Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 117 The Weird Book 3

Chapter 117 The Weird Book 3
The promotion order I thought was actually a reminder!
After a while, Scarface and the others left, and the crisis was temporarily lifted. Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, senior, for your help!" Guo Mu said loudly, but there was no response from below, and everything was black.

The mysterious expert is indeed a mysterious expert, and he has refused to show up until now.Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were a little disappointed, and shouted a few more times, but they were still only answered by whistling wind.

"Let's go up first." Feng San found it too difficult to maintain the same movement at high altitude, and his hands and feet gradually became numb.If you accidentally let go, it will fall.

I don't know if they fall, will that mysterious expert appear as fast as lightning and catch them.

At least Third Young Master Feng thinks...it's mysterious!
Guo Mu also understood this truth. After humming, he said the last words of thanks loudly again: "Thank you for your help, I, Guo Mu, will definitely repay you if you have the opportunity in the future. !"

After speaking, Guo Mu gritted his teeth and continued his arduous climb.

But what he didn't know was that at the same time, somewhere in the darkness, a black shadow smiled lightly: "It's enough to have your promise. I hope that when I find you in the future, you can really fulfill your promise." ..."

The black shadow waved his hand suddenly, and an unknown object was thrown into the air by him.The black shadow was really powerful, the unknown object did not lose its strength in the air and fell, but flew up to the top of the cliff in one go!
If anyone saw this scene, they would have to exclaim in horror. You must know that this cliff is as high as 30 meters. With just the strength of your arm, you can throw that object to such a height. Only the legendary master of martial arts can do it !

The one who saved Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng turned out to be such a powerful person!

After a lot of hard work, Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao climbed up the cliff. Several times on the way, the two of them almost fell due to loss of strength.

On the top of the cliff, the two were lying on the ground, gasping for breath.While recovering their exhausted physical strength, they rejoiced at their narrow escape.

"I can't believe it, we actually survived..." Feng Sanshao said in disbelief.

Guo Mu smiled slightly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the faint moonlight shone into his eyes: "Next, where should we go?"

"Get out of here...or, sleep first."

"Sleeping? Are you afraid of the nearby Daxing soldiers coming?" Guo Muke remembered that when he first came here, there were many Daxing army barracks along the road to the cliff.

Perhaps, Scarface also thought of this, so he was willing to let them escape. In his opinion, even if Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng successfully climbed to the top of the cliff, they would not be able to bypass the heavily guarded Daxing Army barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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