Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 102 Branches and Chapters 1

102 Chapter 1
But Ma Daha heard the meaning behind the scarface's words, which was warning him: You are just a dog, and I am the master, and only you can bite if I let you bite.

And I won't let you bite people, if you bite people, you just don't treat me as your master.

Scarface looked at Ma Daha quietly, waiting for his reply.

Ma Daha's back was sweating coldly, afraid that he would say something wrong and make Scarface bear grudges.After all, no matter how bad he is in ordinary coolies, pretending to be the boss, but he is not the real boss after all.

Scarface is the one who controls all the coolies, even his life and death.

Ma Daha finally lowered his head: "The little one doesn't dare to make decisions on his own. If the two of them dare to make trouble, I will report to the adults to deal with it."

Scarface gave him a cold look, which made Ma Daha's hair stand on end, and then slowly said: "It's so good."

Afterwards, Scarface left, and Ma Daha let out a long breath.

Although Ma Daha was a slave in front of Scarface, but after Scarface left, he regained the strong appearance of a bully.

"Tie the two of them up for me, and they are not allowed to eat tonight!"

Ma Daha hated him so much that he itched: "Dare to challenge my majesty's prestige, I'm so fucking tired of it."


The moon is bright and the sky is bright, summer is approaching, Daxing Kingdom and Xiaqiu Kingdom are fighting fiercely, and the people of one side cannot sleep at night, and also suffer from a group of coolies mining in a certain town, a certain mountain and a certain valley, who miss home every night and cannot go back. During the day, he had to worry about being killed by the violent Daxing soldiers.

This world, even in the dark, is restless.

But Guo Mu fell into a deep sleep. After he lost his strength, he seemed to have thrown off all the burdens at the same time, and slept very sweetly.

He had a very strange dream.

Blood-red clouds covered the sky, and wild geese with broken wings fell from the sky whining, just like the destruction of hope.Guo Mu dragged his weary pace and walked aimlessly. As far as he could see, there were ruins and ruins, and the flames of war continued. There were no grasses or tall trees in sight.

"Where am I?"

"Blue ghost, blue ghost, is this your world?"

The blue ghost didn't answer him, never did.Guo Mu felt a strong uneasiness in his heart, but he didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

The arrow sticks to a strange corpse.

Guo Muqiang endured his fear and opened the corpse, only to find that the dead was not a human being, but a strange humanoid creature.It is short and multi-legged, with long pointed nails on its five fingers, and more importantly, it has rudimentary wings on its back.

"What the hell is this?" Guo Mu had never seen or heard of it.

There was a shiny thing under the dead body, and Guo Mu suddenly became curious, bent down, and wanted to take a closer look.Unexpectedly, the dead body suddenly came back to life, its rotten eyes opened wide, and it grabbed Guo Mu's neck at lightning speed.

Guo Mu was terrified and frantically trying to break free.

suddenly woke up from the dream,
(End of this chapter)

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