Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 122 The Blue Ghost's Request 4

Chapter 122 The Blue Ghost's Request 4
It seems that in the future, it is absolutely impossible to use Yuanli so casually, otherwise, the damage to the soul will be immeasurable.

After all, this is not the soul world, and it is not so easy to replenish Yuanli.

The last soldier was killed by Third Young Master Feng pulling out the saber of the dead soldier. Before the moment, he opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to call for help, but he could never cry out for help.

After a while, Guo Mu and Feng Sanshao put on the armor of Daxing soldiers and put on their swords, as if they couldn't tell the truth from the fake.After dragging the corpse to an imperceptible corner, the two walked deep into the woods.

At this time, the officer from the Daxing barracks also jumped on his horse and ran towards the place where the fire was shining. Behind him, a thousand soldiers of Daxing followed in a row of four.


Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng were walking when suddenly a cold voice sounded.They hurriedly stopped, but they didn't dare to turn their heads, for fear of being recognized by others.

Five Daxing soldiers walked around in front of them, and the captain looked up and down at Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng: "What are you doing here, do you want to be deserters?"

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng shook their heads hurriedly.

The captain snorted coldly: "This is the last cordon, don't wander here if you have nothing to do, otherwise it's not good to be treated as a deserter!"

Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng hurriedly nodded their thanks, and then hurriedly turned around.

"Wait..." the captain said suddenly.

The two felt a chill, could they have been discovered?

"My lord, what else is there?" Feng Sanshao said fearfully.

But the captain came over, patted him on the shoulder lightly, and signaled him not to be nervous: "It's like this, I gambled with my brothers, and the bet was big, and the salary was used up again, hey, no, I want to It's still not up..."

Third Young Master Feng immediately understood that the captain was trying to blackmail him. After he touched his pocket, he immediately wept, "My lord, I don't seem to have any silver on me..."

The captain suddenly changed his face: "Boy, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. Don't think that I don't know that you two want to escape. Anyway, I caught you today. If you don't know each other, I will take you down." Give it to General Song."

As the captain said, he also drew half of the saber from his waist, and the other soldiers under him also drew out their swords and put them on the necks of Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng.

He was still smiling just now, but he changed his face in a blink of an eye. This soldier is not a simple person!

"My lord, wait..." Guo Mu said suddenly, then touched around his body, and finally found a piece of silver that was not too big or small.When the captain saw Yinzi, his eyes lit up immediately, he snatched it from Guo Mu's hand, and stuffed it into his arms.

"That's all?" The captain looked at Guo Mu suspiciously.

Guo Mu nodded.

The captain winked at his subordinates: "Search!"

When it was confirmed that Guo Mu and Third Young Master Feng really had no money left, the captain cursed in disappointment: "Damn, poor ghost, you are poorer than me!" Then he waved his hand: "Go back, don't come near here again! I'll forgive you this time, but I won't do it next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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