Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 109 Almost Being Shot into a Hedgehog 4

Chapter 109 Almost Being Shot into a Hedgehog 4
Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they immediately became nervous again. It turned out that one of the three soldiers who were dozing off on the ground suddenly stood up, rubbed his eyes, and walked towards them!
Third Young Master Feng wanted to escape, but Guo Mu immediately grabbed him and signaled him: Don't move, you will be discovered if you move, and all your plans will be ruined if you are discovered!

Guo Mu leaned down slowly, his clothes were gray, if the soldiers had poor eyesight, they might not be able to spot them.Seeing this, Feng San followed Guo Mu's example and shrank his body.At the same time, Guo Mu is also quietly mobilizing the little energy left in his body to deal with the sudden possible situation.

Ever since he squandered Yuanli that day, Guo Mu began to understand that controlling Yuanli is not as simple as he imagined.He must learn to be able to restrain and stop, to use as much energy as he wants, and not to be unable to restrain himself once he uses it like before.

The experience of being in a coma last time told him that there must be no energy in his body, otherwise, it would be easy to cause damage to his body and soul.

It can be seen from this that even when he was unable to practice before, there was still energy in his body, but under the suppression of the blue ghost, no one discovered it, and neither did he himself.

Although he knows that the control of Yuanli must be precise, in order to attack others without hurting himself.But with Guo Mu's current strength, he still can't control it so skillfully.

Therefore, Guo Muming knew that if he made another move, he might fall into a coma again or die directly.But he still secretly mobilized Yuanli into his palm, ready to kill the soldier the moment he found them.

Even if, after killing the soldiers, he pays for himself...

He couldn't care about so much anymore, if he could kill the soldiers and let Third Young Master Feng escape, he would definitely not frown.At this moment, he has put his own life and death aside.

But Third Young Master Feng didn't know Guo Mu's plan at all, he just looked nervously at the soldiers walking slowly, praying in his heart that the soldiers would never find them.

The soldier walked a few steps, then stopped suddenly, and pulled down his pants. It turned out that he was in a hurry to urinate.

The soldier peed and peed, and suddenly let out a "huh", then squinted his eyes and looked at the place where the two were hiding.Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were so frightened that their hearts beat so fast that they didn't dare to move in place.

Was it discovered?The energy in Guo Mu's palm gathered more and more, and his dantian was empty.

Third Young Master Feng also clenched his fists. If the soldiers really found them, he could only kill them. Otherwise, he and Guo Mu would surely die.

Just when the two were very nervous, the soldier suddenly shook his head, pulled up his pants, turned and went back.

It seems that the soldiers did not find them.

The stone in Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng's heart suddenly fell to the ground.

After the soldier returned, he lay down in his original position and fell asleep again.

(End of this chapter)

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