Hongmeng Evil Lord

125 Chapter 3 Hard Escape Part [-]

125 Chapter 3 Hard Escape Part [-]
In the woods, Third Young Master Feng quickly lost his way, and three soldiers were chasing after him.

His situation at this time was the same as that of Guo Mu at that time, that is, he had reached the end of his strength, and his running speed began to slow down, while the soldiers chasing him still had strength to spare.

"Could it be that the hero of my life is about to die here, my God..." Feng Sanshao cried out in his heart.

Suddenly, there were a few strange noises behind him, he ran five or six steps and looked back, only to see that the three soldiers had disappeared, while "Guo Mu" was standing quietly not far away.

"Hey... Guo Mu, why are you here?"

Young Master Feng looked around while walking towards Guo Mu.

He didn't know that the "Guo Mu" at this time was not the real Guo Mu, but the blue ghost who temporarily controlled Guo Mu's body.

The blue ghost looked at the person Guo Mu kept urging him to rescue with great interest, and said to Guo Mu who was temporarily shrunk in the sea of ​​​​consciousness: "How did you make such a weak friend, tsk tsk, too weak..."

Guo Mu rolled his eyes and pushed back: "It's none of your business..."

Facing the blue ghost, Guo Mu really couldn't maintain his usual calmness.It seems that as long as he talks to the blue ghost, he will become impetuous and irritable.

"Don't let him know you exist, I don't want him to think I'm a monster!"

Having been with Third Young Master Feng for so long, Guo Mu knew very well that Third Young Master Feng was just an ordinary disciple of an aristocratic family, and the highest level he came into contact with was just a martial arts practitioner. Maybe Third Young Master Feng hadn't even heard of it.

Not to mention, the person occupying Guo Mu's body now is a guy whose origin Guo Mu himself can't figure out.

He is neither like a Yuan cultivator, nor like the cultivator described by Xiao Niu.

The blue ghost seems to be just a remnant soul, residing in Guo Mu's body, but this remnant soul has a great temper, and often shows contempt for ascetics and Yuan cultivators.

Who is he, is he right and wrong, why does he exist in Guo Mu's body, and why did he ask Guo Mu to borrow his body once every six days?

Guo Mu didn't know, so in his heart, he was very wary of the blue ghost.

"Okay, things like acting don't bother me."

Lan Gui suppressed the evil smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at Third Young Master Feng who was running over, and said flatly: "I just got rid of those two soldiers who were chasing me, so I rushed over to join you as soon as possible."

Feng Sanshao said suspiciously: "Hey, there were three soldiers chasing me just now, why are they missing..."

Young Master Feng looked left and right, but he still didn't see the figures of the three soldiers. The woods began to fall into a deathly silence, only the blue ghost stood there expressionlessly, like a stone sculpture.

The blue ghost smiled softly, the three soldiers who chased and killed Third Young Master Feng just now, when he came out, waved and wiped them out, the soldiers' corpses turned into fly ash, how could Third Young Master Feng see it.

Ordinary people are ordinary people after all.

"It seems that there was a drum beating in the barracks just now. They should have gone back to assemble, so they don't care about chasing you..." Lan Gui said slowly.


Third Young Master Feng touched the back of his head, thinking in his heart, was there a drumbeat just now?Why didn't he hear it?
(End of this chapter)

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