Hongmeng Evil Lord

Chapter 134 The Shameless Blue Ghost 5

Chapter 134 The Shameless Blue Ghost 5
Third Young Master Feng glanced at the third prince, who nodded his head. Third Young Master Feng was even more suspicious, but chose to leave under the sincere eyes of the two.

"Guo Mu...don't mess around!"

Third Young Master Feng glared at Lan Gui, who had no expression on his face, as if he didn't hear it at all.


"Dare to ask where the master comes from?"

When only the third prince and the blue ghost were left in the tent of the Chinese army, the third prince finally clasped his fists and asked.The blue ghost glanced at him, and the contempt in his eyes was self-evident, but the third prince was unmoved at all, with the smile on his face still, and his attitude was extremely sincere.

"I, I don't know where I come from..." Just kidding, do you need to explain your origin to a mortal?
The third prince thought that his question seemed too abrupt, so he changed the subject again, obliquely probing the purpose of the blue ghost coming here.The blue ghost thought he was annoying, so he pointed out that he was not here to help the Daxing army, and he didn't care about their painful wars.After that, the blue ghost half-baked the third prince's question.

The third prince made sure that the blue ghost would not lean to any side, otherwise he wouldn't be talking nonsense with him here.Although he didn't know the reason why the cultivators appeared here, the stone in the third prince's heart was finally settled.He believed that a Taoist like Blue Ghost would not lie.

After the most important question was answered, the third prince saw that the blue ghost was a little younger, so he wanted to win over him. However, after probing a few words, the blue ghost showed no interest at all. Offend the blue ghost.

After the secret talk, Lan Gui and Third Young Master Feng were entertained by the third prince, which made many lieutenants puzzled.

You know, just a mile away, the soldiers of the border army in Xiaqiu Town are fighting with the Daxing soldiers to the death.The third prince is not a stupid person, otherwise he would not have been the first general of the border town for so many years, but because of this, at such a critical moment, the third prince even temporarily added a banquet to entertain two seemingly ordinary people. Man, this is really... puzzling.

Also from this time on, many soldiers of the town border army took down the appearance of Feng Sanshao and Lan Gui, and for a long time afterwards, rumors about the incident that happened today were spread throughout the town border army. Strange speculations and rumors.

This result, even Guo Mu did not expect that Lan Gui would use his identity to help him solve several crises in the future.


In terms of bravery, the soldiers of Xia Qiu State are far inferior to the tiger and wolf soldiers of Daxing State.

However, in this war, Daxing Kingdom's front line was stretched too long, so that there were not enough soldiers, and Xiaqiu Kingdom was waiting for work at ease, and had an advantage in numbers, so it was able to seize the right time to launch a counterattack and force Daxing Army to retreat.

The town border army led by the third prince has 5000 people, while the Daxing army guarding the gold mine has only 3000 people. After several hours of fierce fighting, the Daxing army finally couldn't hold on, and began to fight and retreat. In the end, when there were only three or four hundred people left, they collapsed.

The town frontier army finally won the battle in front of them.

At this time, the valley with the gold mine was also very lively.

In fact, Scarface had already heard the news of the call from the frontier army in Xiaqiu Town, and the chief officer of the Daxing Army stationed here ordered him to transport all the hoarded gold sand away, so that Xia Qiuguo could not get a single cent!
Therefore, Scarface temporarily ordered people to search for several fishing boats from nearby fishermen, together with their spare military ships, and planned to transport the gold sand away in this way.

The soldiers were as busy as ants on a hot pot, and all the coolies, including Ma Daha, were driven into the grove by Scarface.These coolies didn't know what Scarface wanted to do, but after much deliberation, it couldn't be a good thing.

When all the gold sand was transported onto the ship, Scar's face was gloomy, and he ordered several of his cronies: "All miners, shoot to kill, and don't leak any news about the gold mine!"

At the last moment, Xing Bing finally waved his butcher's knife at these poor coolies!

(End of this chapter)

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