Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 115 The Weird Book 1

Chapter 115 The Weird Book 1
"what happened?"

When the cronies and the soldiers were in a daze, a voice suddenly interrupted their imagination of ghosts.The confidant turned his head and saw Dao Scar walking over with a surprised expression on his face. Behind him was a group of soldiers and...Ma Daha.

Ma Daha stared at the figures of Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng bitterly, and hated in his heart: These two guys caused me to be scolded by Scarface. If there is a chance, I must let them survive. Please die!

Ma Daha was still cursing in his heart, but his cronies stepped forward nervously and whispered a few words into Scarface's ear, and immediately Scarface's face changed drastically: "Is it true?"

The confidant nodded, Scarface pondered for a moment and then issued an order: "Archers, take the arrow!" More than ten archers came out from behind Scarface, standing in two rows with the previous ten archers.When they were ready to go, Scarface waved slowly: "Shoot the arrow!"

The third round of rain of arrows was more intense and denser than the previous two rounds.

Everyone's eyes widened. Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were also extremely nervous. This round of arrow rain was too dense. They couldn't believe whether that mysterious person really had the strength to intercept such a large lineup of arrow rain.

If not...then the two of them will definitely die!

When Ma Daha saw that Scarface shot the arrow, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, and muttered in a low voice: "It would be great if I could be caught alive, what a pity, what a pair of male pets!"

When Scarface heard him speak, he turned his head and glared at him fiercely. Only then did Ma Daha realize that Scarface didn't like his special hobby. If it wasn't for him being able to fight, Scarface might have killed him a long time ago. No, he will not be allowed to manage the coolies at all.Thinking of this, Ma Daha hurriedly squeezed out an embarrassed smile, his scarred face hummed a little, and he didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

But when Scarface turned his head and locked his eyes on the cliff, he saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

In the third round of arrow rain, all of them fell for no reason.

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng are still unscathed!

The confidant was shocked, the mysterious person hidden behind was so powerful!Able to shoot down all feather arrows in an instant!

Ma Daha's eyes also widened, his lips rolled, and he didn't know what he was muttering. For the first time, his scarred face, which had never seen Fengyun, showed an extremely exaggerated change.

"Where is the expert?" After all, Scarface is not as shallow as his cronies. From the moment the arrow rain fell just now, his first thought was not that there was a ghost, but that there was an expert in the dark, who wanted to protect Guo Mu and Feng. Three less.

What kind of status do these two people have, so that it is worth a martial arts master to take the risk to rescue them?
No one answered him, except for the sound of wind and insects, and the heavy panting of the soldiers around him because of nervousness.

Scarface's heart sank to the bottom...

"There is really an expert rescuer, Guo Mu, let's ignore the people below, and run up, bows and arrows can't hit us!" Feng Sanshao woke up from the shock and urged excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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