Chapter 82 This is Magic
At the first moment, the Mandarin judged that Bai Ye was using magic, but he still couldn't confirm whether it was the power of the spell.

But he just had a feeling, a wonderful feeling.

The ten rings on his hand were made by imitating the spells.

However, since the creators have not fully seen these spells, they can only imitate some of these abilities.

It's just that what Bai Ye showed was like the power of the dragon spell recorded in the book.

According to records, the Dragon Charm can give people the power of fire and explosion.

And Bai Ye on the screen looks very young, can such a young man use this kind of powerful magic?
Even if he has studied magic for so many years, he would not be able to achieve this level without these ten rings.

Next to the mandarin's slender claw-like hands was a document.

The above records are some information about Bai Ye and Ah Fu.

Ah Fu's information is very detailed and familiar to him.

They are all from the East, and they all learned martial arts since childhood.

But the Mandarin is more concerned about Bai Ye's information, but there is very little information on it.

Although he has asked a large number of people to search, the results are still unsatisfactory.

Of course, he won't have any results. Ever since Bai Ye dominated the entire Niuyo underground world, he basically destroyed all his information.

At most, it can be found that Bai Ye is one of the shareholders of a small antique company, and there are no more.

The Mandarin simply didn't need too much information, so he looked through the files carefully.

There are not many records on it, but there is one that Wa Long was just an ordinary person a few months ago.

Of course, this point is still doubtful, and the investigators don't know whether he deliberately concealed it or other reasons.

But the Mandarin has already determined that there must be a reason for it.

He had a premonition that this Valon must have acquired the spell, otherwise he wouldn't have changed from an ordinary person to this.

After checking this information, he became more and more excited, and he felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Decades ago, the spaceship he got the ring crashed in the cave of Ghost Valley,
The ghost cave is near the nearby Kunlun Mountains.

Kunlun Mountain has a very high status in the east. It is said that there are oriental gods living on Kunlun Mountain.

The Mandarin used to think this was a legend, but according to the records on the spaceship, it was not a legend.

There used to be living creatures on Kunlun Mountain, although they are gone now.

But they left behind a magic inheritance. According to the records in the book, it is a kind of existence called Qi magic.

It is said that this kind of magic is so powerful that it can communicate with the world by itself.

It's a pity that the records in the book are very incomplete, and he has only learned a little of it over the years.

More, he still relies on his own ring.

Of course, there are other magics recorded in the book. Although they are not Qi magic, they are also powerful.

It's a pity that the records are very incomplete, and there is only one name left-Kama Taj!
What can a place name give him, so he didn't care about this part of the content.

Fortunately, it also recorded many magical events that happened in the East, which gave him a certain understanding of the magical world.

Part of it is about the master of this spell, the dragon known as the Lord!
According to the records in the book, what was sealed by the Holy Lord was not only his supreme power, but also the demonic energy of fire in his body.

The demonic energy of fire is the foundation of the Holy Master. Because of the lack of demonic fire energy, he degenerated 800 years ago, and even his blood was affected.

And part of the devilish energy of fire happened to be sealed in the dragon spell.

He looked at the still red stone, and a thought flashed in his mind, he grabbed the stone and walked to the side.

Although he looks very old, but his steps are very vigorous.

He is not as fragile as he looks, but like an adult.

No one could tell that he was born at the beginning of the last century.

He is now close to 90 years old!
This is entirely the ability given to him by those ten rings. The magic power on the ten rings can keep his body in peak condition.

When he came to the wall, a white light flashed on his hand, and the wall that was originally a whole in front of him was separated from the middle.

Behind the wall is a deep corridor, like a black hole, although it can swallow people into it.

With the opening of the wall, lights were lit up inside, and the steps spiraled and spread towards the depths of the castle.

The mandarin walked down slowly with the stone in his hand.

Originally, this castle was his secret base, and everything he had was hidden underneath, which was a secret among secrets.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, he came to a room below.

The room is surrounded by solid rocks, and on the outside of the rocks, there is a layer of steel plates and various protective measures.

In the room, there are a few things scattered around, most of which are shimmering with luster.

Not a reflection of light, but like the item itself is glowing!
These are magical creations!

All of them are collected by Mandarin over the years.

Suddenly walked quickly to a safe in front of the front.

As the box was opened, a disc made of gold appeared inside.

The disc is extremely exquisite, but the eyes of the Mandarin are not here at all.

Instead, he looked at the dozen or so fangs on the disc. These teeth were very slender, as if they were some kind of beast's teeth.

Against the backdrop of the gold disc, it looks even more slender and white.

Looking at these teeth, the man's heart is also burning hot.

"Dragon Tooth!"

This is the information he found when he was looking for the classics.

It is not only spells that can break the seal of the Holy Lord, but also the teeth of these Holy Lords!

It is said that these teeth are attached to the demonic energy of fire of the Holy Lord.

It's a pity that after all these years, since he found these teeth, he has not found any power in them.

If it weren't for the indestructibility of these teeth, he would have thought these were all lies.

But is it just right to get a charm that seems to contain the magic energy of fire?

Just in time to try!

Thinking of this, he slowly placed the stone between the dragon's teeth!

"Don't let me down!"

As the stone was lowered, as if some kind of chain reaction had occurred, the entire disc began to vibrate.

The mandarin's eyes became brighter and brighter.

On the stone between the dragon teeth, the red light on the surface slowly disappeared.

Like a stream of water, the red light flowed to the surrounding dragon teeth.

With the red light on the dragon's teeth, the entire golden disc instantly melted into a scalding liquid.

The sound of blood boiling resounded throughout the basement.

(End of this chapter)

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