving only fragments on the ground!



(End of this chapter)

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